Senior Associate Dean Lydia Rotondo to Retire from UR Nursing
By Nora Williamson
Monday, January 13, 2025

“Dr. Rotondo has helped shape the trajectory of our educational programs during a critical period for nursing education," said Dean Lisa Kitko, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN. “Her leadership in developing 21st century nursing programs has strengthened both our School and our graduates’ preparation for the future of healthcare. We appreciate her significant contributions to our School’s advancement over the past decade.”
The announcement comes at the height of a banner year for Rotondo and the School of Nursing. In 2024, she was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), the highest honor in nursing. Under her leadership, the School successfully received a 10-year CCNE reaccreditation, earned designation as a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence and achieved its status as an Apple Distinguished School. The School was also recently recognized by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing as a leader in educational innovation, and was the first school in New York to be endorsed by the International Nursing Association of Clinical and Simulation Learning.
“The SON is a special place. I am deeply grateful for the many opportunities I have had as the associate dean and DNP program director over the past decade to collaborate with talented and committed colleagues to innovate nursing education and build meaningful academic-practice partnerships,” Rotondo said.During her tenure, Rotondo has served in several key leadership roles, including 10 years as associate dean for education and student affairs and 11 years as director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program. Her impact on nursing education extends well beyond the University of Rochester. She played a crucial role in advancing New York State legislation supporting simulation in clinical nursing education and served on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) New Essentials Implementation Task Force.
Among her accomplishments, Rotondo established the annual DNP Summit, which is now in its ninth year and brings together nursing leaders from across the country to advance conversations about DNP education, career pathways, and scholarship. After almost a decade of advocacy, earlier this year she successfully led state efforts through the New York State Council of Deans and Directors for the University of Rochester to become the first institution in New York to expand its DNP program entry point, increasing access for master's-prepared nurses.
“It has been a privilege being part of the SON community and working alongside our dedicated faculty, students, and community and practice partners who have made this journey so rewarding,” she said. “I look forward to seeing the continued growth and success of the School of Nursing.”The School of Nursing will begin its search for her successor this month.