- Phone: (585) 275-8898
- Email: Mary-Therese Dombeck
Mary-Therese Dombeck, PhD, DMin., LMFT, LMHC
- Professor Emeritus of Nursing
- Ph.D. in Anthropology, 1989. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY
- D.Min. in Pastoral Ministry to Families, 1986. Colgate Rochester Divinity School. Rochester, NY
- M.S. in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing of Adults, 1978. University of Rochester School of Nursing. Rochester, NY
- M.A. in Religious Studies, 1975. Colgate Rochester Divinity School. Rochester, NY
- B.A. in Philosophy, 1962. The American University. Washington, DC
Mary-Therese B. Dombeck has more than 40 years of experience serving in clinical, educational, administrative, and leadership roles. Dombeck joined the School of Nursing faculty in 1979 as senior associate professor in nursing and served in various capacities throughout her career. Most notably, for the last 17 years, she has served as professor teaching a variety of courses on cultural diversity, religious and spiritual issues in health care, and group and family psychotherapy.
In 2014, Dombeck formed a spirituality subcommittee within the Council for Diversity and Inclusion focused on recognizing how spiritual, religious, and moral beliefs relate to perception of health, illness, healing, suffering, and dying. Additionally, Dombeck has served as associate counselor and nursing consultant at the Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, and mental health counselor at the Pastoral Counseling and Family Therapy Group, and more recently, at Crossbridge Wellness Associates. She has presented both nationally and internationally on the study of dreams, gender identity in nursing, and religious and spiritual needs in health care.
Dombeck earned a bachelor of arts in philosophy from American University, a master of arts in religious studies and theology from Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and a master of science in psychiatric and adult mental health nursing from the UR School of Nursing. She received her doctorate of ministry in pastoral ministry to families from Colgate Rochester Divinity School and her PhD in anthropology from the University of Rochester. Her academic work has been featured in more than 30 publications.
Dombeck is a member of several professional organizations including the New York State Nurses Association, American Anthropological Association, Society for Psychological Anthropology, and Association for the Study of Dreams. Throughout her career, she has received numerous awards including the Culture Diversity Advancement Award from SON and Mentor Award from Sigma Theta Tau Region 5.
Professional Experience
- Professor,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 2005 - Current
- Mental Health Counselor,
- Pastoral Counseling and Family Therapy Group, Rochester, NY, US. 2004 - Current
- Associate Counselor and Nursing Consultation,
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, Rochester, NY, US. 1982 - Current
- Associate Professor,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 1995 - 2005
- Assistant Professor,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 1989 - 1995
- Senior Associate in Nursing,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 1979 - 1989
- Culture Diversity Advancement Award
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2006
- Mentor Award
- Sigma Theta Tau Region 5, 1998
- Nominated candidate, program for senior scholars
- Fetzer Institute, 1998
- Outstanding Scholarly Practitioner Award
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1996
- Elected member
- Board of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1995
- Elected as senior editor
- Dreaming, 1994
- Elected Fellow
- American Anthropological Association, 1993
- Elected member
- Board of Association for the Study of Dreams, 1993
- Junior Faculty Study Leave
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1993
- lauded paper, "The contexts of caring: Conscience and consciousness"
- Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1991
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Training
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1990
- member
- Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1983
- Trainee Appointment for Graduate Study
- NIMH, 1978
- Trainee Appointment for Graduate Study
- NIMH, 1977
- Trainee Appointment for Graduate Study
- NIMH, 1976
- Honors for thesis, "Water Symbolism..."
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1975
- Philosophy Prize
- American University, 1962
- Exploring a bioethical construct for issues of spirituality and religion in health care practice and research
- RIT Expression of Diversity Conference, 2007
- Rochester, New York
- Exploring a bioethical construct for issues of spirituality and religion in health care practice and research
- RIT Expression of Diversity Conference, 2007
- Rochester, New York
- The Mentor Relationship
- Gamma Rho Chapter Sigma Theta Tau, 2005
- Care and Covenant Relationship.
- Stephen Ministers Network, 2005
- Rochester, New York
- Care and Covenant Relationship.
- Stephen Ministers Network, 2005
- Rochester, New York
- The Mentor Relationship
- Gamma Rho Chapter Sigma Theta Tau, 2005
- The Spirituality of the Enneagram
- Mercy Prayer Center, 2005
- Rochester, New York
- The Spirituality of the Enneagram
- Mercy Prayer Center, 2005
- Rochester, New York
- The power of narrative to define ICU patients' personhood
- State of Science Congress in Nursing Research, 2004
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Faith and Wellness : Caring for others, caring for self
- (in preparation), URMC, 2004
- Rochester, New York
- Faith and Wellness : Caring for others, caring for self
- (in preparation), URMC, 2004
- Rochester, New York
- The power of dreams and stories
- Models of Healing Teaching Day, Univ. of Roch. - School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2004
- Rochester, New York
- The power of dreams and stories
- Models of Healing Teaching Day, Univ. of Roch. - School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2004
- Rochester, New York
- The power of narrative to define ICU patients' personhood
- State of Science Congress in Nursing Research, 2004
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Spiritual Assessment Tools
- the Parish nurses, URMC, 2003
- Rochester, New York
- Discerning the unique role of Spirituality in Parish Nursing
- URMC, 2003
- Rochester, New York
- Spiritual Assessment Tools
- the Parish nurses, URMC, 2003
- Rochester, New York
- Discerning the unique role of Spirituality in Parish Nursing
- URMC, 2003
- Rochester, New York
- Bioethics in the First Person
- Narratives of Professional Power...meeting, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, 2003
- Chicago, Illinois
- Ethical dilemmas told and interpreted in the dreams of nurses
- NY Chapter American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2002
- New York
- Stories of Trauma and Healing
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2002
- Seneca Falls, New York
- Stories of Trauma and Healing
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2002
- Seneca Falls, New York
- Ethical dilemmas told and interpreted in the dreams of nurses
- NY Chapter American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2002
- New York
- Suffering Matters: Restoring and Sustaining Nurses
- Parish Nurse Program, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Suffering Matters: Restoring and Sustaining Nurses
- Parish Nurse Program, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Dreams: Nighttime Messengers
- Community Nursing Center, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Dreams: Nighttime Messengers
- Community Nursing Center, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Ethics in Everyday Practice
- Psychiatric Nursing Grand Rounds, URMC, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Ethics in Everyday Practice
- Psychiatric Nursing Grand Rounds, URMC, 2002
- Rochester, New York
- Restoring Personhood in Health Care
- Nurses Christian Fellowship, 2001
- Guelph, Ontario, Central America
- Restoring Personhood in Health Care
- Nurses Christian Fellowship, 2001
- Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Creating health care access through congregations
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 2001
- Rochester, New York
- Creating health care access through congregations
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 2001
- Rochester, New York
- Perspectives on Human Suffering
- Free Methodist Medical Fellowship and Parish Nurse, 2000
- Niagara, New York
- Experiences and dreams of women who undergo hysterectomy
- Highland Women's Center, J.C.C., 2000
- Rochester, New York
- Perspectives on Human Suffering
- Free Methodist Medical Fellowship and Parish Nurse, 2000
- Niagara, New York
- Experiences and dreams of women who undergo hysterectomy
- Highland Women's Center, J.C.C., 2000
- Rochester, New York
- Dreams and Spirituality
- St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Center, 2000
- New York
- Dreams and Spirituality
- St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Center, 2000
- New York
- Dreams: Nighttime Messengers
- for Community Nursing Center for CEU credit, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1999
- Rochester, New York
- Sustaining a compassionate spirit: Themes in a spirituality of human care
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1999
- Rochester, New York
- Sustaining a compassionate spirit: Themes in a spirituality of human care
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1999
- Rochester, New York
- Dreams: Nighttime Messengers
- for Community Nursing Center for CEU credit, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1999
- Rochester, New York
- Stories of endings and beginnings: Three faiths look at Death and Dying
- Helen Cohen Lecture Series, Interfaith Forum, 1999
- New York
- Stories of endings and beginnings: Three faiths look at Death and Dying
- Helen Cohen Lecture Series, Interfaith Forum, 1999
- New York
- Work narratives: Storytelling and its power to hold patient and practitioner in sacred space
- Biopsychosocial Group Strong Health, 1999
- New York
- Work narratives: Storytelling and its power to hold patient and practitioner in sacred space
- Biopsychosocial Group Strong Health, 1999
- New York
- Theory Driven Practice
- Preceptor Workshop, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1998
- Rochester, New York
- Theory Driven Practice
- Preceptor Workshop, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1998
- Rochester, New York
- The Future of Dream Research
- Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- Telling the dream, and dreaming the self
- seminar on Dreams as Meaning in the Making, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- Professional and Vocational Role Formation and Women's Spiritual Care
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- Ethical dilemmas told and interpreted in the dreams of nurses
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- The Future of Dream Research
- Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- Professional and Vocational Role Formation and Women's Spiritual Care
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- Ethical dilemmas told and interpreted in the dreams of nurses
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- Telling the dream, and dreaming the self
- seminar on Dreams as Meaning in the Making, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1997
- Ashville, North Carolina
- Family of Origin Groups
- Rochester Area Group Psychotherapists, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- Family of Origin Groups
- Rochester Area Group Psychotherapists, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- Gender Issues in Nursing: Professional Personhood Research Exchange
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- Gender Issues in Nursing: Professional Personhood Research Exchange
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1997
- Rochester, New York
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Spiritual Awareness
- seven-week workshop, May-June, Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Spiritual Awareness
- seven-week workshop, May-June, Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- Remembering the Dream: A Social Event
- invited response to keynote address, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1996
- Berkeley, California
- Remembering the Dream: A Social Event
- invited response to keynote address, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1996
- Berkeley, California
- The case of the splintered face: Healing the fractured self
- Focused Discussion, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1996
- New York City, New York
- The case of the splintered face: Healing the fractured self
- Focused Discussion, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1996
- New York City, New York
- Dreams as a Means of Spiritual Awareness and Healing in Critical Illness
- Greater Rochester Area Finger Lakes Chapter, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- Dreams as a Means of Spiritual Awareness and Healing in Critical Illness
- Greater Rochester Area Finger Lakes Chapter, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- Nursing's Gender: The
- Genesee Valley Nurses Association, 1996
- New York
- Nursing's Gender: The
- Genesee Valley Nurses Association, 1996
- New York
- The Dreams of Women Before and After Hysterectomy
- meeting, University of Rochester, Biopsychosocial Studies, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- The Dreams of Women Before and After Hysterectomy
- meeting, University of Rochester, Biopsychosocial Studies, 1996
- Rochester, New York
- Spiritual Disequilibrium and the Emergence of Self
- Conference: Toward a Neurotheology of God and Soul, Chicago Center for Science and Religion, 1995
- Evanston, Illinois
- Telling my story, telling my dream
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1995
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Nursing's gender, and the dreams of nurses
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1995
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Telling my story, telling my dream
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1995
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Nursing's gender, and the dreams of nurses
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1995
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Reflections of a cultural image: The dreams of nurses
- Society for Psychological Anthropology, 1995
- San Juan, China
- Reflections of a cultural image: The dreams of nurses
- Society for Psychological Anthropology, 1995
- San Juan, Oman
- Nursing's Image and the Dreams of Nurses: A Timely Connection
- Sigma Theta Tau Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1995
- New York
- Spiritual Direction in Dream Sharing Groups: A case example
- session: "The Varieties of Spiritual Dream...", Association for the Study of Dreams, 1995
- New York City, New York
- Nursing's Image and the Dreams of Nurses: A Timely Connection
- Sigma Theta Tau Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1995
- New York
- The process of gathering data and the gathering of process data: The case of dreams
- Focused Discussion, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1995
- New York City, New York
- Spiritual Direction in Dream Sharing Groups: A case example
- session: "The Varieties of Spiritual Dream...", Association for the Study of Dreams, 1995
- New York City, New York
- The process of gathering data and the gathering of process data: The case of dreams
- Focused Discussion, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1995
- New York City, New York
- Telling Professional Stories: The Making of Persons
- Qualitative Health Research Conference, Pennsylvania State University, 1994
- Hershey, Pennsylvania
- Telling Professional Stories: The Making of Persons
- Qualitative Health Research Conference, Pennsylvania State University, 1994
- Hershey, Pennsylvania
- The Process of Gathering Data and the Gathering of Process Data
- Bridging Conference, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1994
- Rochester, New York
- The Process of Gathering Data and the Gathering of Process Data
- Bridging Conference, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1994
- Rochester, New York
- Gender Issues: Internal Images of Nursing
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1994
- Houston, Texas
- Gender Issues: Internal Images of Nursing
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1994
- Houston, Texas
- Gender Issues in Nursing: A Narrative Approach to Empowerment
- American Anthropological Association, 1994
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Gender Issues in Nursing: A Narrative Approach to Empowerment
- American Anthropological Association, 1994
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Dreams before and after hysterectomy: A pilot ethnographic study
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1994
- Leiden University, Netherlands
- Dreams before and after hysterectomy: A pilot ethnographic study
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1994
- Leiden University, Netherlands
- The Telling and Interpretation of Psychic Dreams: An Ethnographic Analysis
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, Arizona
- Spiritual Assessment: Dimensions and Dynamics
- "The Means to Effective Reform", Partnership in Health Conference, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- The Telling and Interpretation of Psychic Dreams: An Ethnographic Analysis
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, Arizona
- Dreams of Psychotherapists About Their Clients: A Means To Moral Awareness
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, Arizona
- Professional Personhood: Gender Issues in Nursing
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1993
- New York
- Understanding a Dream From Different Perspectives
- 10th Annual Conference of the Association for the study of dreams, Association for the study of dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Clinical Supervision: A Three Way Mirror
- Partnerships in Health Care Conference, University of Rochester, Biopsychosocial Studies, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Is the construct of person useful for analysis in feminist nursing research?
- Fourth Annual, Critical and Feminist Perspectives Conference, 1993
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Is the construct of person useful for analysis in feminist nursing research?
- Fourth Annual, Critical and Feminist Perspectives Conference, 1993
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Spiritual Assessment: Dimensions and Dynamics
- "The Means to Effective Reform", Partnership in Health Conference, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Understanding a Dream From Different Perspectives
- 10th Annual Conference of the Association for the study of dreams, Association for the study of dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Healing the Fractured Self
- Symposium on Mental Health, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Clinical Supervision: A Three Way Mirror
- Partnerships in Health Care Conference, University of Rochester, Biopsychosocial Studies, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Healing the Fractured Self
- Symposium on Mental Health, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Professional Personhood: Gender Issues in Nursing
- Assembly for Men in Nursing, 1993
- New York
- Dreams of Psychotherapists About Their Clients: A Means To Moral Awareness
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1993
- Santa Fe, Arizona
- Bifurcation and Self Organization as a Consequence of Spiritual Disequilibrium
- Fourth Biennial Symposium, International Neuman Systems Model, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- Bifurcation and Self Organization as a Consequence of Spiritual Disequilibrium
- Fourth Biennial Symposium, International Neuman Systems Model, 1993
- Rochester, New York
- The Thawing of Symbols at the Association for the Study of Dreams
- Tenth Annual Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams Conference, 1992
- Santa Cruz, California
- Contexts of Dream Interpretation Among American Psychotherapists and Pastoral Counselors
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1992
- Santa Cruz, California
- Contexts of Dream Interpretation Among American Psychotherapists and Pastoral Counselors
- Association for the Study of Dreams, 1992
- Santa Cruz, California
- Dream Interpretation: The Art of Making Present
- A Contemporary Sublime: ..., R.I.T., 1992
- Rochester, New York
- The Thawing of Symbols at the Association for the Study of Dreams
- Tenth Annual Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams Conference, 1992
- Santa Cruz, California
- Dream Interpretation: The Art of Making Present
- A Contemporary Sublime: ..., R.I.T., 1992
- Rochester, New York
- Nursing consultation within the unification model: A descriptive study
- University of Rochester, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Women and Health: Lesson from the Field
- Office of International Studies, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Women and Health: Lesson from the Field
- Office of International Studies, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Care of Psyche: Care of Spirit
- Mental Health in the 1990's, Univ. of Roch. School of Nursing, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Nursing consultation within the unification model: A descriptive study
- University of Rochester, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Care of Psyche: Care of Spirit
- Mental Health in the 1990's, Univ. of Roch. School of Nursing, 1991
- Rochester, New York
- Self-Awareness Through Dream Exploration
- Finger Lakes Conference, Hobart and William Smith College, 1990
- Geneva, New York
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Spiritual Awareness Group
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1990
- Rochester, New York
- Self-Awareness Through Dream Exploration
- Finger Lakes Conference, Hobart and William Smith College, 1990
- Geneva, New York
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Spiritual Awareness Group
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1990
- Rochester, New York
- Contexts of caring: Conscience and Consciousness
- 12th Annual, International Conference of Human Caring, 1989
- Houston, Texas
- Contexts of caring: Conscience and Consciousness
- 12th Annual, International Conference of Human Caring, 1989
- Houston, Texas
- Family of Origin Exploration Groups for Clergy and Health Professionals
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1988
- Rochester, New York
- Group Mythology and Group Development in Dream Sharing Groups
- Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1988
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Group Mythology and Group Development in Dream Sharing Groups
- Conference, Association for the Study of Dreams, 1988
- Washington, District Of Columbia
- Family of Origin Exploration Groups for Clergy and Health Professionals
- Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center, 1988
- Rochester, New York
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- workshop and consultation for medical clinicians, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1988
- Rochester, New York
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- workshop and consultation for medical clinicians, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1988
- Rochester, New York
- The use of symbol, myth, model and ritual in interdisciplinary education
- 9th Annual Conference, Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams, 1987
- Stony Brook, New York
- Death rituals and life values: The American Way
- Conference, Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, 1987
- Breckenridge, Colorado
- Death rituals and life values: The American Way
- Conference, Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, 1987
- Breckenridge, Colorado
- Dynamics
- Harvard University, 1987
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
- The use of symbol, myth, model and ritual in interdisciplinary education
- 9th Annual Conference, Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams, 1987
- Stony Brook, New York
- Dynamics
- Harvard University, 1987
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Spirituality in a Women's Journey
- Episcopal Church Women Regional Conference, 1986
- Rochester, New York
- Dream-telling in Small Groups: Content and Process
- International Conference on Small Group, 1986
- Dream-telling in Small Groups: Content and Process
- International Conference on Small Group, 1986
- The Influence of Freud on dream telling and dream interpretation
- North East Area Anthropological Association, 1986
- Lake Placid, New York
- Spirituality in a Women's Journey
- Episcopal Church Women Regional Conference, 1986
- Rochester, New York
- The Influence of Freud on dream telling and dream interpretation
- North East Area Anthropological Association, 1986
- Lake Placid, New York
- The Physical Examination as a Secular, Life Cycle Ritual
- North East Area Anthropological Association, 1985
- Lake Placid, New York
- The Physical Examination as a Secular, Life Cycle Ritual
- North East Area Anthropological Association, 1985
- Lake Placid, New York
- workshops at area community settings
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator, 1983
- workshops at area community settings
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator, 1983
- Models for assessment of religious and spiritual needs in health care
- Fifth Conference, Interdisciplinary Health Team Care, 1983
- Rochester, New York
- Models for assessment of religious and spiritual needs in health care
- Fifth Conference, Interdisciplinary Health Team Care, 1983
- Rochester, New York
- The Psychology of Carl Jung
- Doctor of Ministries students, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- two workshops for nursing clinicians
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- The use of theme-centered interaction groups in a family nurse clinician curriculum
- Fifth Biennial Eastern Nursing Research Conference, University of Maryland, 1982
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Principles for Group Process
- for medical/surgical nursing clinicians, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Dream Exploration Group
- Robert Wood Johnson Nursing Fellows, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Personality Type and Spirituality Styles
- Mercy Prayer Center, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Support groups in women
- Women's Health Conference, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Principles for Group Process
- for medical/surgical nursing clinicians, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Personality Type and Spirituality Styles
- Mercy Prayer Center, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- two workshops for nursing clinicians
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- The use of theme-centered interaction groups in a family nurse clinician curriculum
- Fifth Biennial Eastern Nursing Research Conference, University of Maryland, 1982
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Depression in Women
- Women's Center for Theological Education, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Explorations of Human Suffering
- Lay School of Theology, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Depression in Women
- Women's Center for Theological Education, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Dream Exploration Group
- Robert Wood Johnson Nursing Fellows, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Support groups in women
- Women's Health Conference, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Explorations of Human Suffering
- Lay School of Theology, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- The Psychology of Carl Jung
- Doctor of Ministries students, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1982
- Rochester, New York
- Consultation within the Hospital Community
- ICN Pre-conference Workshop, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- The research process: planning and implementation
- First Annual Spring Research Symposium, University of Rochester, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- Consultation within the Hospital Community
- ICN Pre-conference Workshop, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- Nursing consultation within the unification model: A descriptive study
- Brown Bag Research Seminar, University of Rochester, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- Modeling Listening Skills; Facilitating Couple Listening Skills
- Fourth Annual Marriage Retorno Conference, 1981
- Estes Park, Colorado
- Nursing consultation within the unification model: A descriptive study
- Brown Bag Research Seminar, University of Rochester, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- The research process: planning and implementation
- First Annual Spring Research Symposium, University of Rochester, 1981
- Rochester, New York
- Modeling Listening Skills; Facilitating Couple Listening Skills
- Fourth Annual Marriage Retorno Conference, 1981
- Estes Park, Colorado
- Images of women in mythology
- Women's Center for Theological Education, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Personality Styles, and Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Women's Health Faculty and Medical Clinician, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Dream Sharing Groups: A Means to Spiritual Awareness Through Samaritan Pastoral
- 1992 Counseling Center, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Images of women in mythology
- Women's Center for Theological Education, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Dream Sharing Groups: A Means to Spiritual Awareness Through Samaritan Pastoral
- 1992 Counseling Center, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- The impact of dream exploration in a theme-center interactional group on the self-esteem of members of a profession
- Brown Bag Research Seminar, University of Rochester, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Personality Styles, and Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Women's Health Faculty and Medical Clinician, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- The impact of dream exploration in a theme-center interactional group on the self-esteem of members of a profession
- Brown Bag Research Seminar, University of Rochester, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Nurse Power
- Genesee Valley Nurses Association, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Nurse Power
- Genesee Valley Nurses Association, 1980
- Rochester, New York
- Olsan, T., & Dombeck, M.T. (n.d.). Conceptualizing the moral landscape of health care institutions (in progress). .
- Cote-Arsenault, D., Brody, D., & Dombeck, M-T. (2009). Pregnancy as a rite of passage: Liminality, rituals & communitas. The Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 24 (2), 69-88.
- Baggs, J., Norton, S., Schmitt, M., Dombeck, M., Sellers, C., Quinn, J. (2007). Intensive Care Unit Cultures and End-Of-Life Decision makeup. Journal of Critical Care, 22 (2), 159-168. PMID: 17548028 PMCID: PMC2214829 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2006.09.008
- Dombeck, M.T. & Olsan, T. (2007). Institutional Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Perspective from the U.S.A. in Susan McLaren and Audrey Leatthord Ethics. Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care.
- Dombeck, M.T. & Olsan, T.H. (2007). Ethics and the social responsibility of institutions regarding resource allocation in health and social care. Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care, 169-183.
- Dombeck, M.T. (2003). Work narratives: Gender and race in professional personhood. Research in Nursing and Health, 26 (5), 351-365.
- Minicucci, D.S., Schmitt, M., SD., Dombeck, M.T., Williams G.C. (2003). Actualizing Gadow's moral framework for nursing through research. Nursing Philosophy, 4, 92-103. PMID: 14498949 DOI: 10.1046/j.1466-769x.2003.00129.x
- Dombeck, M.T., Markakis, K., Brachman, L., Dalal, B., & Olsan, T.; R. Frankel & T. Quill (eds.) (2003). Models, mentor and meanings: An ethnographic analysis of a psychosocial correspondence. The biopsychosocial model.
- Dombeck, M.T. & Olsan, T. (2002). Ethics and Managed Care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 16, 221-223. PMID: 12201986 DOI: 10.1080/13561820220146667
- Cote-Arsentault, D. & Dombeck, M.T. (2001). Maternal assignment of fetal person-hood to a previous pregnancy loss: Relationships to anxiety in the current pregnancy. Health Care for Women International, 22, 649-665.
- Dombeck, M.T. (1999). The Mentor Relationship (invited editorial). Research in Nursing & Health, 22, 1-2.
- Dombeck, M.T. (1999). The Mentor Relationship (invited editorial). Research in Nursing & Health, 22, 1-2.
- Dombeck, M.T. (1998). Spiritual and pastoral dimensions of care in interprofessional contexts. Journal of Interprofessional care, 12 (4), 361-372.
- Dombeck, M.T. & Evinger, J.S. (1998). Spiritual care: The partnership covenant. In A. Suchman, R. Botelho, & P. Walker, (Eds.). Partnership, power process: Transforming health care and delivery.
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