- Phone: (585) 275-5844
- Office: HWH 2W130
- Email: Gamji Rabiu Abu-Ba'are
Gamji Rabiu Abu-Ba'are, PhD, MA
- Assistant Professor of Nursing & Public Health
- H.J. Kitzman Endowed Fellow in Global Health Research
- Co-Chair, Community Capital Alliance for Recovery Research
- Affiliate, Yale Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
Gamji Rabiu Abu-Ba’are is an assistant professor in nursing and public health and the inaugural Harriet J. Kitzman Endowed Fellow in Global Health Research at the University of Rochester. He is the principal investigator of the Behavioral, Sexual, and Global Health Lab that operates out of the University of Rochester School of Nursing,and Jama’a Action in Accra, Ghana. As a global health and behavioral scientist, urban planner, and health geographer, Abu-Ba’are seeks to better understand the role of place and intersectional stigma on HIV and sexual health outcomes. His research develops and refines interventions to reduce intersectional stigma and optimize outcomes among HIV high-risk populations in socially-vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, and the United States. His work employs a community participatory approach where he works closely with faculty at the University of Ghana School of Public Health and community-based organizations in Ghana, Nigeria, and Western Europe. Prior to the University of Rochester, Abu-Ba’are completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at the Yale School of Public Health. He earned his bachelor’s from the University for Development Studies in Ghana, master’s in urban planning and applied geography, and PhD in community and public affairs from Binghamton University.
Current Focus
My current research and implementation science work emphasizes working with HIV high-risk populations at every level to develop interventions that will impact social and behavioral risk factors and improve access to HIV prevention and care services. To improve access to HIV prevention and care services for high-risk populations, I believe we must engage with intended beneficiaries throughout the research process – from conceptualization to intervention design and implementation to dissemination of research findings. Using a community participatory approach within a larger context of the Health Stigma and Discrimination Framework, my current work seeks to:
- Assess HIV risk, experiences of intersectional stigma, social vulnerability, and place-related factors that promote or hinder access to HIV and sexual health services for high-risk populations, including sexual and gender minorities, adolescents, emerging adults, and sex workers.
- Develop, or adapt interventions to reduce intersectional stigma and risk behaviors, increase testing, PreP use, and adherence to care, and address other factors identified in the assessment phase that hinder access to prevention and care services.
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor,
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY. 2022 - Current
- Assistant Professor (joint),
- University of Rochester School of Public Health Sciences, Rochester, NY. 2020 - Current
- Inaugural Harriet J. Kitzman Endowed Fellow in Global Research
- University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2022
- Graduate Student Excellence in Service/Outreach
- Binghampton University, 2019
- PhD. Tuition Scholarship
- Binghampton University College of Community and Public Affairs, 2019
- PhD. Tuition Scholarship
- Binghampton University College of Community and Public Affairs, 2018
- PhD. Tuition Scholarship
- Binghampton University College of Community and Public Affairs, 2017
- Masters Tuition Scholarship
- Binghampton University Geography Department, 2016
- 1st Place Position, Student Paper Competition Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference
- Kent State University, 2016
- Partial Masters Tuition Scholarship
- Binghampton University Geography Department, 2015
- Dakpui, H.D., Shamrock, O.W., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Zigah, E.Y., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Ahmed, A., Osman, U., Haruna, A., & Abu-Ba’are, G.R. (2024). A qualitative description of HIV testing and healthcare experiences among trans women in Ghanaian urban slums BSGH-012. PLOS Global Public Health. PMID: 39621619 PMCID: PMC11611076 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003980
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Hogarty, S., Shamrock, O.W., Russell, H., Manchisi, K., Smith, V., & Mericle, A. (2024). Investigating experiences of stigma and its impact on substance use recovery among residents of recovery residences in the United States: A scoping review protocol. BSGH 020. PLOS ONE. PMID: 39621719 PMCID: PMC11611164 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0309872
- Shamrock, O.W., Guure, C., Reeves, J., Ni, Z., Turner, D., Haruna, A., Nimako, I.G., Leblanc, N., Wilton, L. & Abu-Ba’are, G.R., 2024 (2024). A qualitative study of the ecology of stigma experiences - An application of the ecological model to stigma experiences of trans-women from Ghana. BSGH019. . DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4945585/v1
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Hogarty, S., Shamrock, O.W., Russell, H., Manchisi, K., Smtih, V. & Mericle, A. (2024). Investigating experiences of stigma and its impact on substance use recovery among residents of recovery residences in the United States: A scoping review protocol. BSGH 020. MedRxiv. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4948034/v1
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Shamrock, O.S., George Rudolph Kofi Agbemedu, G.R.K., & Dakpui, H.D. (2024). "How will I know the results if I self-test at home?" – At-home HIV self-testing vs. at-clinic HIV testing preference among trans-women in Ghana's Slums. BSGH-015. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4659823/v1
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Shamrock, O.W., Zigah, E,Y., Ogunbajo, A., Dakpui, H.D., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Boyd, D.T., Ezechi, O.C., Nelson, L.E., & Torpey, & K. (2024). Qualitative description of interpersonal HIV stigma and motivations for HIV testing among gays, bisexuals, and men who have sex with men in Ghana’s slums—BSGH-005. PLOS ONE. PMID: 38837972 PMCID: PMC11152275 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289905
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R., NforbewingNdenkeh, J., Nelson, L.E., Bogning, A., Yumo. H., Bediang, G., Nijih, E., Fotso, D., Kouanfack, C., & Zhao, N. (2024). The Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Mobile Applications for HIV Testing, Prevention, and Treatment among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Cameroon: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. PMID: 38569188 PMCID: PMC11037457 DOI: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000469
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Shamrock, O.W., Rodriguez, D., Agbemedu, G.R., & Nelson, L.R.E. (2024). Adolescent HIV Prevent and Care Framework: A Global Scoping Review Protocol-BSGH 006. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4344598/v1
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R. Shamrock, O.W., Zigah, E.Y., Dakpui, H.D.D., Adjaka, G., LeBlanc, N.M., Amina P. Alio A.P., & Nelson, L. (2024). Community stigma, victimization, and coping strategies among gays, bisexuals, and other cis-gender men who have sex with men in slum communities in Ghana. BSGH-003. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3314797/v1
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Torpey, K., Guure, C., Nelson, L.E., Jeon, S., McMahon, J., Leblanc, N.M., Shamrock, O.W., Zigah, E.Y., Apreku, A., Dakpui, H.D., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Boakye, F., Adu, P., Attisoe, A., & Adjaka, G. (2024). Status-neutral community-based multilevel intervention to address intersectional stigma and discrimination, and increase HIV testing, PrEP, and ART uptake among YGBMSM in Ghanaian Slums: A clustered randomized control trial protocol.. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4486078/v1
- Dakpui, H.D., Shamrock, O.W., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Zigah, E.Y., Agbemedu, G.R., Ahmed, A., Umar, O., Haruna, A., & Abu-Ba’are, G.R. (2024). A qualitative description of HIV testing and healthcare experiences among trans women in Ghanaian urban slums BSGH-011. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4390892/v1
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Torpey, K., Nelson, L., Conserve, D., Jeon, S., McMahon, J., Manu,A., Zigah, E.Y., Shamrock, O.W., Apreku, A., Henry Dakpui, D.H., Agbemedu, G.R., Adjaka, G. (2024). Adaptation and feasibility of Many Men Many Voices (3MV), an HIV prevention intervention to reduce intersectional stigma and increase HIVST among YSMM residing in Ghanaian slums – A clustered pre-post pilot trial protocol.. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4313437/v1
- Shamrock, O.W., Dakpui, H.D., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Boyd, D.T. Islam, K., Mashoud, I.W., Zigah, E.Y., Ababio, M.N, Charles, C., Guure, C., Nelson, L.E., & Abu-Ba’are, G.R. (2024). "I'm scared of the nurses telling other people I am a transwoman": Disclosure and nondisclosure of gender identity among trans women in Ghana's urban slums– BSGH010. Research Square. DOI: 10.60692/9cs7j-bzz08
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Amu-Adu, P., Zigah, E.Y., Stockton, M., Amuah, S., Amoh-Otoo, R.P., Nyblade, L., Torpey, K., & Nelson, L.E. (2024). “One pastor advised him to stop taking HIV medication”: Promoters and barriers to HIV care among gay, bisexual, and men who have sex with men living with HIV in Ghana. Research Square. PMID: 38562846 PMCID: PMC10984093 DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4087718/v1
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Dada, D., Turner, D., Mashoud, I.W., Owusu-Dampare, F., Apreku, A., Ni, Z., Djiadeu, P., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Zigah, E.Y., Nyhan, K., Nyblade, L., & LaRon, L.E. (2024). Scoping review of HIV-related intersectional stigma among sexual and gender minorities in sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Open, 14 (2). PMID: 38346887 PMCID: PMC10862343 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078794
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Stockton, M., Zigah, E.Y., Amuah, S., Amu-Adu, P., Amoh-Otoo, R.P., Nyblade,L., Torpey, K., & Nelson, L.E. (2024). "I told myself, be bold and go and test": Motivators and barriers to HIV testing among gay, bisexual, and other cis-gender men who have sex with men in Ghana ‒ West Africa. PLOS Global Public Health. PMID: 38206889 PMCID: PMC10783711 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002231
- Demeke, J., Djiadeu, P., Yusuf, A., Whitfield, D.L., Lightfoot, D., Worku, F., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Mbuagbaw, L., Giwa, S., & Nelson, L.E. (2024). HIV Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in Canada: Scoping Systematic Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. PMID: 38236626 DOI: 10.2196/40493
- Shamrock, O.W., Abu-Ba’are, G.R.,Zigah, E.Y., Apreku, A., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Boyd, D.T., Adjaka, G., & Nelson, L.E. (2023). Family rejection of non-hetero sexuality–Sexual orientation and behavior anonymity among sexual minority men in slum communities-BSGH 001. PLOS Global Public Health.. PMID: 38039264 PMCID: PMC10691700 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001659
- Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Apreku, A., Amoh-Otu, R.P., Zigah, E., Amu-Adu, P., Amuah, S., Nyblade, L., Torpey, K., & E Nelson, L.E. (2023). "We have our reasons": Exploring the acceptability of pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Ghana. medRxiv. PMID: 38105990 PMCID: PMC10723517 DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.05.23299515
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Shamrock, O.W., Apreku, A., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Zigah, E.Y., Ezechi, O.C., et. al & Torpey, K. (2023). Awareness and Willingness to use Condoms and Preexposure Prophylaxis among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Cisgendered Men who Have sex with men in Slum Communities in Ghana. BSGH-004. JIAPAC. DOI: 10.1177/23259582231209649
- Abu-Ba'are, G.R. Boyd, Donte D.T., Zigah, Edem Yaw, E., Williams, A.T., & Dalmacio F.D. (2023). The Role of Family Support and Communication on PrEP Attitudes and Stigma Among Black Men who Sex with Men (BMSM). Sexually Transmitted Diseases. PMID: 37195277 DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001832
- Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Zigah, E.Y., Shamrock, O.W., Ogunbajo, A., Dakpui, H.D., Agbemedu, G.R.K., Boyd, D., Ezechie, O. & Torpey, K. (2023). Qualitative description of interpersonal HIV stigma and motivations for HIV testing among gays, bisexuals, and men who have sex with men in Ghana’s slums - BSGH-005. MedRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.07.29.23293357
- Conserve, D.F., Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Janson, S., Mhando, F., Munisi, G.V., Drezgic, B., Rehani, A., Sims, W., Ritchwood, T., Choko, A., & Mushy, S (2023). Peer-based Promotion and Nurse-led Distribution of HIV Self-Testing Among Networks of Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Development and Feasibility Results of the STEP Intervention. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3283552/v1
- Zigah, E.Y., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Shamrock, O.W., Dakpui, H.D., Apreku, A., Boyd, D.T., Nelson, L.E., & Kwasi Torpey (2023). "For my safety and wellbeing, I always travel to seek health care in a distant facility”—the role of place and stigma in HIV testing decisions among GBMSM – BSGH 002. Health & Place. DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103076
- Oginni,O., Ogunbajo,A., Oke, T., Ibıgbamı, O., Okanlawon, K., Oloniniyi, I., Abu-Ba’are, G., Mapayi,B., & Mosaku, K. (2023). Perceived Social Support as a Protective Factor Against Psychological Distress in the Context of COVID-19-Related Stress and Sexual Minority Status in Nigeria. Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity. DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000637
- Reeves, J.M., Zigah, E.Y., Shamrock, O.W., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Dada, D., Batten, J., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Nelson, L.E., & Dijadeu, P. (2023). Investigating the impact of stigma, accessibility and confidentiality on STI/STD/HIV self-testing among college students in the USA: Protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open. PMID: 36792328 PMCID: PMC9933744 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069574
- Saalim, K. , Amu-Adu, P., Amoh-Otu, R.P., Akrong, R., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Stockton, M.A., Vormawor, R., Torpey, K., Nyblade, L., & Nelson, L.E. (2023). Multi-level manifestations of sexual stigma among men with same-gender sexual experience in Ghana. BMC Public Health. PMID: 36694150 PMCID: PMC9872747 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-15087-y
- Boyd, D.T., Abu-Ba’are, G.R., LoVette, A., Whitfield, D.L., Turpin, R.E., Ramos, S.R., Quinn, C.R., & Hickson, D.A. (2022). Assessing the Influence of Child Sexual Behavior on Depression among Black SMM in the Southeastern United States. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192113930
- Nelson, L.E., Ogunbajo, A., Abu-Ba’are, G.R., Conserve, D.F., Wilton, L., Ndenkeh, J.J., Braitstein, P., Dow, D., Arrington-Sanders, R., Appiah, P., & Tucker, J. (2022). Using the Implementation Research Logic Model as a Lens to View Experiences of Implementing HIV Prevention and Care Interventions with Adolescent Sexual Minority Men—A Global Perspective. Open Access. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03776-5
- Nyblade, L., Stockton, M., Saalim, K., Clay, S., Chonta, M., Dada, D., Abu-Ba’are G.M.R., Mankattah, E., Vormawor, R., Appiah, P., Boakye, F., Akrong, R., Manu, A., Gyamera, E., Turner, D., Sharma, K., Torpey, K., & Nelson, L. (2022). Using a mixed-methods approach to adapt an HIV stigma reduction to address intersectional stigma faced by men who have sex with men in Ghana. The Journal of the International AIDS Society. PMID: 35818873 PMCID: PMC9274363 DOI: 10.1002/jia2.25908
- Boyd, D.T., Abubakari, G.M., Turner, D., Raquel Ramos, S., Hill, M.J., & Nelson, L.E. (2022). The Influence of Family Bonding, Support, Engagement in Healthcare, on PrEP Stigma among Young Black and Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Path Analysis. MDPI Children. PMID: 35327703 PMCID: PMC8947403 DOI: 10.3390/children9030330
- Ajiboye, W., Nelson, L., Odhiambo, A., Yusuf, A., Djiadeu, P., Turner, D. A., Abubakari, M., Pedersen, C., Brown, R., Ni, A., Guillaue, G., Lofters, A., & Williams, G. (2022). Decision conflict and the decision support needs of HIV PrEP-eligible Black patients in Toronto regarding the adoption of PrEP for HIV prevention. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC). PMID: 35098770 PMCID: PMC8808024 DOI: 10.1177/23259582211073399
- Abubakari, G.M., Smith, M.D.R., Boyd, D.T., Raquel Ramos, S., Johnson, C., Benavides, J.L., Threats, M., Allen, J.L., & Quinn, C.R. (2022). Assessing Different Types of HIV Communication and Sociocultural Factors on Perceived HIV Stigma and Testing among a National Sample of Youth and Young Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. PMID: 35055823 PMCID: PMC8776079 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19021003
- Abubakari, G.M.R. (2021). Grocery stores or convenience stores? The food accessibility situation of a Rust Belt city in Upstate New York. Praxis: A Journal of Gender and Cultural Critique.
- Abubakari, G.M., Owusu-Dampare, F., Ogunbajo, A., Gyasi, J., Adu, M., Appiah, P., Torpey, K., Nyblade, L., & Nelson, L.E. (2021). HIV Education, Empathy, and Empowerment (HIVE 3): A Peer Support Intervention for Reducing Intersectional Stigma as a Barrier to HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. PMID: 34948712 PMCID: PMC8702001 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182413103
- Guillaume, G., Ramos, S.R., Abubakari, G.M.R., Turner, D.E., Ajiboye, W., Yusuf, A., & Nelson, L.E. (2021). Barriers and Facilitators to Providing Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Decision Support to Black Patients in Canada: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Health Trends and Perspectives. DOI: 10.32920/ihtp.v1i3.1457
- Nelson, L.E., Nyblade, L., Torpey, K., Logie, C.H., Qian, H.-Z., Manu, A., Gyamerah, E., Boakye, F., Appiah, P., Turner, D., Stockton, M., Abubakari, G.M., & Vlahov, D. (2021). Multi-level intersectional stigma reduction intervention to increase HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Ghana: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE. PMID: 34843529 PMCID: PMC8629287 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259324
- Ogunbajo, A., Oke, T., Okanlawon, K., Abubakari, G.M.R., & Oginni, O. (2021). Religiosity and Conversion Therapy is Associated with Psychosocial Health Problems among Sexual Minority Men (SMM) in Nigeria. Journal of Religion and Health. PMID: 34455514 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01400-9
- Abubakari, G.M., Dada, D., Nur, J., Turner, D., Otchere, A., Tanis, L., Ni, Z., Mashoud, I.W., Nyhan, K., Nyblade, L., & Nelson, L.E. (2021). Intersectional stigma and its impact on HIV prevention and care among MSM and WSW in sub-Saharan African countries: a protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open. PMID: 34362801 PMCID: PMC8351482 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047280
- Abubakari, G.M., Nelson, L.E., Ogunbajo, A., Boakya, F., Appiah, P., Odhiambo, Ap. Sa, T., Zhang, N., Ngozi, I., Scott, A., Mania, G., Manu, A. & Torpey, K. (2021). Implementation and evaluation of a culturally grounded group-based HIV prevention programme for men who have sex with men in Ghana. Global Public Health, 1-18. PMID: 33050773 PMCID: PMC8728790 DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1832555
- Abubakari, G.M., Turner, D., Ni, Z., Conserve, D.F., Dada, D., Otchere, A., Amanfoh, Y., Boakye, F., Torpey, K., & Nelson, L.E. (2021). Community-based interventions as opportunities to Increase HIV self-testing and linkage to care among men who have sex with men – Lessons from Ghana, West Africa. Frontiers in Public Health. PMID: 34178919 PMCID: PMC8226123 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.660256
- Abubakari, G M.R., Turner, D., Nelson, L.E., Odhiambo, A.J., Boakye, F., Manu, A., & Wilton, L. (2021). An application of the ADAPT-ITT model to an evidence-based behavioral HIV prevention intervention for men who have sex with men in Ghana. International Health Trends and Perspectives. DOI: 10.32920/ihtp.v1i1.1412
- Ogunbajo, A., Abubakari, G.M., Edeza, A., Iwuagwu, S., Williams, R., Biello, K., & Mimiaga, M.J. (2021). Transactional Sex Is Associated with Income Level and Psychosocial Health Problems among Gay and Bisexual Men (GBM) in Nigeria, Africa. The Journal of Sex Research. PMID: 33284044 PMCID: PMC8180523 DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1854649
- Abubakari, M.R., DiNicola, K., & Lee, W. (2020). Empirical insights on technology use for navigating human services. Journal of Technology in Human Services. DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2020.1789025
- Ogunbajo, A., Restar, A., Edeza, A., Goedel, W., Jin, H., Iwuagwu, S., Williams, R., Abubakari, M.R., Biello, K. & Mimiaga, M. (2020). Poor sleep health is associated with increased mental health problems, substance use, and HIV sexual risk behavior in a large, multistate sample of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in Nigeria, Africa.. Sleep Health. PMID: 32201228 PMCID: PMC7501157 DOI: 10.1016/j.sleh.2020.02.010
- Abubakari, M.R. (2018). Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Food Accessibility Research. Global Journals, Inc..
- Status-neutral community-based multilevel intervention to address intersectional stigma and discrimination and increase HIV testing, PrEP, and ART uptake among YGBMSM in Ghanaian Slums
12/2023 - 11/2028
Role: Principal Investigator
- Multi-level interventions for intersectional stigma reduction to improve HIV outcomes for transgender sex workers.
NIH Fogarty, Yale University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS/NIMH
7/2023 - 6/2026
Role: Principal Investigator
- Adaptation and feasibility of Many Men Many Voices (#MV), and HIV presentation intervention to reduce intersectional stigma and increase HIVST among YSMM residing in Ghanaian slums.
NIH/Fogarty International Ctr
7/2023 - 6/2026
Role: Principal Investigator
- IWOSAN Pilot Program to Improve HIVST among young adults and adolescents in slums
URMC, Research Support Grant
12/2024 - 4/2025
Role: Principal Investigator
- Assessing the role of place and intersectional stigma on access to HIV testing and options for HIVST and linkage to care among West African immigrant sexual minority men - sex workers in Italy
NIMH/Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
None/2023 - None/2024
Role: Principal Investigator