- Phone: (585) 274-0315
- Office: HWH 4W126
- Email: Jenn Truax
Jenn Truax, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM
(Pronouns: She/Her)
- Instructor of Clinical Nursing
- Masters in Nursing Education, 2020. University of Rochester School of Nursing. Rochester, NY
- Masters in Health Care Organization Leadership and Management, 2013. University of Rochester School of Nursing. Rochester, NY
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2007. Hartwick College. Oneonta, NY
Instructor of Clinical Nursing - APNN Program, University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 3/2022 - Current
OB/GYN Service Senior Nurse Educator, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY, US. 4/2018 - Current
Case Study Writer, periFACTS OB/GYN Academy, Rochester, NY, US. 7/2013 - Current
Clinical Instructor for APNN Program – OB/GYN, University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 9/2014 - 6/2022
Third-Party Reproduction Coordinator, URMC – Strong Fertility Center, Rochester, NY, US. 8/2016 - 4/2018
OB/GYN Service Nurse Educator, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY, US. 6/2013 - 8/2016
Registered Nurse, Strong Memorial Hospital (High-Risk Antepartum/PP/GYN unit), Rochester, NY, US. 6/2007 - 6/2013
Patient Care Technician, Rochester Regional Hospital, Rochester, NY, US. 6/2006 - 1/2007
Patient Care Technician, Rochester Regional Hospital, Rochester, NY, US. 6/2004 - 8/2004
Outstanding Faculty Colleague Award
U of R School of Nursing, 2023
Outstanding Faculty Award - EdIT
U of R School of Nursing, 2022
Case Study Writing
School of Nursing APNN Faculty Workshop,, 2022
Rochester, New York
Can you Escape? The use of an escape room as active learning for nursing students
SEWNY Simulation Summit Content Submission, 2022
Rochester, New York
Backfill Voiding Trial
Same day surgery nursing staff, 2022
High-Risk Obstetrics for Emergency Room Nurse Residents
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2022
Horizontal Violence in HealthCare
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
Horizontal Violence in HealthCare
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
OB/GYN Preceptor Development
OB/GYN nurse preceptors, University of Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital, 2021
Rochester, New York
Horizontal Violence in HealthCare
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
Horizontal Violence in HealthCare
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
High-Risk Obstetrics for Emergency Room Nurse Residents
ED Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
Horizontal Violence in HealthCare
Hospital Nurse Residency Program session, 2021
Truax, J. (2022). Clinical Case Study: S.J., associated article: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome- New Management Approaches. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, Jennifer (2022). Clinical Case Study: W.N., associated article: How would a Plaintiff’s Attorney Assess a Less Than Optimal Obstetric Outcome. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, Jennifer (2022). Clinical Case Study: P.J., associated article: Understanding the Pathophysiology and Management of the Fetal Growth-Restricted Fetus. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, Jennifer (2022). Clinical Case Study: R.A., associated article: Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy,.
Truax, J. (2022). Clinical Case Study: B.K., associated article: Insulin Management in Obstetrics. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2022). Clinical Case Study: W.S., associated article: Placenta Accreta Spectrum. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2022). Clinical Case Study: E.K., associated article: Vaginal Infections in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2021). Clinical Case Study: S.C., associated article: Risks of the Nulliparous Patient of Advanced Maternal Age. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2021). Clinical Case Study: B.M., associated article: Managing Labor for The Borderline Viable Fetus. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2021). Clinical Case Study: L.T., associated article: Maternal Sepsis in Obstetrics. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2020). Clinical Case Study: G.M., associated article: Spinal Cord Injury in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2020). Clinical Case Study: B.K, associated article: Diabetes and First Trimester of Pregnancy: An ounce of prevention is worth 7 pounds of treatment. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2020). Clinical Case Study: O.M., associated article: Care of the Transgender Patient. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2020). Clinical Case Study: W.D, associated article: Shoulder Dystocia. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2020). Clinical Case Study: H.S., associated article: Nitrous Oxide Analgesia in Labor. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2019). Clinical Case Study: F.H., associated article: Breast Cancer in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2019). Clinical Case Study: K.I, associated article: Evaluation of the Neonate at Risk for Sepsis. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2019). Clinical Case Study: B.H, associated article: Resuscitation in the Birthing Room: Family Reactions when Joyous Anticipation Turns to Shock. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2019). Clinical Case Study: N.M, associated article: Microbiota of the Bladder. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2018). Clinical Case Study: H.J, associated article: Operative Vaginal Delivery. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2018). Clinical Case Study: P.J, associated article: Oxytocin in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2018). Clinical Case Study: G.K, associated article: Obesity in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2018). Clinical Case Study: G.N., associated article: Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2017). Clinical Case Study: B.M, associated article: Fetal Growth Restriction. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2017). Clinical Case Study: M.C, associated article: Postpartum Depression. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2017). Clinical Case Study: H.B, associated article: Implementing a Process to Screen Survivors of Violence for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2016). Clinical Case Study: B.M, associated article: Stabilization of the Neonate for Transportation. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2016). Clinical Case Study: J.A, associated article: Air Transport of the Pregnancy Patient.. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2015). Clinical Case Study: R.S, associated article: Cervical Ripening. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.
Truax, J. (2015). Clinical Case Study: Y.D, associated article: Induction of Labor. periFACTS OB/GYN Academy.