SECTION III: Facilities, Resources, and Services
Available for student use are two locker rooms located on the first floor, 1W204 and 1W207. If a student is interested in having a locker in one of the two locker rooms at the School of Nursing complete the following:
- Select a locker in either room by placing the lock on the locker and
- Complete the Locker Sign-Up Form.
DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THE LOCKER WITHOUT A LOCK! Students will need to remove the contents and lock by the end of their program. An email reminder will be sent approximately two weeks in advance.
Additionally, 1W207 has kitchen space for student use and includes one refrigerator, one microwave, and a Keurig coffee maker. Students should place their name and date on all items that are put in the refrigerator – if there is not a name or date, the food could be thrown away. Students must keep the space in order by cleaning up after themselves, or these items will be removed. This is a shared space, and everyone should be respectful.
If you have any questions, contact