The School-Based Health Centers represent a collaboration between the Rochester City School District and University of Rochester School of Nursing to improve the health, mental health, and overall well-being of students in an accessible, youth-friendly, and confidential setting.
The University of Rochester School of Nursing School-Based Health Centers provide comprehensive physical and mental health services at East Upper and Lower School and James Monroe High School in the City of Rochester.
How to Enroll
A parent or legal guardian must sign the enrollment/consent form, which can be picked up at a Health Center or completed online here.
More than 4,000 visits are made each year by city students in grades 6 through 12. All students have access to health care regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status, and incur no out-of-pocket expenses. Services are available in-person or through telehealth.
Staffed and supported by nurse practitioners, licensed social workers, and ambulatory techs from the School of Nursing, the Centers provide:
Physicals, primary and preventative services
Mental health assessments and ongoing mental health therapy
Medication management
Diagnosis, treatment, and management of acute illnesses and injuries
Collaboration with the child’s Primary Health Provider (if they have one established)
Adolescent health counseling
Population-based primary prevention
On-site referral to Eastman School-Based Dental Service (East location)
Asthma attacks are a common condition treated at both of our health centers. Within minutes of an attack, medication and steroids can be administered on-site, instead of in an emergency room, improving health outcomes for students and substantially reducing healthcare costs.
These hospital-based clinics, authorized by the New York State Department of Health, are a part of Strong Memorial Hospital and UR Medicine.
Expanding access, empowering students
Adolescence is a crucial period for developing and maintaining physical, social and emotional well-being. Our School-Based Health Center team provides education and support in areas of a healthy choices, developing coping skills, problem solving, along with focused treatment and interventions for anxiety, depression, PTSD, and increasing resilience.
Check out our video, or download our School-Based Health Center Information Sheet to learn more.