- Phone: (585) 275-8892
- Office: HWH 4W165
- Email: Margaret Kearney
Margaret Kearney, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Professor Emerita
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nursing, 2000. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA
- Ph.D. in Nursing, 1993. University of California. San Francisco, CA
- M.S. in Ambulatory Women's Health Nursing, 1987. Boston College. Chestnut Hill, MA
- M.Ed. in Guidance & Counseling, 1986. Plymouth State College. Plymouth, NH
- B.S. in Nursing, 1977. Columbia University. New York City, NY
- B.A. in Religion & Anthropology, 1975. Marlboro College. Marlboro, VT
Margaret Kearney is a nationally recognized expert in rigorous qualitative research methods. Before assuming other roles, her research centered on socially high-risk pregnant and parenting women's health perceptions and decisions. She specialized in naturalistic approaches to the study of behavior and communication, often relying on systematic analysis of open-ended interviews and observations.
As the editor in chief from 2012-2018 of Research in Nursing & Health, a peer-reviewed general research journal devoted to the publication of a wide range of research that informs nursing and other health disciplines, Kearney had an international impact on the evidence in support of health science. She has published more than 100 scholarly articles, books, and chapters and regularly presents at regional and national workshops.
As the former director of the school's PhD program and the current university dean of graduate studies, Kearney is focused on strengthening the quality and relevance of graduate research and advancing interdisciplinary collaborations. She has participated in more than 45 doctoral committees, and she is committed to mentoring students, their advisors, and faculty in research and writing for publication.
Current Focus
My goal is to help the nursing profession present itself well in print. In my editing, teaching, and mentoring, I am committed to clear writing and rigorous scholarship. I am always ready to help students or faculty describe their research in manuscripts for publication.
Professional Experience
- Vice Provost and University Dean of Graduate Studies,
- University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, US. 7/2011 - Current
- Professor,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 7/2011 - Current
- Editor,
- Research in Nursing & Health, US. 6/2012 - 1/2018
- Associate Editor,
- Research in Nursing & Health, US. 2011 - 2012
- Independence Foundation Professor; Director, PhD Programs,
- URSON, Rochester, NY, US. 1/2005 - 6/2011
- Associate Editor,
- Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, US. 2001 - 2008
- Chair, Maternal-Child Health,
- Boston College (William F. Connell School of Nursing), Chestnut Hill, MA, US. 2001 - 2004
- Associate Professor,
- Boston College (School of Nursing), Chestnut Hill, MA, US. 1997 - 2004
- Associate Clinical Professor (courtesy appointment),
- Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, CT, US. 1998 - 2002
- Postdoctoral Fellowship,
- University of Pennsylvania - Susan Gennaro (Nursing & Epidemiology), PA, US. 1999 - 2000
- GYN Nurse Practitioner (per diem),
- Crittenton-Hastings House, Brighton, MA, US. 1993 - 1998
- Assistant Professor,
- School of Nursing, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, US. 1993 - 1997
- Instructor,
- University of California (Medical Anthropology), San Francisco, CA, US. 1993 - 1993
- Individual NRSA,
- U.S. Public Health Service - Dyanne Affonso (Crack Cocaine and Pregnancy: A Grounded Theory...), San Francisco, CA, US. 1991 - 1993
- Research Associate,
- Institute for Scientific Analysis, San Francisco, CA, US. 1991 - 1993
- Nurse Practitioner,
- Women's Clinic (J.P. Shively MD PA), San Francisco, CA, US. 1990 - 1993
- Regents Fellowship,
- University of California ((full tuition and stipend for doctoral study)), CA, US. 1989 - 1993
- Hinckley Scholarship,
- First Unitarian Church of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, US. 1990 - 1992
- Student Research & Teaching,
- School of Nursing, UCSF (Assistantships), San Francisco, CA, US. 1989 - 1992
- Non-resident tuition scholarship,
- University of California ((awarded on academic merit)), CA, US. 1989 - 1990
- Instructor (courtesy appointment),
- Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, US. 1988 - 1989
- Perinatal Nurse Clinician,
- Hitchcock Clinic, Hanover, NH, US. 1987 - 1989
- Research Associate,
- Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (Department of Nursing), Hanover, NH, US. 1986 - 1989
- Adjunct Assistant Professor (courtesy appointment),
- University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, US. 1986 - 1989
- Nursing Instructor,
- Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (Education Department), Hanover, NH, US. 1983 - 1985
- Assistant Head Nurse,
- Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (Obstetrics), Hanover, NH, US. 1977 - 1982
- Staff Nurse,
- Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (Obstetrics), Hanover, NH, US. 1977 - 1982
- 150th Anniversary Alumni Excellence Award
- UCSF, 2015
- Sustained Influential Leader
- Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2013
- Professional Advancement Award
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2012
- Outstanding Faculty Colleague
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2009
- Chair, NRRC Initial Review Study Section
- NINR, 2006
- Marshal
- University of Rochester Doctoral Degree Commencement, 2006
- Fellow
- American Academy of Nursing, 2002
- Chair, Committee on Research
- AWHONN, 2000
- Postdoctoral Fellowship
- NINR T32, 1999
- National Nursing Advisory Council
- March of Dimes, 1999
- Eighty Percent Sabbatical (awarded once per biennium)
- Boston College School of Nursing, 1999
- Co-Facilitator, Qualitative Methods RIG
- ENRS, 1998
- Secretary
- ENRS, 1995
- Hinckley Scholarship
- First Unitarian Church of San Francisco, 1990
- Test Consultant
- NCC, 1989
- Regents Fellowship
- University of California, 1989
- Nonresident Tuition Scholarship (for academic merit)
- University of California, 1989
- Board of Directors
- NH Nurses Association, 1987
- Chair, Nominating Committee
- NH Nurses Association, 1986
- Publishing: Methods matter.
- ENRS 30th Annual Scientific Sessions, 2018
- Newark, New Jersey
- Producing clinically useful qualitative evidence.
- Pat Potter Memorial Lecture, St. Louis University, 2018
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Publishing pragmatic trials.
- Kearney, M. H., & Pickler, R. H.
- Council for Advancement of Nursing Science Advanced Methods Conference, 2017
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Can I serve this dish half-baked? When and how to publish work that is incomplete or flawed.
- International Academy of Nursing Editors, 2017
- Denver, Colorado
- Meet the Editors panel (convenor, presenter, and moderator).
- SNRS Annual Conference, 2017
- Dallas, Texas
- Meet the Editors panel (convenor, presenter, and moderator).
- SNRS Annual Conference, 2016
- Williamsburg, Virginia
- "My choice was breathe or eat:" Understanding the choices made by community-swelling older adults with dysphagia.
- Seshadri, S., Sellers, C. R., Kearney, M. H., & Szekeres, S.
- Qualitative Health Research International Conference, 2015
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Descriptive studies: Maximizing your contribution to the literature.
- Council on the Advancement of Nursing Science, 2014
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Publishing in high-impact journals.
- Kearney, M. H., Chyun, D., Gennaro, S., & Redeker, N.
- Annual Scientific Sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2014
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Improving patient-centered care with qualitative research.
- Raising Your Research IQ: 13th Annual Nursing Research Conference, 2013
- Rochester, New York
- Perspectives and outcomes of a collaborative care model for postpartum depression in an urban pediatric clinic.
- Chaudron, L., Kearney, M. H., Talbot, N., Anson, E., & Szilagyi, P.
- Marcé Society International Biennial Congress, 2012
- Paris, France
- Perinatal risks and outcomes in Latina migrant farmworkers.
- Maher, M. D., Kearney, M., & Groth, S.
- American College of Nurse-Midwives 56th Annual Meeting, 2011
- San Antonio, Texas
- Nurse leaders in ENRS CTSIs.
- 23rd Annual Scientific Sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2011
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Overcoming barriers to writing for publication.
- St. John Fisher College, 2011
- Pittsford, New York
- Adolescent perspectives on informed assent for an HIV vaccine trial.
- Blake, D., Lemay, C., Kearney, M., & Mazor, K.
- Advancing Ethical Research Conference, 2010
- San Diego, California
- Adolescents’ preferences for timing of parental involvement in the research assent process.
- Blake, D., Lemay, C., Kearney, M., & Mazor, K.
- Advancing Ethical Research Conference, 2010
- San Diego, California
- Introduction to grounded theory methods.
- Odum Institute, University of North Carolina, 2010
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- The rules of engagement: Exploring use of a sexual partner type taxonomy by Black adolescent mothers in the US.
- Nelson, L., Morrison-Beedy, D., Kearney, M. & Dozier, A.
- Annual Meeting, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2010
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Adolescent perspectives on informed assent for an HIV vaccine trial.
- Blake, D., Lemay, C., Kearney, M., & Mazor, K.
- Annual Meeting, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2010
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Always, sometimes, or never: Categorical and conditional condom use decision making among Black adolescent mothers in the US.
- Nelson, L., Morrison-Beedy, D., Kearney, M. & Dozier, A.
- Annual Meeting, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2010
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- "A Frustrating Adventure:" Parents' information-seeking during newborn screening evaluations.
- DeLuca, J. M., & Kearney, M.H.
- 22nd Annual Scientific sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2010
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Parents' experiences of expanded newborn screening.
- DeLuca, J. & Kearney, M.
- 22nd Annual International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG), 2009
- San Diego, California
- Nurses' depictions of competence in the first five years of practice.
- Kearney, M. H., & Kenward, K.
- Qualitative Health Research 15th International Interdisciplinary Conference, 2009
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Nursing journal peer reviewers' (NJPR) views on quality indicators in publishing.
- Dougherty, M., Freda, M. C., Kearney, M. H., Baggs, J. G., & Broome M. E.
- Sixth International Congress on Peer Review Congress and Biomedical Publication, 2009
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Ethical concerns of nursing journal reviewers: An international survey.
- Broome, M. E., Dougherty, M., Freda, M. C., Kearney, M. H., & Baggs, J. G.
- Sixth International Congress on Peer Review Congress and Biomedical Publication, 2009
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Exploring parents' ideas for improving expanded newborn screening practices.
- DeLuca, J. & Kearney, M.
- 11th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (ICEIM), 2009
- San Diego, California
- Overcoming publishing paralysis.
- Gennaro, S., Kearney, M.H., & Freda, M.C.
- Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2009
- Boston, Massachusetts
- The evolution of grounded theory.
- UCSF Medical Sociology 40th Anniversary Celebration, 2009
- San Francisco, California
- Experience, time investment, and motivators of nursing journal peer reviewers.
- Kearney, M.H., Baggs, J.G., Broome, M.E., Dougherty, M., & Freda, M.C.
- Conference 2008, International Academy of Nurse Editors (INANE), 2008
- Padua, Italy
- What editors really want.
- Kearney, M. H., & Freda, M.C.
- Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2008
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Inconstant comparisons: A look at grounded theory in nursing and sociology.
- 2nd Annual Strauss Symposium, 2007
- San Francisco, California
- The subject nobody talks about: Nurse editors' compensation.
- Freda, M.C., & Kearney, M.H.
- Conference 2007, International Academy of Nurse Editors, 2007
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Ethical dilemmas faced by nurse editors.
- Freda, M.C., & Kearney, M.H.
- Conference 2006, International Academy of Nurse Editors (INANE), 2006
- London, England
- What can we learn from reviewers?
- Kearney, M.H., Freda, M.C., & Broome, M.E.
- Conference 2006, International Academy of Nurse Editors (INANE), 2006
- London, England
- Writing and revising.
- University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2006
- Pennsylvania
- Clinical application of qualitative findings.
- University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2005
- Pennsylvania
- Safeguarding the quality of evidence in print: Nurse editors' views on the peer review process.
- Kearney, M.H., & Freda, M.C.
- 16th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau, 2005
- Waikoloa, Hawaii
- Enriching your qualitative analysis.
- University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2005
- Pennsylvania
- Reducing postpartum weight retention: A pilot study.
- Kearney, M.H., & Simonelli, M.C.
- 17th Annual Scientific Session, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2005
- New York, New York
- Nursing editors' roles and practices: An international survey.
- Freda, M.C., & Kearney, M.H.
- International Association of Nurse Editors, 2004
- Nassau, Bahamas
- Qualitative methods in caregiver research.
- Third Annual Research Development Summer Institute, Interdisciplinary Education for Alzheimer’s Disease Research, 2004
- Lexington, Massachusetts
- Advancing your qualitative analysis: A participatory workshop.
- 16th Annual Scientific Session, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2004
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Grounded theory in the health professions: Traditions and trends.
- Qualitative Methods in the Health Professions Colloquium, Boston University, 2004
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Windows into Worlds: Qualitative Integrative Reviews [symposium convenor].
- 15th Annual Scientific Session, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
- New Haven, Connecticut
- Health behaviors as mediators of the impact of partner abuse on birth weight.
- 15th Annual Scientific Session, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
- New Haven, Connecticut
- Obstacles to participation in chlamydia screening programs: the young person's perspective.
- Blake, D.R., Kearney, M.H., Oakes, J.M., Druker, S.K., & Bibace, R.
- Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2002
- Effect of recent intimate partner abuse on birth outcomes and maternal morbidity.
- Kearney, M.H., Haggerty, L.A., Munro, B.H., &Hawkins, J.W.
- State of the Science Nursing Research Conference, 2002
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Caught in the crossfire: Pregnancy and parenting for substance abusing women.
- Annual Convention, AWHONN, 2002
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Seeing myself in a new light: Toward a grounded formal theory of health behavior change.
- International Qualitative Health Research conference, 2002
- Banff, Alberta, Canada
- Domestic violence: Impact on mothers and newborns.
- 19th Annual Gravidas at Risk Perinatal Conference, 2001
- Hickory, North Carolina
- Substance abuse in pregnancy; Risks and professional responses.
- 19th Annual Gravidas at Risk Perinatal Conference, 2001
- Hickory, North Carolina
- I can see clearly now: Self-knowledge and identity shifts as turning points in women's health behavior change.
- 13th Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2001
- Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Qualitative data analysis: Descriptive, interpretive, and theory-building approaches.
- 13th Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2001
- Atlantic City, New Jersey
- In search of true collaboration: A cross-disciplinary analysis of the essences of medical and nursing practice.
- Kearney, M.H., Long-Middleton, E., Cashman, S., Ferguson, W., Barron, A., & Hanson, A.
- Second International Advances in Qualitative Methods conference, 2001
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Tough-minded member of the meta-family: Grounded formal theory and qualitative synthesis.
- Second International Advances in Qualitative Methods conference, 2001
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Physicians and nurse practitioners: Complements or competitors.
- Long-Middleton, E., Cashman, S., Kearney, M.H., Ferguson, W. & Hanson, A.
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2000
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Building interdisciplinary primary care teams.
- Long-Middleton, E., Cashman, S., Kearney, M.H., & Hanson, A.
- Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, 2000
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Does nurse home visiting to vulnerable families make a difference? The evidence from research.
- Annual Meeting, AWHONN, 2000
- Seattle, Washington
- Prevalence and correlates of abuse during pregnancy.
- Barrett, R., Kearney, M.H., Munro, B., & Hawkins, J.
- International Conference of the Nursing Network on Violence against Women, 2000
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Substance abuse in pregnancy.
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2000
- Pennsylvania
- Guiding patients with borrowed maps: Judging and applying qualitative evidence in health care practice.
- Qualitative Evidence-Based Practice Conference, 2000
- Coventry, England
- Commitment to self or self-deprivation: Women's efforts to maintain a low-fat diet.
- Kearney, M.H., Rosal, M., Ockene, J., & Churchill, L.
- Sixth International Qualitative Health Research Conference, 2000
- Banff, Alberta, Canada
- Doing qualitative research: Researcher stressors and strategies.
- Kearney, M.H., & Beck, C.
- Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2000
- Newport, Rhode Island
- Screening for abuse: Barriers and opportunities.
- Pearce, C., Hawkins, J., Aber, C., Bell, M., Dwyer, J., Haggerty, L., Higgins, L., Kearney, M.H., Mahony, D., & Munro, B.
- International Congress on Women's Health Issues, 2000
- San Francisco, California
- Enduring love: A grounded formal theory of women’s experience of domestic violence.
- State of the Science Nursing Research Conference, 1999
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Qualitative Methods: Conference Pre-sessions.
- Beck, C., & Kearney, M.H.
- Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1999
- New York, New York
- Spotlights, plots, and actors in grounded formal theory production.
- Advances in Qualitative Methods International Conference, 1999
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Violence, substance use, and pregnancy outcomes.
- Kearney, M.H., & Hawkins, J.
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 1998
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Abuse, women's self-care, and pregnancy outcomes: A preliminary report.
- Annual Meeting, AWHONN, 1998
- San Antonio, Texas
- Domestic abuse in pregnancy: Clinical and academic research links.
- Nurse Recognition Week, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1998
- Boston, Massachusetts
- For experienced qualitative researchers: Current issues in qualitative methods.
- Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1998
- Rochester, New York
- Multisite research on sensitive topics: Issues in study design and implementation.
- Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1998
- Rochester, New York
- A grounded formal theory of women's recovery from illness and trauma.
- 4th International Qualitative Health Research Conference, 1998
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Grounded theory: Meanings and actions in context.
- Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association, 1998
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Domestic abuse in pregnancy: A nursing research agenda.
- Boston College Development Office Parents' Weekend, 1997
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Truthful self-nurturing: A grounded formal theory of women's addiction recovery.
- Annual Meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1997
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- HIV risks and risk reduction in pregnant drug users.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Rosenbaum, M.
- Annual Meeting, American Public Health Association, 1996
- New York, New York
- Quitting drugs: A grounded theory study of pregnant and postpartum women's experiences.
- Annual Meeting, AWHONN, 1995
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Women's stages of quitting drugs: Users' and counselors' perspectives.
- 7th Annual Scientific Sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1995
- Portland, Maine
- Women's stages of quitting drugs: A pilot study.
- Annual Meeting, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1995
- San Diego, California
- Users, hookers, and fugitives: Finding and following legally vulnerable respondents.
- Southern Nursing Research Society, 1995
- Lexington, Kentucky
- Studying troubled lives: A program of research on women drug users.
- Nursing Research Interest Group, Women & Infants' Hospital, 1994
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Salvaging self: Pregnancy on crack cocaine.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., Irwin, K., & Rosenbaum, M.
- 2nd International Qualitative Health Research Conference, 1994
- Hershey, Pennsylvania
- Treat me like I'm somebody: Pregnant drug users' experiences of stigma.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., Irwin, K., & Rosenbaum, M.
- Southern Nursing Research Society, 1994
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Alcohol and cigarette use among pregnant crack users.
- Kearney, M.H., and Britton, B.
- Annual Meeting, American Public Health Association, 1993
- San Francisco, California
- At least I feel guilty: Emotions and reflexivity in pregnant drug users' accounts.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., and Rosenbaum, M.
- American Sociological Association, 1993
- Miami, Florida
- Risk and conflict, pride and guilt: Crack cocaine users and prenatal care.
- Kearney, M.H., Irwin, K., Murphy, S., and Rosenbaum, M.
- Tenth National Meeting, AWHONN, 1993
- Reno, Nevada
- Doing women good, doing research well: Studying pregnancy experiences.
- Western Society for Research in Nursing, 1993
- Bellevue, Washington
- Struggling toward the positive: The trajectory of pregnancy on crack cocaine.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Irwin, K.
- Western Society for Research in Nursing, 1993
- Bellevue, Washington
- Damned if you do, damned if you don't: Crack cocaine users and prenatal care.
- International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, 1992
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- I couldn't take no birth controls: Fertility decisions of cocaine-addicted mothers.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Rosenbaum, M.
- Annual Meeting, American Public Health Association, 1992
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Mothering on crack: A grounded theory study.
- Presentations to nursing and medical students, UCSF Medical Center, 1992
- San Francisco, California
- Pride and guilt: Stories of mothers on crack.
- Presentation to Intensive Care Nursery Staff, UCSF Medical Center, 1992
- San Francisco, California
- I couldn't take no birth controls: Fertility decisions of cocaine-addicted mothers.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Rosenbaum, M.
- Research in Women's Health and Perinatal Nursing Conference, 1992
- Seattle, Washington
- At least I have morals about myself: Experiences of mothering on cocaine.
- Doctoral Program Council, UCSF Medical Center, 1992
- San Francisco, California
- At least I have morals about myself: Experiences of mothering on cocaine.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Rosenbaum, M.
- Western Society for Research in Nursing, 1992
- San Diego, California
- Slipping down, fighting back: Becoming a crack mother.
- Kearney, M.H., Murphy, S., & Rosenbaum, M.
- 37th Annual Meeting, American College of Nurse-Midwives, 1992
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Running Between the Rooms: Mothering on Crack.
- Murphy, S., Kearney, M.H., & Rosenbaum, M.
- American Society of Criminology, 1991
- San Francisco, California
- Fetal health and maternal behaviors: Issues in the study of addiction in pregnancy.
- 1991 Scientific Session, ANA Council of Nurse Researchers, 1991
- Los Angeles, California
- Breastfeeding and employment.
- Kearney, M.H., & Cronenwett, L.
- 1991 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development, 1991
- Seattle, Washington
- Breastfeeding and employment.
- Kearney, M.H., & Cronenwett, L.
- Western Society for Research in Nursing, 1990
- Denver, Colorado
- Limited bottle use in the early weeks postpartum and breastfeeding outcomes.
- Cronenwett, L., Reinhardt, R., Kearney, M.H., Barrett, J., & Stukel, T.
- NAACOG Research Conference, 1990
- Denver, Colorado
- Breastfeeding and employment.
- Kearney, M.H., & Cronenwett, L.
- NAACOG Research Conference, 1990
- Denver, Colorado
- Prenatal expectations for breastfeeding: Fathers and mothers.
- Cronenwett, L., & Kearney, M.H.
- Eighth Biennial Eastern Nursing Research Conference, 1988
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Early breastfeeding problems.
- Kearney, M.H., & Cronenwett, L.
- NAACOG Research Conference, 1988
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Perceived perinatal complications and childbirth satisfaction.
- Kearney, M.H., & Cronenwett, L.
- 1988 Annual ASPO/Lamaze Conference, 1988
- San Francisco, California
- Relationships between supplementation and breastfeeding outcomes: Causal or spurious?
- Cronenwett, L., & Kearney, M.H.
- International Nursing Research Conference, 1987
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Kearney, M. H. (2018). The hidden work of a journal editor [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 41, 3-5. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21849
- Pickler, R. H., & Kearney, M. H. (2018). Publishing pragmatic trials. Nursing Outlook. Advance online publication. PMID: 29903502 DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2018.04.002
- Kearney, M. H. (2017). Research protocols offer a glimpse into evidence in the making [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 40, 93-95. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21787
- Kearney, M. H. (2017). Can I serve this dish half-baked? Approaches to publishing some less than perfect research [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 40, 483-486. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21834
- Kearney, M. H. (2017). The discussion section tells us where we are [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 40, 289-291. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21803
- Seshadri, S., Sellers, C., & Kearney, M. H. (2017). Balancing eating with breathing: Community-dwelling older adults’ experiences of dysphagia and texture-modified diets. The Gerontologist, 58 (4), 749-758. PMID: 28082276 DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnw203
- Kearney, M. H. (2017). Making dissertations publishable [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 40, 3-5. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21780
- Kearney, M. H. (2017). Challenges of finding and filling a gap in the literature [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 40, 393-395. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21812
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). RINAH editors as mentors: A resource for authors [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 311-313. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21748
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). Under-appreciated steps in instrument development, part II: Ending with validity [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 135-138. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21721
- Greenhalgh, T., Annandale, E., Ashcroft, R., Barlow, J., Black, N., Bleakley, A., Boaden, R.,… [Kearney, M. is author #36 of 76], … Ziebland, S. (2016). An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research [letter to editor]. BMJ, 352. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.i563
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). Moving from facts to wisdom: Facilitating synthesis in literature reviews [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 1-6.
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). Under-appreciated steps in instrument development, part I: Starting with validity [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 81-83.
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). Rigorous peer review is worth the effort [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 393-395. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21771
- Kearney, M. H. (2016). Revitalizing RINAH as nursing research matures [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 39, 209-211. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21736
- LeCuyer, E.A., Christensen, J.J., Kreher, D., Kearney, M.H., Kitzman, H.J. (2015). African American mothers' self-described discipline strategies with young children in 1992 and 2012.. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29 (1), 28-37. PMID: 25079694 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2014.05.009
- Kearney, M. H. (2015). Write to me please: The scholarly importance of letters to the editor [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 38, 327-329. DOI: 10.1002/nur21677
- Kearney, M. H. (2015). Which journal will take the best care of my paper? [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 38, 249-253.
- Kearney, M. H. (2015). Ways of knowing: A guide to the journals a clinical discipline needs? [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 38, 97-99.
- Kearney, M. H. (2015). Distinguishing impact from productivity [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 38, 417-419. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21698
- Kearney, M. H., & the INANE Predatory Publishing Practices Collective (2015). Predatory publishing: What authors should know [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 38, 1-3. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21640
- Blake, D. R., Lemay, C. A., Maranda, L. S., Fortenberry, J. D., Kearney, M. H., & Mazor, K. M. (2015). Development and evaluation of a web-based assent for adolescents considering an HIV vaccine trial. AIDS Care, 27, 1005-1013. PMID: 25803694 PMCID: PMC4425609 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2015.1024096
- LeCuyer, E. A., Christensen, J. J., Kearney, M. H., & Kitzman, H. (2015). African American mothers' self-described discipline strategies with young children in 1992 and 2012. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29, 28-37. PMID: 25079694 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2014.05.009
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- Kearney, M. H. (2014). Hoping for a TREND toward PRISMA: The variety and value of research reporting guidelines. [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 85-87.
- Kearney, M. H. (2014). The guilt factor: Another reason to publish your research and help others publish theirs [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 353-355.
- Kearney, M. H. (2014). Be a responsible co-author [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 1-2. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21580
- Holland, M. L., Christensen, J. J., Shone, L. P., Kearney, M. H., & Kitzman, H. (2014). Clients' reasons for attrition from a nurse home visiting program. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 43, 61-70. PMID: 24354411 PMCID: PMC4560239 DOI: 10.1111/1552-6909.12263
- Kearney, M. H. (2014). Who owns a dissertation, and why does it matter? [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 261-264.
- Kearney, M. H. (2013). Why I may be antisocial, or the value added by editing [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 36, 435-436. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21560
- Kearney, M. H. (2013). The role of a general research journal in nursing and health science [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 36, 1-2. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21519
- Poleshuck, E. L., Cerrito, B., Leshoure, N., Finocan-Kaag, G., & Kearney, M. H. (2013). Underserved women in a women’s health clinic describe their experiences of depressive symptoms and why they have low uptake of psychotherapy. Community Mental Health Journal, 49, 50-60.
- Nelson, L. E., Morrison-Beedy, D., Kearney, M. H., & Dozier, A. (2012). Black adolescent mothers' perspectives on sex and parenting in non-marital relationships with the biological fathers of their children. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 41, 82-91.
- DeLuca, J. M., Kearney, M. H., Norton, S. A., & Arnold, G. L. (2012). Internet use by parents of infants with positive newborn screens. Journal of Inherited and Metabolic Disease, 35, 879-884.
- Baggs, J. G., Becker, P., Froman, R. D., Jennings, B., Kearney, H. H., & Sandelowski, M. (2012). Can this manuscript be saved? [editorial]. Research in Nursing & Health, 35, 561-563.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2008). Inconstant comparisons: A nurse and a sociologist study depression using grounded theory. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 32, 143-159.
- Kearney, M. H. (2008). Keeping the editor “In Focus” [editorial]. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 37, 251-252. PMID: 18507593 DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2008.00233.x
- Baggs, J. G., Broome, M.E., Dougherty, M., Freda, M. C., & Kearney, M. H. (2008). Blinding in peer review: The preferences of reviewers for nursing journals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64, 131-138. PMID: 18764847 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04816.x
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- Kearney, M. H. (2007). From the sublime to the meticulous: The continuing evolution of grounded formal theory. In K. Charmaz and T. Bryant, Eds., Handbook of grounded theory research, 127-150.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2007). Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use in childbearing families. March of Dimes: Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use in childbearing families.
- Kearney, M. H. (2006). Skilled peer review: A roadmap to stronger scholarship. [editorial]. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 35, 443.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2005). Risks affecting fetal well-being. In L. Littleton & J. Engebretson, Eds. Maternity nursing care, 412-425.
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- Kearney, M. H., Munro, B. H., Kelly, U., & Hawkins, J. W. (2004). Health behaviors as mediators of the effect of partner abuse on infant birth weight. Nursing Research, 53, 36-45. PMID: 14726775 DOI: 10.1097/00006199-200401000-00006
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- Kearney, M. H., Haggerty, L. A., Munro, B. H., & Hawkins, J. W. (2003). Birth outcomes and maternal morbidity in abused pregnant women with public and private health insurance. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 35, 345-349.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2003). “Thinking upstream” to confront prematurity [editorial]. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 32, 577-578. PMID: 14565735
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- Kearney, M. H. (2001). Levels and applications of qualitative research evidence. Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 145-153.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2001). Defining and managing risk: Snapshots of women's strategies across the lifespan. In Young, L., & Hayes, V., Transforming health promotion practice: Concepts, issues, and applications, 148-161.
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- D'Avolio, D., Hawkins, J., Haggerty, L., Kelly, U., Barrett, R., Toscano, S., Dwyer J., Higgins, L., Kearney, M. H., Pearce, C., Aber, C., Mahony, D., & Bell, M. (2001). Screening for abuse: Barriers and opportunities. Health Care for Women International, 22, 349-362. PMID: 11813784 DOI: 10.1080/07399330152398891
- Kearney, M. H. (2001). Environmental risks affecting fetal well-being. In L. Littleton & J. Engebretson, Eds. Maternal, neonatal, and women’s health nursing, 605-641.
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- Kearney, M. H. (2001). Enduring love: A grounded formal theory of women's experience of domestic violence. Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 270-282.
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