SECTION II: Policies and Procedures for all Students
Classroom Behavior and Expectations for Personal Conduct
To support the philosophy of the learning community of the UR SON, the following guidelines are offered to describe acceptable classroom behavior. These guidelines have been compiled based on student and faculty input. They are to be followed to enhance the environment of the learning community of the SON. The consequences of irresponsible classroom behavior will be at the discretion of the professor.
Respect for the learning of others, as well as a courtesy to fellow students, is of primary importance to us as learners and educators. Two specific areas will be addressed in these guidelines: timeliness and use of cell phones. All learners in the SON are expected to follow these principles:
Students should make every effort to arrive at class on time and to remain in the classroom while class is in session. Coming and going once class has started is extremely disruptive both to the students and to the professor. If a student believes they may need to leave the class early, that student should sit near the exit. Any movement in and out of the classroom, while class is in session, should be done infrequently and with minimal disruption.
Except for class-related activities (such as digital tools for quizzes, Poll Everywhere, or other facultydirected activities), cell phone use in the classroom is not acceptable. Students should place cell phones on silent or vibrate mode during class and defer answering calls and texts until the end of class.
Clinical Sites: Cell phones may be used for diagnosis, medications, and treatment options if there is not a computer available for student use, preferably after you explain to the patient and family the reason for using your phone. Cell phones must always be on vibrate mode in any clinical environment. If the clinical agency does NOT allow the use of cell phones in the clinical area, then the student is not allowed to use the cell phone in that particular clinical agency.
Students are also encouraged to:
Keep noise levels down in hallways while waiting for a class to finish.
Take responsibility for removing or disposing of any food or beverage containers used while in class.
Return desks and chairs to their proper places prior to leaving the classroom.
Civility Link to section
The University of Rochester School of Nursing (SON) seeks to provide an environment for learning and teaching that is respectful of diverse persons and points of view in all classrooms, electronic, and clinical settings. Consistent with this goal, it is expected that diverse perspectives and opinions will be expressed respectfully and professionally. Incivility, intolerance, hate speech, and abusive behaviors are considered professional misconduct and will be acted upon accordingly.
Social media expectations Link to section
Students should review the latest guidelines found in URMC's Social Media Toolkit.