Hugh F. Crean has more than two decades of experience as a researcher at the University of Rochester, focusing on school-based and after-school psychosocial prevention initiatives for high-risk children and youth and families, program evaluation of psychosocial interventions, and contextual effects on adolescent risky behaviors.
Crean has conducted dozens of intervention outcome evaluations, and has served as a statistician and/or principal investigator on a number of NIH, PCORI, AHRQ, IES, OAH/DHHS, and VA funded initiatives. He is well-versed in community-based participatory research and has worked with a number of local institutions in examining program outcomes and fidelity of interventions offered.
Designs have included person randomized studies, cluster (place) randomized studies, and quasi-experimental designs. As part of this intervention work, Crean encourages colleagues to examine the mechanisms theorized to underlie the tested intervention — addressing not just whether or not the intervention "works" but adding to a further understanding of "how" the intervention works. He has extensive experience in research design and the use of multivariate statistics and collaborates with faculty, postdocs, and students on research design and statistical approaches. He earned his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin and his bachelor's degree from St. Michael's College.