School Based Health Center Enrollment

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What We Offer

Our School-Based Health Centers offer a variety of health services conveniently on-site in your school and feature no out-of-pocket cost and no copays.

We also work directly with your primary care doctor and bill your insurance for services received. If you do not have a doctor or insurance, we will work with you to connecti with a doctor or obtain insurance.

Our team features family and pediatric nurse practitioners, licensed clinical social workers / therapists, and ambulatory technicians to provide services in your school building.

Services Provided

  • Treatment for injuries and illnesses
  • Prescriptions and over the counter medications for illnesses
  • On-site Lab services, including throat cultures, flu and covid-19 testing
  • Immunizations/Vaccines
  • Physicals for sports and work permit
  • Adolescent Health counseling
  • Mental Health Assessments, counseling and referrals
  • We provide after-hours coverage 24 hours a day 7 days a week for our patients by calling (585) 435-2332

Student Information

Your ethnicity refers to your background heritage, culture, religion, ancestry or sometimes the country where you were born.
Please enter the other ethnicity
Your race is the group(s) that you relate to as having similar features, traits or birthplace, you may select up to 4 choices.
Please enter the other home language
Student Address
eg. 12345 or 12345-1234
eg: 555-555-1212

Parent / Legal Guardian Information

Please describe relationship
Parent / Guardian's Address (if different than student address)
eg. 12345 or 12345-1234
eg: 555-555-1212
Please describe relationship
eg: 555-555-1212

Student Brief Medical History

eg: 555-555-1212
eg: 555-555-1212

Student Health Insurance Information

Parent / Legal Guardian Authorization for Release / Disclosure of Medical Information

My signature authorizes the exchange of medical information between the School-Based Health Center (SBHC) and the Rochester City School District's School Nurse Office in order for my child to receive health care services in the SBHC . I also consent to allow the SBHC access to my child's academic schedule to facilitate appointment scheduling and further consent to the exchange of information concerning appointment dates and times with my child's teachers. No medical information will be released to teachers by SBHC staff. I understand that only information required by state law and/or information to protect the health and safety of the student will be disclosed to the Nurse's Office and only information needed to provide continuity of care will be exchanged with other health care offices. I also consent to allow SBHC Mental Health providers to exchange the following information to the school's social and emotional team (Social Worker, Counselors, Psychologist): scheduled appointment dates and times, counseling treatment plan/goals and referrals provided to support my child's continuity of care for mental health/counseling services.

Information required by RCSD may include but is not limited to:

  • New Entrant exams
  • Immunizations
  • Vision and Hearing Screening Results
  • Tuberculin Test Results

Information to Protect Health and Safety may include but is not limited to:

  • Conditions which may require emergency medical treatment
  • Conditions which limit a student’s daily activity
  • Diagnosis of certain communicable diseases (not including HIV infection/STI and other confidential services protected by law).

I understand that:

  • I may cancel this authorization at any time by submitting a written request to the School-Based Health Center address 1801 E. Main Street Rochester, NY 14609 (attention Director for UR SBHC) or by e-mail sent to SBHCSON@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU, except where a disclosure has already been made in reliance on my prior authorization.
  • If the person or facility receiving disclosed private health information is not a health care or medical insurance provider covered by privacy regulations, the information stated above could be re-disclosed.
  • If the authorized information is protected by Federal Confidentiality Rules related to substance abuse, it may not be disclosed without my written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations.
  • Release of HIV-related information requires additional authorization.
  • Access to School-Based Health Center services is not conditioned on this authorization.
  • Time Period During Which Release of Information is Authorized: Valid From: Date the form is signed To: Date that student is no longer enrolled in the School-Based Health Center or graduation date from Rochester City School District

I agree that my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual / handwritten signature on this document. Please type your name, to confirm that you have completed this form on February 22, 2025 to the best of your ability.

Please confirm before submitting

To help us ensure the accuracy of your information, please confirm that the following items are correct before submitting.

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