- Phone: (585) 275-8889
- Office: HWH 4W165
- Email: Madeline Schmitt
Madeline Schmitt, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP
- Professor Emeritus
- Professor of Nursing
- PhD in Sociology, 1976. State University of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY
- MA in Sociology, 1970. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY
- BS in Nursing, 1965. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY
Research/Clinical Consultant, RAMP (Rochester Adolescent Maternity Program). Current
PhD Consulant, Azusa Pacific University, School of Nursing, US. 3/2006 - Current
Faculty Associate and part time Professor, Professor Emeritus. 7/2005 - Current
Meeting Consulant on Preliminary Report, Canadian Health Service Research Foundation ("promoting Effective Teamwork and Health Care in Canada), Ottawa, CA. 1/2005 - Current
DNS Program Consulant, Arizona State University, AZ, US. 2004 - Current
Faculty Senate, University of Rochester. 4/2004 - Current
Medical Center representative to the Group on Mutiprofessional Education (GOMPE), University of Rochester. 2003 - Current
Sponsoring Faculty member and Mentor, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. 2002 - Current
Medical Center Education Task Force, None. 1996 - Current
Medical Center Cancer Implementation Team, None (Research Priorities). 1996 - Current
Search Committee (Chair), University of Rochester, School of Nursing (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs). 1995 - Current
Search Committee (Co-Chair), University of Rochester (Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies). 1994 - Current
Reviewer, None (University of Rochester Pepper Center grant proposal in geriatrics). 5/1993 - Current
University Human Values Cluster Associate/ Executive Committee, None. 9/1982 - Current
Nursing Research Consultant, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (Cancer Nursing Research Development Grant). 8/1978 - Current
Faculty Advisory Committee, None (Review of Deanship in the School of Nursing). 1977 - Current
Reviewer of research proposals, Health Research council (New York State Health Planning Commission). 12/1977 - Current
None (Mini- course on small groups offered under the Rochester Plan). 1974 - Current
Nursing Alumnae Council, None. 9/1974 - Current
Member of Expert Panel, University of Kansas Medical Center ("Patient-Hospital Interface Study"). 7/1974 - Current
Nursing Education Consultant, University of Rochester, School of Nursing ans School of Medicine (Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Project). 1/1972 - Current
Faculty Advisor, None. 1/1972 - Current
Coordinator, MS/PhD Program, None. 7/2000 - 6/2005
Independence Foundation Chair in Nursing and Interprofessional Education, None. 7/1997 - 6/2005
Coordinator Doctoral Program, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 7/1995 - 6/2005
University Council on Graduate Studies and Steering Committee (UCGS), None. 9/1994 - 2005
Professor of Nursing, None. 7/1992 - 7/2005
Consulant to Partners for Quality Education CITE and Partnership grantees annual meeting, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Atlanta, GA, US. 2001 - 2002
Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Governance, None. 1999 - 2001
Search Committee, None (Dean U of R School of Nursing). 1999 - 2000
Faculty Senate, University of Rochester. 4/1996 - 4/1999
University Library Committee, Senate Liaison, None. 5/1996 - 5/1998
University of Rochester (Faculty Senate, Executive Committee). 5/1996 - 1998
University Council on Graduate Studies and Steering Committee (UCGS), None. 1994 - 1997
University Committee on Tenure and Privileges, None. 6/1994 - 6/1997
Interim Director Doctoral Program, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 7/1994 - 6/1995
Interim Chair, University of Rochester School of Nursing (Division of Health Restoration). 9/1992 - 5/1993
Medical Center Search Committee, Cancer Center Director, None. 11/1991 - 8/1993
University Faculty Affairs Committee, None. 1/1990 - 9/1992
Faculty Senate Committee on Minorities, None. 11/1990 - 4/1992
Medical Center Space Committee, None. 3/1990 - 4/1992
Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 7/1978 - 6/1992
Board of Directors, None (Faculty Club). 5/1986 - 5/1988
Council on University Programs, None. 1/1986 - 1/1988
University Committee on Tenure and Privileges, None. 9/1986 - 5/1988
Associate Professor of Oncology in the Cancer Center, None. 11/1984 - 6/1987
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Rochester. 7/1978 - 6/1987
University Search Committee, Dean, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 4/1985 - 5/1986
University Bridging Fellowship Committee, None. 4/1982 - 5/1986
University Women's Studies Cluster Associate, None. 9/1982 - 5/1986
Committee on University Goals, None. 5/1985 - 11/1985
Faculty Budget Advisory Committee, Senate Liaison, None. 12/1983 - 4/1985
Faculty Senate, Executive Committee, University of Rochester. 9/1983 - 4/1985
University of Rochester Faculty Senate, University of Rochester. 4/1982 - 4/1985
Assistant Professor of Oncology in the Cancer Center, None. 7/1983 - 10/1984
HEP Clinical Service/ Education Group, None. 9/1982 - 4/1984
Member, New York State Nurses' Association (Council on Research in Nursing). 1978 - 1983
Director, University of Rochester School of Nursing (Faculty Research Development). 4/1977 - 9/1980
Ad Hoc Committee, None (Faculty Compensation). 4/1977 - 1979
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Rochester, Department of Sociology. 9/1973 - 6/1978
Assistant Professor of Nursing, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 1/1972 - 6/1978
Faculty Senate, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, US. 4/1974 - 4/1977
Coar area coordinator, University of Rochester, School of Nursing (Graduate program), Rochester, NY, US. 5/1974 - 4/1977
Faculty Senate, University of Rochester (Graduate program). 4/1974 - 4/1977
Nursing Research Consultant, Monroe Community Hospital (Chronic Illness Study). 9/1972 - 6/1976
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, University of Rochester, School of Nursing. 7/1972 - 1/1974
Associate Chairman for Graduate Studies, University of Rochester, Department of Nursing. 1/1972 - 6/1972
Assistant Lecturer, University of Rochester, Department of Sociology. 1/1970 - 6/1970
Research Assistant, University of Rochester (Division of Preventive and Social Psychiatry). 1969 - 1970
Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester, Department of Sociology. 1968 - 1969
Faculty Advisory Committee, None (University Presidential Search). 4/1993 - 1/1194
Quality Commitment Award for Outstanding Achievement in Nursing
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2004
Inducted as Fellow
National Academies of Practice, 2000
Interdisciplinary Creativity
National Academies of Practice, 1999
Excellence in Graduate Teaching
University of Rochester, 1998
Graduate Award of Distinction
University of Rochester School of Nursine, 1996
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1994
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1993
Professional Advancement Award
University of Rochester School of Nursing - Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1992
Excellence in Research Award
University of Rochester School of Nursing - Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1991
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1991
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1990
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1989
Helen Denne Schulte Visiting Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin at Madison School of Nursing, 1988
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1988
Distinguished Nurse Researcher in NYS
NYSNA, 1988
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1987
Distinguished Faculty Colleague
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1987
Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1986
Who's Who in American Nursing
Who's Who, 1986
Rochester Area Volunteer Award
United Way of Greater Rochester Area, 1985
University Mentor
University of Rochester, 1984
Book of the Year
American Journal of Nursing, 1984
University Mentor
University of Rochester, 1983
Charter Member
Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1982
Faculty Bridging Fellowship
University of Rochester, 1981
Faculty Bridging Fellowship
University of Rochester, 1980
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Health Care Teachers
Williams College, 1979
Who's Who in Education
Who's Who, 1979
World's Who's Who of Women in Education
Who's Who, 1978
American Academy of Nursing, 1977
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1972
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1971
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1970
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1969
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1968
Outstanding Young Women of America
Clare Dennison Prize, 1968
Special Nurse Research Fellow
U.S. Public Health Service, 1967
General Nursing Excellence
Clare Dennison Prize, 1965
Psychiatric Nursing Excellence
Dorothea Lynde Dix Prize, 1965
The image of the Nursing on Film
75th Anniversary of Nursing at the U of R Medical Center, University of Rochester, SON and 10 co-sponsoring groups
Rochester, New York
The image of the Nursing on Film
75th Anniversary of Nursing at the U of R Medical Center, University of Rochester, SON and 10 co-sponsoring groups
Rochester, New York
Measuring the Impact of Interprofessional Education(IPE) on Collaborative Practice and Patient Outcomes: A Consensus Study
Workshop, IOM Consensus Committee, 2014
Washington, District Of Columbia
Innovations in Health Professions Education
Forum Workshop, Institute of Medicine Forum, 2014
Washington, District Of Columbia
Collaboration- What is it Really?
The interprofessional Network of British Columbia (in-BC) June Forum 2006, College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia, 2006
Collaboration- What is it Really?
The interprofessional Network of British Columbia (in-BC) June Forum 2006, College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia, 2006
Interprofessional Education: IOM Mandate and Professional Imperative
American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
Interprofessional Education: IOM Mandate and Professional Imperative
American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
"Teamwork retreat: From research to recommendations"
Canadian Health Service Research Foundation, 2005
Ottawa, Central America
"Teamwork retreat: From research to recommendations"
Canadian Health Service Research Foundation, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
ICU Cultural Environments and End-of-Life Decision Making
Annual Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, 2005
Orlando, Florida
Collaborative Practice and Interprofessional Education: Are we in a new place?
University of Rochester, School of Nursing, 2005
Collaborative Practice and Interprofessional Education: Are we in a new place?
University of Rochester, School of Nursing, 2005
Team Building: Concepts and Applications
Adult Nursing Enrichment Series, Strong Memorial Hospital, 2005
Team Building: Concepts and Applications
Adult Nursing Enrichment Series, Strong Memorial Hospital, 2005
Collaborative Practice and Interprofessional Education: Are we in a New Place?
Community -based Linkage, Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, 2005
Arlingtion, Virginia
Collaborative Practice and Interprofessional Education: Are we in a New Place?
Community -based Linkage, Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, 2005
Arlingtion, Virginia
Quality Improvement Through Interprofessional Education
AACN Summer Institute, 2005
Quality Improvement Through Interprofessional Education
AACN Summer Institute, 2005
Act II: University of Rochester Medical Center Experience
Act II Development Partners Conference, 2005
Boston, Massachusetts
Act II: University of Rochester Medical Center Experience
Act II Development Partners Conference, 2005
Boston, Massachusetts
BSN to PhD programs in nursing
Azusa Pacific University, 2005
Azusa, California
BSN to PhD programs in nursing
Azusa Pacific University, 2005
Azusa, California
An integrated and accelerated MS/PhD for practitioners / researchers
Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2005
An integrated and accelerated MS/PhD for practitioners / researchers
Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2005
NAP and interdisciplinary [education and] care
National Academies of Practice Annual Forum, National Academies of Practice, 2004
Alexandria, Virginia
"It seems funny to have two attending and they are both talking to the family and they're not talking to each other". Roles of Physicians in end-of-life decision making in the ICU
National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research, 2004
Washington, District Of Columbia
"The problem often is that we don't have a family spokesperson, but a spokesgroup": Family roles in end of life decision making in the ICU
National Congress on the State of Science in Nursing Research, 2004
Washington, District Of Columbia
"It seems funny to have two attending and they are both talking to the family and they're not talking to each other". Roles of Physicians in end-of-life decision making in the ICU
National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research, 2004
Washington, District Of Columbia
"The problem often is that we don't have a family spokesperson, but a spokesgroup": Family roles in end of life decision making in the ICU
National Congress on the State of Science in Nursing Research, 2004
Washington, District Of Columbia
Factors Related to Health Care Team Development and the Quality of Team Functioning
Conference, 2004
Factors Related to Health Care Team Development and the Quality of Team Functioning
Conference, 2004
ICU Culture and Family Meeting for Older Adults Near the End of Life
Gerontological Society of America, 2003
San Diego, California
ICU Culture and Family Meeting for Older Adults Near the End of Life
Gerontological Society of America, 2003
San Diego, California
Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessation Intervention: Applying Gadow's Moral Framework for Nursing to Self Determination Theory
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
New Haven, Connecticut
Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessation Intervention: Applying Gadow's Moral Framework for Nursing to Self Determination Theory
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
New Haven, Connecticut
Family Meetings: Culture, Structure, and Function in Three ICU Setting
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
New Haven, Connecticut
Family Meetings: Culture, Structure, and Function in Three ICU Setting
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
New Haven, Connecticut
Who is Attending at the End of Life in ICU?
State of the Science Congress, 2002
Washington, District Of Columbia
The Influence of Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessation Intervention on Patients' Motivational Resources for Stopping Smoking
State of Science Congress, 2002
Wshington, District Of Columbia
Who is Attending at the End of Life in ICU?
State of the Science Congress, 2002
Washington, District Of Columbia
The Influence of Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessation Intervention on Patients' Motivational Resources for Stopping Smoking
State of Science Congress, 2002
Wshington, District Of Columbia
Educating Practitioner/Researchers for the Future of Nursing
NLN Educational Summit, 2002
Anaheim, California
Educating Practitioner/Researchers for the Future of Nursing
NLN Educational Summit, 2002
Anaheim, California
Coordination of Care: Meaning and Measurement
Conference, National Academy of Practice and Interdisciplinary Health Care Team, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
Coordination of Care: Meaning and Measurement.
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2002
Coordination of Care: Meaning and Measurement.
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2002
Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessations Intervention: Applying Gadow's Moral Framework to Self Determination Theory
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2001
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Perceived Practitioner Motivation for Smoking Cessations Intervention: Applying Gadow's Moral Framework to Self Determination Theory
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2001
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Current Interprofessional Education Climate in the United States
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A Successful Model.
Annual Meeting., American Academy of Nursing., 2000
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A Successful Model
Achieving Improvements in Health and Social Care Through Interprofessional Education, Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A successful model
Annual Meeting, American Academy of Nursing, 2000
San Diego, California
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A Successful Model.
Annual Meeting., American Academy of Nursing., 2000
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A Successful Model
Achieving Improvements in Health and Social Care Through Interprofessional Education, Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A successful Model
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Linking Health Professional Education to Community Health Improvement: A successful Model
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Using CQI in the Educational Experience: Achieving Improvements in Health and Social Care Through Interprofessional Education.
National Health Service Executive Southwest., 2000
Bournemouth, England
The Current Interprofessional Education Climate in the United States
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Using CQI in the Educational Experience
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Using CQI in the Educational Experience: Achieving Improvements in Health and Social Care Through Interprofessional Education.
National Health Service Executive Southwest., 2000
Bournemouth, England
Using CQI in the Educational Experience
Conference, National Health Service Executive Southwest, 2000
Bournemouth, England
Interprofesional Practice Learning
Trent Institute for Interprofessional Practice Learning and Education: Focusing on Interprofessional Practice Learning Conference, Trent Institute for Interprofessional Practice Learning and Education, 2000
Derby, England
Interprofesional Practice Learning
Trent Institute for Interprofessional Practice Learning and Education: Focusing on Interprofessional Practice Learning Conference, Trent Institute for Interprofessional Practice Learning and Education, 2000
Derby, England
Interdisciplinary Teams in Geriatric Assessment and Care.
Ithaca College., 2000
Ithaca, New York
The Health Action Elective Program: A Unique Community Health Improvement Education Model for Engaging Students in Community-Campus Partnerships.
Annual Meeting., Community-Campus Partnerships for Health., 2000
Arlington, Virginia
Interdisciplinary Teams in Geriatric Assessment and Care
, 2000
Ithca, New York
Interdisciplinary Teams in Geriatric Assessment and Care
, 2000
Ithca, New York
The Health Action Elective Program: A Unique Community Health Improvement Education Model for Engaging Students in Community-Campus Partnerships.
Annual Meeting., Community-Campus Partnerships for Health., 2000
Arlington, Virginia
Interdisciplinary Teams in Geriatric Assessment and Care.
Ithaca College., 2000
Ithaca, New York
The Health Action Elective Program: A Unique Community Health Improvement Education Model for Engaging Students in Community-Campus Partnership
Community-Campus Partnership for Health Annual Meeting, Community-Campus Partnership for Health, 2000
Arlington, Virginia
Current Doctoral Dissertations
Conference, University of Rochester School of Nursing, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2000
Newport, Rhode Island
"Publishing in Research in Nursing & Health."
Annual Meeting., Eastern Nursing Research Society., 2000
Newport, Rhode Island
"Publishing in Research in Nursing and Health"
Editor's Panel, Eastern Nursing Research Society Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2000
Newport, Rhode Island
Current Doctoral Dissertations.
Eastern Nursing Research Society Meeting., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 2000
Newport, Rhode Island
"Nesting Interdisciplinary Health Professions Education in a Community-Wide Health Improvement Initiative"
21th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, 1999
Louisville, Kentucky
"Nesting Interdisciplinary Health Professions Education in a Community-Wide Health Improvement Initiative."
21st Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1999
Louisville, Kentucky
"Nesting Interdisciplinary Health Professions Education in a Community-Wide Health Improvement Initiative"
21th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, 1999
Louisville, Kentucky
"Nesting Interdisciplinary Health Professions Education in a Community-Wide Health Improvement Initiative."
21st Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1999
Louisville, Kentucky
"Publishing on Teams."
National Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training Meeting, GITT., Hartford Foundation and New York University Division of Nursing GITT Resource Center., 1999
New York City, New York
"Publishing on teams."
National Geriatrics Interdisciplinary Team Training Meeting, Hartford Foundation and New York University Division of Nursing GITT Resource center, 1999
New York City, New York
"Rochester (NY) Health Action (CBQIE-HP) Initiative".
Achieving Health and Social Care Improvements Through Interprofessional Education, National Health Service Executive, South and West., Bournemouth University Institute of Health and Community Studies., 1999
Bath, England
"Rochester (NY) Health Action (CBQIE-HP) Initiative".
Achieving Health and Social Care Improvements Through Interprofessional Education, National Health Service Executive, South and West., Bournemouth University Institute of Health and Community Studies., 1999
Bath, England
"Rochester (NY) Health Action (CBQIE-HP) Initiative"
Achieving Health and Social Care Improvements Through Interprofessional Education, National Health Service Executive, South and West and Bournemouth University Institute of Health and Community Studies, 1999
Bath, England
"Rochester (NY) Health Action (CBQIE-HP) Initiative"
Achieving Health and Social Care Improvements Through Interprofessional Education, National Health Service Executive, South and West and Bournemouth University Institute of Health and Community Studies, 1999
Bath, England
"Reflections on the Past and Hopes for the Future: Using Research to Demonstrate the Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Education and Practice"
National Academics of Practice, 1999
Wasshington, District Of Columbia
"Reflections on the Past and Hopes for the Future: Using Research to Demonstrate the Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Education and Practice"
National Academics of Practice, 1999
Wasshington, District Of Columbia
"Reflections on the Past and Hopes for the Future: Using Research to Demonstrate the Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Education and Practice"
Forum Day., National Academies of Practice., 1999
Washington, District Of Columbia
"Tips on Publishing."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1999
Rochester, New York
"Tips on Publishing."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1999
Rochester, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams"
Courses on Aging., Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center ., 1999
Ithaca, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams"
Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center, 1999
Ithaca, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams"
Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center, 1999
Ithaca, New York
"Developing Interdisciplinary Teams for Effective Health Care."
Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester, Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Program., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Developing Interdisciplinary Teams for Effective Health Care."
Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester, Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Program., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams."
Courses on Aging., Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Building Coalitions for the Learning Community."
Kingston University, Kingston-on-Thames., 1998
London, England
"Building Coalitions for the Learning Community."
Kingston University, Kingston-on-Thames., 1998
London, England
"Tips on Publishing."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"The Process of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Critical Care."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"The Process of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Critical Care."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Building Individual Research Programs: Essential Elements, Alternative Strategies, and Evolving Themes."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Tips on Publishing."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Building Individual Research Programs: Essential Elements, Alternative Strategies, and Evolving Themes."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1998
Rochester, New York
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Intensive Care."
Research Exchange., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1997
Rochester, New York
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Intensive Care."
Research Exchange., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1997
Rochester, New York
"Informal Roles and the Stages of Interdisciplinary Team Development."
International Conference., Journal of Interprofessional Care., 1997
"Collaboration Improves the Quality of Care". All Together, Better Health: Improving Collaboration in Education and Practice".
. International Conference., Journal of Interprofessional Care., 1997
London, England
"Informal Roles and the Stages of Interdisciplinary Team Development."
International Conference., Journal of Interprofessional Care., 1997
"Collaboration Improves the Quality of Care". All Together, Better Health: Improving Collaboration in Education and Practice".
. International Conference., Journal of Interprofessional Care., 1997
London, England
"The Relationship Between Collaboration and Satisfaction with the Decision Making Process for Nurses and Physicians in Three ICU's".
9th International Nursing Research Conference., Sigma Theta Tau International., 1997
Vancouver, Canada
"The Relationship Between Collaboration and Satisfaction with the Decision Making Process for Nurses and Physicians in Three ICU's".
9th International Nursing Research Conference., Sigma Theta Tau International., 1997
Vancouver, Central America
"The Relationship Between Collaboration and Satisfaction with the Decision Making Process for Nurses and Physicians in Three ICU's."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1997
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"The Relationship Between Collaboration and Satisfaction with the Decision Making Process for Nurses and Physicians in Three ICU's."
Eastern Nursing Research Society., 1997
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"Health Care Provider Interactions in the Surgical ICU."
Annual Meeting., Association for Health Sciences Research., 1996
"Health Care Provider Interactions in the Surgical ICU."
Annual Meeting., Association for Health Sciences Research., 1996
"Where and When Should I Present Research Results?"
Research Exchange., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1996
Rochester, New York
"The Chaplain as Interdisciplinary Team Member: Comparisons and Contrasts."
18th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1996
Minneapolis, Minnesota
"The Chaplain as Interdisciplinary Team Member: Comparisons and Contrasts."
18th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1996
Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Nurse-physician Collaboration and Nurse Satisfaction in the SICU."
1996 Scientific Session., American Nurse Foundation, ANA Council for Nursing Research., 1996
Washington, District Of Columbia
"Nurse-physician Collaboration and Nurse Satisfaction in the SICU."
1996 Scientific Session., American Nurse Foundation, ANA Council for Nursing Research., 1996
Washington, District Of Columbia
"Team Development and Team Functioning in V.A. Geriatric Health Care Teams."
Research Exchange., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1996
Rochester, New York
"Professional and Demographic Diversity in the Health Care Team: Benefit or Barrier."
17th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1995
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"Professional and Demographic Diversity in the Health Care Team: Benefit or Barrier."
17th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1995
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"Network Embeddedness, Team Development, and the Quality of Interdisciplinary Team Functioning in Health Care".
Summer Meeting., American Sociological Association., 1995
"Network Embeddedness, Team Development, and the Quality of Interdisciplinary Team Functioning in Health Care".
Summer Meeting., American Sociological Association., 1995
"Publishing in Research in Nursing & Health."
Department of Nursing, Hanyang University., 1995
Seoul, South Korea
"Publishing in Research in Nursing & Health."
Department of Nursing, Hanyang University., 1995
Seoul, South Korea
"Advanced Practice Nursing Roles in the United States: What are the Implications for the Future Development of Nursing Roles in Korea?"
Seoul National University School of Nursing., 1995
Seoul, South Korea
"Advanced Practice Nursing Roles in the United States: What are the Implications for the Future Development of Nursing Roles in Korea?"
Seoul National University School of Nursing., 1995
Seoul, South Korea
"ICU Nurse-Physician Collaboration: Working Together".
Annual Meeting., Society for Critical Care Medicine., 1995
San Francisco, California
"ICU Nurse-Physician Collaboration: Working Together".
Annual Meeting., Society for Critical Care Medicine., 1995
San Francisco, California
"Characteristics of Geriatric Health Care Teams: Impact on Functioning"
47th Annual Meeting., Gerontological Society of America., 1994
Atlanta, Georgia
"Characteristics of Geriatric Health Care Teams: Impact on Functioning"
47th Annual Meeting., Gerontological Society of America., 1994
Atlanta, Georgia
"Bioethical Decision Making in Intensive Care"
Sixteenth Annual Meeting., Society for Medical Decision Making., 1994
Cleveland, Ohio
"Bioethical Decision Making in Intensive Care"
Sixteenth Annual Meeting., Society for Medical Decision Making., 1994
Cleveland, Ohio
"Decisions About Level of Aggressiveness of Care"
Global Connections World Congress., American Association of Critical Care Nurses., 1994
Toronto, Central America
"Decisions About Level of Aggressiveness of Care"
Global Connections World Congress., American Association of Critical Care Nurses., 1994
Toronto, Canada
"Differences in Attitudes Toward Interdisciplinary Teams, Perceptions of the Process of Team Work, and Stress Levels in Geriatric Health Care Teams".
16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1994
Chicago, Illinois
"Social Networks, Team Development, and the Quality of Interdisciplinary Team Functioning in Geriatric Care".
16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1994
Chicago, Illinois
"The Quality of Geriatric Team Functioning: Model and Methodology".
16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1994
Chicago, Illinois
"Social Networks, Team Development, and the Quality of Interdisciplinary Team Functioning in Geriatric Care".
16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1994
Chicago, Illinois
"The Quality of Geriatric Team Functioning: Model and Methodology".
16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference., 1994
Chicago, Illinois
"Researching Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Health Care Delivery"
US PHS Primary Care Policy Fellowship Program, Bureau of Health Professions., 1994
"Researching Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Health Care Delivery"
US PHS Primary Care Policy Fellowship Program, Bureau of Health Professions., 1994
"The Meaning of Interdisciplinary Collaboration"
1993 Scientific Session., ANA Council of Nurse Researchers., 1993
Washington, District Of Columbia
"The Meaning of Interdisciplinary Collaboration"
1993 Scientific Session., ANA Council of Nurse Researchers., 1993
Washington, District Of Columbia
"Collaboration as Process and Outcomes in Research"
21st Annual Conference., State Society on Aging of New York., 1993
Albany, New York
"Collaboration as Process and Outcomes in Research"
21st Annual Conference., State Society on Aging of New York., 1993
Albany, New York
"The Team Events Scale: A Scale for Measuring Stressful Events in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
Fifteenth Annual conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1993
Las Vegas, Nevada
"The Team Events Scale: A Scale for Measuring Stressful Events in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
Fifteenth Annual conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1993
Las Vegas, Nevada
"Interdisciplinary Management in Home Health Care, Case Examples"
Department of Veterans Affairs Conference on Managing Elderly Patients at Home: Clinical and Legal Issues., Department of Veterans Affairs, 1993
Durham, North Carolina
"Collaborating to Create and Maintain a Multi-site Research Program"
24th Annual National Research Development Conference., 1993
Syracuse, New York
"Collaborating to Create and Maintain a Multi-site Research Program"
24th Annual National Research Development Conference., 1993
Syracuse, New York
"A Measure of Anomie in Health Care Teams"
Fourteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1992
Chicago, Illinois
"A Measure of Anomie in Health Care Teams"
Fourteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1992
Chicago, Illinois
"Research and Practice Programs: Shall the Twain Ever Meet?"
Twenty-Third Annual Research Development Conference., 1992
Chicago, Illinois
"Research and Practice Programs: Shall the Twain Ever Meet?"
Twenty-Third Annual Research Development Conference., 1992
Chicago, Illinois
"How to get Your Research Published"
Doctoral Student Forum., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1992
Rochester, New York
"Building Research Programs"
School of Nursing, SUNY Buffalo., 1992
Buffalo, New York
"Building Research Programs"
School of Nursing, SUNY Buffalo., 1992
Buffalo, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams in Health Care: A Research Agenda"
School of Nursing, SUNY Buffalo., 1992
Buffalo, New York
"Interdisciplinary Teams in Health Care: A Research Agenda"
School of Nursing, SUNY Buffalo., 1992
Buffalo, New York
"Development of an Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams Scale: Phase Two"
Thirteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1991
Baltimore, Maine
"Alternative Conceptualizations of "Team" as the Unit of Analysis in Examining Outcomes of Team Health Care Delivery." Part of a panel on "Team Outcome Research: A New Emphasis"
Thirteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1991
Baltimore, Maryland
"Alternative Conceptualizations of "Team" as the Unit of Analysis in Examining Outcomes of Team Health Care Delivery." Part of a panel on "Team Outcome Research: A New Emphasis"
Thirteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1991
Baltimore, Maryland
"Development of an Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams Scale: Phase Two"
Thirteenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1991
Baltimore, Maine
Nursing: The Caring Practice, "Being There"
National/ International Caring Conferences, 1991
Rochester, New York
Nursing: The Caring Practice, "Being There"
National/ International Caring Conferences, 1991
Rochester, New York
"The Many Faces of Honor"
Annual induction ceremony, Nursing Honor Society, School of Nursing, University of Rochester., Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter., 1991
Rochester, New York
"Implications of Findings from Groupthink Research for Decision Making in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
, 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Implications of Findings from Groupthink Research for Decision making in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
Twelfth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Interdisciplinary Team Dynamics and Medical Malpractice"
Twelfth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Implications of Findings from Groupthink Research for Decision Making in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
, 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Implications of Findings from Groupthink Research for Decision making in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams"
Twelfth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Interdisciplinary Team Dynamics and Medical Malpractice"
Twelfth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1990
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Quality of Geriatric Team Functioning"
Research Seminar., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1990
Rochester, New York
"Linking Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams to Patient and Staff Outcomes"
30th Biennial Convention Scientific Sessions., , Sigma Theta Tau International, 1989
Indianapolis, Indiana
"Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Health Care: A Research Agenda"
NYSNA Foundation Luncheon., New York State Nurses Association, 1989
Albany, New York
"Developing a Self-Report Measure of Health Care Team Functioning Emphasizing Collaboration"
Eleventh Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1989
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Developing a Self-Report Measure of Health Care Team Functioning Emphasizing Collaboration"
Eleventh Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1989
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Developing Interdisciplinary Teams for Effective Health Care"
All day workshop., University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing., 1988
Madison, Wisconsin
"A Proposal to Study Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Functioning"
Research colloquium., University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing., 1988
Madison, Wisconsin
"A Measure of Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams"
Tenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1988
Toledo, Ohio
"Facilitating Health-related Support Groups: Leadership Principles and Practice"
All day workshop., University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing, 1988
Madison, Wisconsin
"A Measure of Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams"
Tenth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Team Care., 1988
Toledo, Ohio
Women's Biological Clock: Old Choices, New Technologies
Rochester Conferences on "On Time", 1988
Rochester, New York
Women's Biological Clock: Old Choices, New Technologies
Rochester Conferences on "On Time", 1988
Rochester, New York
"Assessing the Validity of an Index of Team Development"
Ninth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1987
Stony Brook, New York
"Assessing the Validity of an Index of Team Development"
Ninth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1987
Stony Brook, New York
"Assessing the Impact of Interdisciplinary Health Team Care"
Health Forum., SUNY Upstate Medical Center., 1987
Syracuse, New York
Creation Care: Nursing High Risk Newborns
Rochester Conference in "Creation", 1987
Rochester, New York
Creation Care: Nursing High Risk Newborns
Rochester Conference in "Creation", 1987
Rochester, New York
"Theory and Research on Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Teams"
NY Society of Gerontological Educators (SAGE)., 1986
Ellenville, New York
"Theory and Research on Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Care Teams"
NY Society of Gerontological Educators (SAGE)., 1986
Ellenville, New York
"Communicating with Cancer Patients"
Nurses Teaching Day., Rensselaer County American Cancer Society, 1986
Troy, New York
"Organizational Structures of Health Care Teams: Impact on Stage of Team Development and Implications of Consultation"
Eighth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1986
Columbus, Ohio
"Organizational Structures of Health Care Teams: Impact on Stage of Team Development and Implications of Consultation"
Eighth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1986
Columbus, Ohio
"Frameworks: Metaparadigms, Theoretical Frameworks and Conceptual Frameworks"
Oncology Nursing Society Annual Congress, Advanced Research Session., Oncology Nursing Society, 1986
"Frameworks: Metaparadigms, Theoretical Frameworks and Conceptual Frameworks"
Oncology Nursing Society Annual Congress, Advanced Research Session., Oncology Nursing Society, 1986
"History Making and History Taking: Esther Thompson and the NYSNA Blueprint, An Oral History Perspective"
Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon XI Chapter., 1985
"History Making and History Taking: Esther Thompson and the NYSNA Blueprint, An Oral History Perspective"
Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon XI Chapter., 1985
"Informal Roles, Rituals and Styles of Humor in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams: Their Relationship to Stages of Group Development.
Seventh Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1985
Chicago, Illinois
"Informal Roles, Rituals and Styles of Humor in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams: Their Relationship to Stages of Group Development.
Seventh Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1985
Chicago, Illinois
"Why Support Groups Work"
Two-day Workshop, A.C.S., N.Y.S. Division, Advisory Committee on Support Groups., 1985
Syracuse, New York
Social Support and Health
Doctoral Research Emphasis Grant, 1985
Rochester, New York
Social Support and Health
Doctoral Research Emphasis Grant, 1985
Rochester, New York
"Methodological Problems of Doing Research with Families and Small Groups in Health Care Settings"
Second Annual Nursing Research Conference., University of Utah School of Nursing, 1985
Park City, Utah
"Geriatric Team Development at a Veterans Administration Medical Center"
Sixth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams, Veterans Administration Medical Center., 1984
Hartford, Connecticut
Fifth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Heath Team Care
, 1983
Rochester, New York
Fifth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Heath Team Care
, 1983
Rochester, New York
"Facilitating Support Groups for Cancer Patients and Their Families"
Second Annual Conference, Nursing Education Committee., American Cancer Society, NYS Division., 1983
Syracuse, New York
"Esther Thompson and the NYSNA Oral History Project"
School of Nursing Brown Bag Seminar., University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1983
Rochester, New York
"The Many Faces of Honor"
Annual induction ceremony at the University of Rochester School of Nursing., Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society., 1982
Rochester, New York
"Women and Health Care: Team Care as a Feminist Issue"
Upstate N.Y Women's History Conference., University of Rochester., 1982
Rochester, New York
"The Functions of Interdisciplinary Health Team Rounds in the Medical and Pediatric Services of an Academic Health Center"
Fourth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1982
Lexington, Kentucky
"The Functions of Interdisciplinary Health Team Rounds in the Medical and Pediatric Services of an Academic Health Center"
Fourth Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams., 1982
Lexington, Kentucky
"Activating Students' Research Interest in Small Group Interventions"
Conference on Methods of Teaching Research in Nursing., 1982
Iowa City, Iowa
"Activating Students' Research Interest in Small Group Interventions"
Conference on Methods of Teaching Research in Nursing., 1982
Iowa City, Iowa
"The Impact of the Clinical Cancer Education Program"
Annual Meeting, American Association of Cancer Education., 1981
San Diego, California
"Bridging Teams-Bridging Disciplines"
American Dietetics Association Meeting., American Dietetics Association., 1981
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"Conceptualizing and Measuring Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Team Care for a Group of Long-Term, Chronically Ill Institutionalized Patients"
Third Annual Interdisciplinary Team Care Conference., 1981
Kalamazoo, Michigan
"Conceptualizing and Measuring Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Team Care for a Group of Long-Term, Chronically Ill Institutionalized Patients"
Third Annual Interdisciplinary Team Care Conference., 1981
Kalamazoo, Michigan
"Nurse Researchers as Research Facilitators"
Twelfth Annual Conference, Nursing Research Facilitators - St. Louis University., 1981
St. Louis, Missouri
"Clinical Research in Applied Settings: Design, Methodology and Analysis"
First Annual Spring Research Symposium., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1981
Rochester, New York
"Doctoral Education in Nursing"
Regional Symposium on Doctoral Education in Nursing., University of North Carolina, School of Nursing., 1981
North Carolina
"Doctoral Education in Nursing"
Regional Symposium on Doctoral Education in Nursing., University of North Carolina, School of Nursing., 1981
North Carolina
"Well-Being of Cancer Survivors"
Annual Meeting, American Psychosomatic Society., 1981
Boston, Massachusetts
"The Sociology and Ethics of Interdisciplinary Teams in Health Care Settings"
Two day workshop., National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for Health Care Teachers., 1980
Galveston, Texas
Eleventh Annual Conference of Nursing Research Facilitators
, 1980
Rochester, New York
Eleventh Annual Conference of Nursing Research Facilitators
, 1980
Rochester, New York
"An Exploratory Field Study of Interdisciplinary Team Interactions and Their Relationships to Patient Outcomes"
Annual Meeting., Sociology of Nursing Section, American Sociological Association., 1977
New York
"An Exploratory Field Study of Interdisciplinary Team Interactions and Their Relationships to Patient Outcomes"
Annual Meeting., Sociology of Nursing Section, American Sociological Association., 1977
New York
"Perspectives on Death and Dying"
Organized and participated in presentation of this five session seminar., Rush-Henrietta League of Churches, Lenten School of Religion., 1977
New York
"Perspectives on Death and Dying"
Organized and participated in presentation of this five session seminar., Rush-Henrietta League of Churches, Lenten School of Religion., 1977
New York
"The Role of Self Help Groups in Coping with Illness"
United Cancer Council, Incorporated and the Rochester Chapter of Make Today Count., 1977
New York
"The Role of Self Help Groups in Coping with Illness"
United Cancer Council, Incorporated and the Rochester Chapter of Make Today Count., 1977
New York
"Chronic Illness and the Sick Role"
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hematologic Disorders., Ambulatory Care Nurses Special Interest Group, Genesee Valley Nurses' Association., 1977
New York
"Chronic Illness and the Sick Role"
Nursing Care of the Patient with Hematologic Disorders., Ambulatory Care Nurses Special Interest Group, Genesee Valley Nurses' Association., 1977
New York
"Identity, Alienation and the Life Cycle: The Effects of Age and Status on Male Identity Development"
Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association., 1976
New York, New York
"Self-Help Groups - How and Why Clubs Work"
Annual Seminar - Central Northeastern Regional Conference, United Ostomy Association., 1976
"Self-Help Groups - How and Why Clubs Work"
Annual Seminar - Central Northeastern Regional Conference, United Ostomy Association., 1976
"Pregnant Teen-Agers - Meeting Their Needs Through Groups"
Annual Meeting., American College of Nurse Midwives., 1976
"Pregnant Teen-Agers - Meeting Their Needs Through Groups"
Annual Meeting., American College of Nurse Midwives., 1976
"An Exploratory Study of Factors in Health Teams that Influence Patient Outcomes"
Brown Bag Seminar., University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1975
Rochester, New York
"The Roles of Health Team Members"
Brown Bag Seminar, University of Rochester School of Nursing., 1975
Rochester, New York
"The Roles of Health Team Members"
Twenty-Second Post Graduate Course., American Diabetes Association., 1975
Chicago, Illinois
Olding M, McMillan S, Reeves S, Schmitt M, Puntillo K, & Kitto S (2015). Patient and family involvement in adult and intensive care settings: a scoping view. Health Expectations.
Weinstein, R.S., Brandt, B.F., Gildbert, J. & Schmitt, M.H. (2013). Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) III. Interprofessional collaboration: From concept to preparation to practice.. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 1-5. DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2013.761517
Owen, J.A. & Schmitt, M.H. (2013). Integrating interprofessional education into continuing Education: A planning process for continuing interprofessional education program.. Journal of Continuing Education for the Health Professions, 33 (2), 118-126.
Weinstein, R.S., Brandt, B.F., Gilbert, J.H.V. & Schmitt, M.H. (2013). Bridging the Quality Chasm: Interprofessional Teams to the rescue?. American Journal of Medicine, 126, 276-277. PMID: 23398952 DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2012.10.014
Weinstein, R.S., Brandt, B.F., Gildbert, J. & Schmitt, M.H. (2013). Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) III. Interprofessional collaboration: From concept to preparation to practice.. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 1-5. DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2013.761517
Quinn, J.R., Schmitt, M.H., Baggs, J.G., Norton, S.A., Dombeck, M.T., & Seller, C.R. (2012). Family members' informal roles in end-of-life decision making in adult intensive care units.. American Journal of Critical Care, 21 (1), 43-51.
Brashers, V., Peterson, C., Tullman, D., & Schmitt, M. (2012). The University of Virginia interprofessional education initiative: An approach to integrating competencies into medical and nursing education.. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 73-75. PMID: 22233374 DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2011.636846
Brashers, V., Peterson, C., Tullman, D., & Schmitt, M. (2012). The University of Virginia interprofessional education initiative: An approach to integrating competencies into medical and nursing education.. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 73-75. PMID: 22233374 DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2011.636846
Powers, B.A., Norton, S.A., Schmitt, M.H., Quill, T.E. & Metzger, M. (2011). Meaning and Practice of Palliative Care for Hospitalized Older Adults with Life Limiting Illness.. Journal of Aging Research, 8.
Schmitt, M.H., & Stewart, A. (2011). Commentary on 'Interprofessional Ethics: A Developing Field?' A Response to Banks et al.. Ethics and Social Welfare, 5 (1).
Baggs, J.G., Norton, S. A., Schmitt, M. H., Dombeck, M. Y., Sellers, C.R., & Quinn, J.R. (2006). Intensive Care Unit Cultures and End-of-Life Decision Making.. Journal of Critical Care.. PMID: 17548028 PMCID: PMC2214829 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2006.09.008
Ingersoll, G. & Schmitt, M.H. (2004). Interdisciplinary collaboration, team functioning, and patient safety. In Ann Page (Ed.).. Institute of Medicine. Keeping patients safe: Transforming the work environment of nurses., 341-383.
Baggs, J.G., Norton, S., Schmitt, M.H., & Sellers, C. (2004). The dying patient in the ICU: Role of the interdisciplinary team.. Critical Care Clinics of North America. (20), 525-540.
Minicucci, D., Schmitt, M.H., Dombeck, M. T., & Williams, G. (2003). Actualizing Gadow's moral framework for nursing through research.. Nursing Philosophy. (4), 92-103. PMID: 14498949 DOI: 10.1046/j.1466-769x.2003.00129.x
Simpson, G., Rabin, D., Schmitt, M., Taylor, P., Urban, S., & Ball, J.W. (2001). Interprofessional health care practice: Recommendations of the National Academies of Practice Expert Panel on health care in the 21st century.. Issues in Interdisciplinary Care. (3), 5-19.
Simpson, G., Rabin, D., Schmitt, M., Taylor, P., Urban, S., & Ball, J.W. (2001). Interprofessional health care practice: Recommendations of the National Academies of Practice Expert Panel on health care in the 21st century.. Issues in Interdisciplinary Care. (3), 5-19.
Schmitt, M.H. (2001). Collaboration improves the quality of care.. Journal of Interprofessional Care., 15 (1), 47-66.. PMID: 11705070 DOI: 10.1080/13561820020022873
Farrell, M.P., Schmitt, M.H., & Heinemann, G. D. (2001). Informal roles and the stages of interdisciplinary team development.. Journal of Interprofessional Care. (15), 281-295..
Baggs, J.G., & Schmitt, M.H. (2000). Problematic end-of-life decisions in intensive care: Current research base and directions for the future.. Nursing Outlook (48), 158-164.
Schmitt, M.H. (1999). Update on fellow selection outcomes from the American Academy of Nursing Selection Committee.. Nursing Outlook., 273.
Baggs, J.G., Schmitt, M.H., Mushlin, A.I., Mitchell, P.H., Eldredge, D.H., Oakes, D., & Hutson, A.D. (1999). The association between nurse-physician collaboration and patient outcomes in three intensive care units.. Critical Care Medicine (27), 1991-1998. PMID: 10507630 DOI: 10.1097/00003246-199909000-00045
Heinemann, G.D., Schmitt, M.H., & Farrell, M.P, & Braillier, S.A. (1999). Development of an "Attitudes Towards Health Care Teams" Scale.. Evaluation and the Health Professions. (22), 123-142.
Schmitt, M.H. & P. Sparacino. (1998). American Academy of Nursing: Further reflections on the review of applications for fellowship.. Nursing Outlook (46), 183-184.
Baggs, J.G., Schmitt, M.H., Mushlin, A., Eldredge, D.H., Oakes, D., & Hutson, A.D. (1997). Nurse-physician collaboration and satisfaction with the decision-making process in three critical care units.. American Journal of Critical Care. (6), 393-399.
Baggs, J., & Schmitt, M.H. (1997). Nurses' and resident physicians' perceptions of the process of collaboration in the MICU.. Research in Nursing and Health. (20), 71-80. PMID: 9024479 DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1098-240x(199702)20:1<71::aid-nur8>3.0.co
Baggs, J., & Schmitt, M.H. (1995). Intensive care decisions about level of aggressiveness of care.. Research in Nursing and Health. (18), 345-355.
Heinemann, G.D., Farrell, M.P., & Schmitt, M.H. (1994). Group think theory and research: Implications for decision making in geriatric health care teams.. Educational Gerontology. (20), 71-85..
Schmitt, M.H. (1994). USA: Focus on interprofessional practice, education, and research.. Journal of Interprofessional Care. (8), 9-18.
Schmitt, M.H. (1994). USA: Focus on interprofessional practice, education, and research.. Journal of Interprofessional Care. (8), 9-18.
Cornwell, C.J., & Schmitt, M.H. (1990). Perceived health status, self-esteem and body image in women with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.. Research in Nursing and Health. (13), 99-107. PMID: 2320762 DOI: 10.1002/nur.4770130206
Radke, K., McArt, E., Schmitt, M., & Walker, E.K. (1990). Administrative preparation of clinical nurse specialists.. The Journal of Professional Nursing. (6), 221-228..
Schmitt, M.H. (1988). Conceptualization: What it is and why it is important in the research process.. Oncology Nursing Forum., 15 (2), 221-223. PMID: 3357841
Schmitt, M.H., Farrell, M.P. & Heinemann, G.D. (1988). Conceptual and methodological problems in studying the effects of interdisciplinary geriatric teams.. The Gerontologist. (28), 753-764. PMID: 3150960 DOI: 10.1093/geront/28.6.753
Baggs, J.G., & Schmitt, M.H. (1988). Collaboration between nurses and physicians.. Image., 20 (3), 145-149.
Farrell, M.P., Schmitt, M.H. & Heinemann, G.D. (1988). Organizational environments of health care teams: Impact on team development and implications for consultation.. International Journal of Small Group Research. (4), 31-53.
Farrell, M.P., Heinemann, G.D. & Schmitt, M.H. (1986). Informal roles, rituals, and styles of humor in interdisciplinary health care teams: Relationships to stages of group development.. . International Journal of Small Group Research. (2), 143-162..
Schmitt, M.H. (1986). Defining a clinical research problem and identifying a specific research question.. Oncology Nursing Forum., 5 (13), 111-112.
Beeber, L.S. & Schmitt, M.H. (1986). Cohesiveness in groups: A concept in search of a definition.. Advances in Nursing Science. (8), 1-11. PMID: 3079981 DOI: 10.1097/00012272-198601000-00004
Schmitt, M.H. (1986). The research process versus related processes.. Oncology Nursing Forum., 4 (13), 125-126.. PMID: 3636907
Beeber, L.S. & Schmitt, M.H. (1986). Cohesiveness in groups: A concept in search of a definition.. Advances in Nursing Science. (8), 1-11. PMID: 3079981 DOI: 10.1097/00012272-198601000-00004
Schmitt, M.H., & Hubbard, E.C. (Eds.). (1983). Interdisciplinary health team care: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference.. University of Rochester School of Nursing and of Medicine and Dentistry, Office of Continuing Professional Education..
Blair, C., Elliot, D., Hurley, P.M., Schmitt, M.H., Shields, E.A. & Ventura M.R. (1983). What constitutes nursing research?. The Journal of the N.Y.S.N.A. (14), 42-43..
Schmale, A., Morrow, G., Schmitt, M.H., Adler, L., A., Murawski, B., & Gates, C. (1983). The well being of cancer survivors.. Psychosomatic Medicine. (45), 163-169.. PMID: 6867231 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-198305000-00008
Wooldridge, P.J., Schmitt, M.H., Skipper, J.K., & Leonard, R.C. (1983). Behavioral Science and Nursing Theory.. .
Wooldridge, P.J., Schmitt, M.H., Skipper, J.K., & Leonard, R.C. (1983). Behavioral Science and Nursing Theory.. .
Schmitt, M.H., et al. (1982). Survey of nursing research in New York State: IV.. Journal of NYSNA. (13), 9-12..
Morrow, G.R., Feldstein, M., Adler, L, Derogatis, L.R., Enelow, A.J., Gates, C., Holland, J., Melisaratos, B.J., Murawski, D., Penman, A., Schmale, M., Schmitt, M., & Morse, I. (1981). Development of brief measures of psychosocial adjustment to medical illness applied to cancer patients.. General Hospital Psychiatry. (3), 79-88. PMID: 7250700 DOI: 10.1016/0163-8343(81)90048-7
Oberst, M., Ventura, M., Frederickson, K., Schmitt, M.H., Noel, N., & Corless, I. (1981). Nursing research priorities identified by NYSNA.. Journal of the New York State Nurses Association. (12), 21-35. PMID: 6937605
Schmitt, M.H., Corless, I., N., Oberst, M., Ventura, M. & Frederickson, K. (1981). Survey of nursing research in New York State.. Journal of NYSNA. (12), 37-40.
Schmitt, M.H., et al. (1980). Survey of nursing research in New York State.. Journal of the New York State of Nurses Association. (11), 25-35.
Schmitt, M.H., & Chapman, M.K. (1980). Alumni involvement in research development: The University of Rochester School of Nursing Alumni Research Fund and Alumni Resource Listing.. Nursing Outlook (28), 572-574.
Feiger, S., & Schmitt, M.H. (1979). Collegiality in interdisciplinary health teams: Its measurement and its effects.. Social Science and Medicine., 13 (2), 217-229. PMID: 441757
Derogatis, L.R., Feldstein, M., Morrow, G., Schmale, A., Schmitt, M.H., Gates, C, Murawski, B., Holland, J., Penman, D., Melisaratos, N., Enlow, A.J., & Alder, L. (1979). A survey of psychotropic drug prescriptions in an oncology population.. Cancer. (44), 1919-1929.
Murawski, B.J. Penman, D., & Schmitt, M.H. (1978). Social support in health and illness: The concept and its measurement.. Cancer Nursing., 1 (5), 365-371.
Schmitt, M.H. (1978). The utilization of chiropractors.. Sociological Symposium., 22, 55-74.
Adams, B.N., Brownstein, C.A., Rennalls, I.M., & Schmitt, M.H. (1976). The pregnant adolescent - a group approach.. Adolescence., 467-485. PMID: 1007994
Harper, D., Babigian, H., & Schmitt, M.H. (1973). Psychiatric education and consultation.. International Journal of Social Psychiatry., 19, 246-250.
Schmitt, M.H. (1972). Near and far: A reconsideration of the social distance concept.. Sociology and Social Research., 57, 85-97.
Schmitt, M.H. (1970). Superiority of breastfeeding, fact or fancy.. American Journal of Nursing., 70, 1488-1493. PMID: 5200398
Schmitt, M.H. (1968). Role conflict in nursing.. American Journal of Nursing., 68, 2348-2350. PMID: 5187943