April Haberyan, PhD, MS, RN, CNE

April Haberyan, PhD, MS, RN, CNE

(Pronouns: she/her/hers)
  • Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing
  • Co-Director APNN Program


An award-winning educator, scholar and nurse, April Haberyan joined the UR School of Nursing faculty in 2022. She has extensive experience in behavioral and mental health and wellness and is a recognized expert in disaster response. Prior to joining the UR School of Nursing, she held faculty roles at Troy State University, Northwest Missouri State University, St. Luke's College of Health Sciences, Park University and the Finger Lakes Health College of Nursing. She began her career as a staff nurse on an inpatient psychiatric unit at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center and has served as an administrative director of a hospital mental health unit, a health coach, and as a behavioral health nurse educator and nurse residency program manager. She has been honored with numerous awards, including the Missouri Governor's Award for Excellence in Education and the Indispensable Woman of the Year Award from Northwest Missouri State. She earned her bachelor's in nursing and a master's in adult psychiatric mental health nursing from the University of Rochester and a master's in psychology and a doctorate in social psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Dean's Appreciation Award
School of Nursing, University of Rochester, 2023

Josephine Craytor Nursing Faculty Award
School of Nursing, University of Rochester, 2023

Excellence in Academic Advising
Park University, 2017

Excellence in Teaching Award
The National Society of Leadership and Success, 2016

Missouri Governor's Award for Excellence in Education
Northwest Missouri State University, 2010

College of Education and Human Services Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching
Northwest Missouri State University, 2010
Incorporating the 4Ms Framework of Age-Friendly Health Systems into an Undergraduate Mental Health Nursing Simulation
Jennifer Truax and Kaleigh Sullivan
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 38th Annual Conference, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2024
Louisville, Kentucky

The Effect of Emotional Content on Text Recall
J. Barnett & L. Weisbach
Annual Convention, American Psychological Society, 2017
Boston, Massachusetts

A Modified Replication of the Effects of Mind-Body Dualism on Health Behavior
J. Barnett
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2014

Academic Entitlement, Narcissism, and Emotional Intelligence
J. Barnett
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2011

The Impact of Intruder Drills on Students' Perceptions of Anxiety and Safety
J. Barnett & Francis, A.
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2010

International Humanitarian Law at the Higher Education Level
American Red Cross National Headquarters, 2010

Gender, college students' fear of victimization, and behavior: a complex relationship
Francis, A.
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2009

Suicide prevention training for resident assistants: results of the Northwest Missouri State University Training Model
J. KIbler
American Counseling Association, 2008

Collaborative testing does not increase longer-term memory of course content
D. Dunham
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2007

Collaborative testing, achievement, and personality: who chooses to collaborate and do they benefit?
J. Barnett
American Psychological Association, 2006

The rates of physical violence in midwestern adolescent dating relationships
J. KIbler
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2006

Suicide ideation, depression, and alcohol abuse: examination of rural adolescent health behaviors
J. KIbler
American Psychological Society National Convention, 2006
Lesher, B., Witt, J., Woodward, R., & Haberyan, A. (2021). New graduate RN perinatal internship.. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52 (1), 47-52. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20201215-12

(2021). New graduate RN perinatal internship. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. PMID: 33373008 DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20201215-12

Donna M. Ehrlich and Jeff A. Ehrlich and April Haberyan (2020). Storytelling in a First-Year Seminar. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 15, 105-121. DOI: 10.46504/15202006eh

Haberyan, A. & Corson, M. (2014). Developing Resiliency Skill Sets in Emergency and Disaster Management Students. IAEM Bulletin, 31, 22-23.

Haberyan, A. & Barnett, J. (2010). Collaborative Testing and Achievement: Are two heads really better than one?. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 37, 49-56.

Hiatt, S. & Haberyan, A. (2008). Planning, organizing, implementing a crisis/emergency response conference.. The Counseling Interviewer, 41, 10-13.

Haberyan, A. & Hiatt, S. (2008). Disaster Facts: What school guidance counselors need to know.. The Counseling Interviewer, 41, 7-9.

Kibler, J., Haberyan, A., Wilmes, G. & Murr, V. (2008). Suicide Prevention: A rural University's response. The Counseling Interviewer, 41, 20-24.

Haberyan, A. & Kibler, J. (2008). Physical violence in rural and urban Midwestern adolescent dating relationships. Psychology Journal, 5, 158-164.

Kibler, J. & Haberyan, A. (2008). Suicide prevention training for resident assistants: results of the Northwest training module.. http://counselingoutfitters.com/vistas/vistas_2008_Title.htm.

Dunham, D. & Haberyan, A. (2007). Collaborative test-taking: memory enhancement or grade inflation?. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, 12, 19-28.

Haberyan, A. (2007). Team-based learning in and I/O Psychology course.. North American Journal of Psychology, 9, 143-151.

Haberyan, A. & Hendrix, R. (2002). Common Psychotropic Medications in the Classroom.. The Counseling Interviewer, 34.
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