Monday, April 15, 2024
Faculty, staff, and doctoral students from the University of Rochester School of Nursing presented their latest research and earned regional recognition at the annual Eastern Nursing Research Society Scientific Sessions.
Heather Wensley '11N (MS) '24N (DNP), a nurse practitioner on Golisano Children's Hospital's Adolescent Medicine team, earned first place in the DNP student poster category for a presentation of her recent scholarly project, "A Clinic-Based Parent-Peer Support Program for Parents of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth Date."
Two UR Nursing cancer researchers discussed their recent work in podium presentations. Zhihong (Sandy) Zhang, MS, RN, presented "Understanding the Trajectories of Pain in Older Adults with Advanced Incurable Cancer During Cancer Treatment Through the Perspective of Resilience," the subject of her recent PhD dissertation. Assistant Professor Lauren Ghazal, PhD, FNP-BC, shared her expertise on financial toxicity among children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer, and its impact on this population's health outcomes.
Students and faculty also presented the following research at poster and podium presentations throughout the conference:
Ghazal was elected to the ENRS Nominating Committee, and fellow Assistant Professor Dillon Dzikowicz, PhD, RN, PCCN, was elected to the Awards Committee.