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Karen Stein, PhD, RN, FAAN

Karen Stein, PhD, RN, FAAN

  • Professor Emerita
  • Ruth Miller Brody and Bernard Brody Endowed Professor


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, 1990. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI
  • PhD in Nursing, 1988. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI
  • Masters in Psychiatric Nursing, 1974. Boston University. Boston, MA
  • BSN in Nursing, 1972. University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT


Stein is a leading nurse researcher in the area of health risk behaviors in adolescent and young adult females with a focus on individual differences in identity development as a determinant of these behaviors.

Since joining the University of Rochester faculty, Stein has established a strong working relationship with the farmworker community in Western New York. She and her team developed an image and audio-based cell phone application to measure disordered eating and weight control behaviors, alcohol and tobacco use in the female farmworker population.

Currently she is working with a team from computer science and public health to develop a culturally sensitive mobile phone delivered intervention to promote healthy eating in Mexican farmworker women and their families. 

Dr. Stein was editor of the Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association from 2006-2016, a charter member of the NINR Children and Family Scientific Review group and has served on numerous NIH review panels since that time. She is a member of the American Academy of Nursing and has been recognized by national awards including the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Award for Excellence in Research and the University of Connecticut Marlene Kramer Distinguished Alumni Award for Research in Nursing.

Prior to joining the University of Rochester School of Nursing in 2011, Stein was a professor of nursing at the University of Michigan School of Nursing and associate professor of psychiatry in the Medical School. She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Connecticut, her master’s degree from Boston University, and her PhD from the University of Michigan.

Brody Endowed Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, US. 2011 - Current

Visiting Scholar, University of Utrecht (Developmental Psychology), Utrecht. 2001 - Current

Visiting Scholar, University of Amsterdam (Developmental Psychology), Amsterdam. 2001 - Current

Professor, University of Michigan (Nursing), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 2007 - 2011

Associate Professor, University of Michigan (Psychiatry), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 2005 - 2011

Associate Professor, University of Michigan (Nursing), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 1998 - 2007

Assistant Professor, University of Michigan (Nursing), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 1991 - 1998

University of Michigan Health System (Eating Disorder Clinical Team), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 1993 - 1994

Outpatient Psychotherapist, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Center, MI, US. 1983 - 1992

Part Time Assistant Professor, University of Michigan (Nursing), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 1989 - 1991

Research Assistant, University of Michigan (Nursing), Ann Arbor, MI, US. 1983 - 1988

Clinical Instructor, Boston State College (Nursing), Boston, MA, US. 1979 - 1982

Clinical Specialist, Neponset Health Center (Mental Health), Dorchester, MA, US. 1978 - 1982

Clinical Coordinator, West Ros Park Mental Health Center (Inpatient Psychiatric Unit), Dorchester, MA, US. 1976 - 1979

Clinical Specialist, Boston City Hospital (Emergency Room), Boston, MA, US. 1977 - 1978

Clinical Specialist, Dorchester Mental Health Clinic (Adult Mental Health), Dorchester, MA, US. 1974 - 1976
Award for Excellence in Research
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2012

Marlene Kramer Distinguished Alumni Award for Research in Nursing
University of Connecticut , 2008

Elected Member
Eating Disorder Research Society , 2006

Outstanding Faculty Paper Award
Midwest Nursing Research Society/ Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2006

Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
American Academy of Nursing, 2003

Selected for Presentation at the ANA Grand Rounds Poster Session
Midwest Nursing Society , 2002

James A. Shannon Director's Award
NIH Office of Research on Women's Health, 2000

Inducted into Sigma Thera Thau Nursing Honorary Society
Sigma Thera Thau Nursing Honorary Society , 1984

Nurse Traineeship for Master's
US Public Health Service , 1973
Family Caregivers' Perceptions of Patients' Health Status and Time to Hospitalization for Decompensating Heart Failure
2014 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, 2014
Washington, District Of Columbia

Prospective effects of possible selves on alcohol consumption and alcohol problems in adolescents
36th Annual RSA Scientific Meeting, Society on Alcoholism, 2013
Orlando, Florida

Possible selves related to academics are protective against alcohol use in adolescents
36th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2013
Chicago, Illinois

Self-schemas in depression: Integrating Beck's Model with an empirically supported model of the self
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Personal identities and health risk behaviors in young women
International Council on Women's Health Issues, 2012
Bankok, Thailand

Measurement of body dissatisfaction in Mexican American Women
Thirty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri

Effective Therapeutic Communication with Persons with Mental Disorders
Shanghai Mental Health Center, 2010
Shanghai, China

5 lectures to medical students levels 1-4, and 4 lectures to nursing students levels 1-2
Shanghai Jaio Tong University Medical School, 2010

Nursing Care and the Psychosocial Aspects of the Person
People's Hospital #9, 2010
Shanghai, China

Worry and health-related possible selves in African American men: Relationships to self-reported health behaviors
31st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2010
Seattle, Washington

The impoverished self and the eating disorders
University of Utrecht, Developmental Psychology Department, 2010

Worry and health-related possible selves in African American men: Relationships to self-reported health behaviors
18th Annual Greater Lansing Nursing Research Day, 2010

Environmental-stress coping in African American men: John Henryism and self-reported health behaviors
Thirty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri

Evidence-Based guide to screening for depression in adults over 55 years of age in the primary care setting.
Thirty Second Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2009
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Personal Identities and eating disorder behaviors in Latinas
Eating Disorder Research Society, 2009
New York, New York

Identity impairment model of eating disorder behaviors in Mexican American Women
Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center on Health Disparities 7th Annual Conference, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona

Eating disorders in Mexican American women: Is it really about body image?
Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center on Health Disparities, 2009

Bio-Behavioral concentration: Faculty research as empirical foundation
Eating Issues Network, University of Michigan Health Services, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Eating Disorder randomized trials and patterns of attrition
Eating Disorder Research Society, 2008
Montreal, Canada

An eating disorder randomized clinical trial and Attrition: Profiles and Determinants of Dropout
Thirty-First Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2008
Indianapolis, Indiana

Evidence-Based Practice
22nd Annual Conference of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2008
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Identity Impairments and the Eating Disoders: A Mechanism of Cause and a Route to recovery
Center for Improving Health Outcomes in Children, Teen and Families, and Center for Aging, 2007
Phoenix, Arizona

Self-schema focused approach to treatment of the eating disorders
Eating Disorder Research Society, 2007
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Writing for Publication
21st Annual Conference of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2007
Kissimee, Florida

Cognitive structures and contingencies of self-worth in women with an eating disorder
Thirty-First Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2007
Omaha, Nebraska

Identity impairment model of risk behaviors in Mexican American Women
Thirteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Developing Identity: An Eating Disorder Therapy
Eating Issues Network, University of Michigan Health Services, 2005
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Intervention Adherence: A Methodology to Validate Treatment Fidelity
2005 International Conference on Eating Disorders, 2005
Montreal, Canada

Developing Identity: An eating disorder therapy
International conference on Eating Disorders, 2005
Montreal, Canada

Comparison of retrospective and prospective measurement of eating disorder behaviors in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Twenty-Eighth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2004
St. Louis, Missouri

The role of the self-concept in eating disorders
Eastern Michigan University, 2004

Identity Intervention Program: A self-schema focused approach to the treatment of eating disorders
2004 International Conference on Eating Disorders, 2004
Orlando, Florida

Intervention Research: A methodology to validate treatment adherence
Twenty-Eighth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2004
St. Louis, Missouri

Content and structure of the self in alcoholism and recovery
Fourth Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, 2003
Los Angeles, California

A Comparative analysis of three measures of self structure
Fourth Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, 2003
Los Angeles, California

Real time data capture: Ecological momentary assessment of behavioral symptoms associated with the eating disorders
National Cancer Institute Conference, Science of Real Time Data Capture: Self-Reports in Health Research, 2003
Charleston, South Carolina

The impoverished self: Cause or consequence of alcohol dependence
Twenty-Seventh Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2003
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Developing Identity: An Eating disorder therapy
General Clinical Research Center, University of Michigan Medical Center, 2003
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Possibilities Project: Building new identities to promote recovery from the eating disorders
Women's Health Retreat, University of Michigan Medical Center, 2002
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The Impoverished self-concept in antisocial alcoholism
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2002
Chicago, Illinois

Patterns of self-esteem fluctuation and negative affect
Twenty-Sixth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2002
Chicago, Illinois

Self-esteem instability: A stable pattern of fluctuation in K. Stein, Self-esteem instability: exploration of its Nature, Sources and Consequences
Third Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, 2002
Savananah, Georgia

A pilot study comparing retrospective and prospective measurement of eating disorder behaviors in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
2002 International Conference on Eating Disorders, 2002
Boston, Massachusetts

The impoverished self and the eating disorders
Second Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, 2001
San Antonio, Utah

Self-esteem instability as a predictor of hostility in women with eating disorders
International Council of Nurses, 2001

Body-weight Self-schema: Determinant of self-esteem and mood in women with an eating disorder
Twenty-Fifth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio

Ecological momentary assessment of eating disorder behaviors
Twenty-Fifth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio

Self-concept impairments as predictors of disordered eating behaviors during the college transition
Twenty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2000
Dearborn, Michigan

Dimensions of self-esteem in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Academy for Eating Disorders Ninth International Conference, 2000
New york, New York

Identity impairments: Self-Concept properties as predictors of eating disordered behaviors
Academy for Eating Disorders Ninth International Conference, 2000
New York, New York

Content and structure of the self: Cognitive foundations of depression
Twenty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2000
Dearborn, Michigan

Sleep-wake patterns in women with an eating disorder
Twenty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2000
Dearborn, Michigan

Self-concept in depression
Psychiatric Nursing In-service seminar for University of Michigan Medical Center, 2000
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Contextual shaping of self-esteem in women with an eating disorder
Twenty-Fourth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 2000
Dearborn, Michigan

Self esteem instability in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Academy for Eating Disorders Annual Meeting, 1999
San Diego, California

Eating disorders in adolescent girls
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, 1999
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Pharmacologic weight control behaviors as predictors of alcohol and tobacco use in women with an eating disorder
Eighth New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, 1998
New York, New York

Self-schemas and possible selves as causes and consequences: A process oriented approach to the self-concept and risky behaviors in adolescents
Michigan Nurses Association, 1998
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Identity development in women with an eating disorder
Twenty-Second Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1998
Columbus, OH, Ohio

The organization of self-concept in women with an eating disorder
Sigma Theta Tau Tenth International Nursing Research Conference, 1998

Self-Concept deviations in women with an eating disorder
Eighth New York International Conference on Eating disorders, 1998
New York, New York

Cognitive representation and their role in affective and behavioral self-regulation
Twenty-Second Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1998
Columbus, Ohio

Pharmacologic weight control behaviors as predictors of substance use in women with an eating disorder
Twenty-Second Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1998
Columbus, Ohio

The common cause model: The role of impulsivity in alcohol use and disordered eating behaviors in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia
Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, 1997
Indianapolis, Indiana

Body-weight schemas in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Twenty-First Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1997
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Body image and disordered eating: The unwitting community project.
University of Michigan Health Services, 1997
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Patterns of association between disordered eating behaviors and substance abuse
Twenty-First Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1997
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Self-concept impairments in women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Twenty-Third Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1997
Indianapolis, Indiana

Attentional Processes in women with an eating disorder
Seventh New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, 1996
New York, New York

Body-weight cognitions, emotional distress and disordered eating in adolescent girls
Twentieth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1996
Detroit, Michigan

Cognitions of the self as regulators of adolescent alcohol use
American Nurses Association Council for Nursing Research, 1996
Washington, District Of Columbia

The self-concept of early adolescents
Nineteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1995
Kansas City, Missouri

Levels of malnutrition in women with an eating disorder
Nineteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1995
Kansas City, Michigan

The health consequences of the ideal body
University of Michigan Eating Disorders Awareness Week Program, 1995
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The role of the self-concept in eating disorders
Eleventh Annual Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric-Mental Nursing Meeting, 1994
Bethesda, Maryland

Development of the "All about Me" questionnaire for adolescents
Eighteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1994
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Instability of affect in adults with a borderline personality disorder
Third International Congress on the Disorders of Personality, 1993
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Instability of affect in adults with a borderline personality disorder
Tenth Annual Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric-Mental Nursing Meeting, 1993
Chicago, Illinois

The organizational properties of the self-concept and instability of mood
American Nurses Association Council of Nurse Researchers, 1993
Washington, District Of Columbia

Self-schemas as regulators of health behaviors in adolescents: Theoretical and methodological issues
American Nurses Association Council of Nurse Researchers, 1993
Washington, District Of Columbia

The self-concept: Regulator of self-esteem and mood in adults with a borderline personality disorder
Chelsea Community Hospital, 1992
Chelsea, Michigan

The self-concept: Regulator of self-esteem and mood in adults with a borderline personality disorder
Sigma Theta Tau International Research Conference, 1992
Columbus, Ohio

Self-esteem in adults with borderline personality disorder
Sixteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1992
Chicago, Illinois

Structure of the self and responses to disconfirming feedback
Fifteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1991
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Structure of the self in adults with borderline personality disorder
Fifteenth Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1991
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The self-structure: An assessment of the organization properties
Ninety-Eighth Annual American Psychological Association Convention, 1990
Boston, Massachusetts

Structure of the self and stability of self-esteem
Ninety-Seventh Annual American Psychological Association Convention, 1989
New Orleans, Louisiana

Structure of the self and coping with stress
Thirteenth Annual Nursing Research Society Conference, 1989
Cincinnati, Ohio

Pulsatile secretion of LH and progesterone in the mid-luteal phase in women with PMS
Second International PMS Symposium, 1987
Kaiwah, South Carolina

Psychological development in women with severe premenstrual syndrome
Eleventh Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, 1987
St. Louis, Missouri

Developing and expert system for nursing practice
proceedings of the Eighth Annual Computer Application in Medical Care Symposium, 1984
Washington, District Of Columbia
Lee, C.K., Corte, C., Stein, K.F., Feng, J.Y., & Liao, L.L. (2020). Alcohol-related cognitive mechanisms underlying adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems: Outcome expectancy, self-schema, and self-efficacy. Addictive Behaviors. PMID: 32078890 DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106349

Setin, K.F., Lee, C.K., Corte, C., & Steffen, A. (2019). The influence of identity on the prevalence and persistence of disordered eating and weight control behaviors in Mexican American college women.. Appetite. PMID: 31077772 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.05.008

Stein, K. F., Trabold, N., & Connelly, K. (2019). Unhealthy weight control strategies: An outcome of body image and eating tensions in women of Mexican origin living in rural farming communities. Journal of Health Psychology. PMID: 28810434 PMCID: PMC5732071 DOI: 10.1177/1359105317694490

Yang, Y. C., & Stein, K. (2019). A systematic review on determinants and outcomes of the concept of intuition. Nursing Research, 68 (2), 109. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000351

Flannery, M., Stein, K. F., Dougherty, D. W., Mohile, S., Guido, J., & Wells, N. (2018). Nurse-Delivered Symptom Assessment for Individuals With Advanced Lung Cancer.. Oncology Nursing Forum, 45 (5), 619-630. PMID: 30118448 PMCID: PMC6379074 DOI: 10.1188/18.ONF.619-630

Lee, C.K., Corte C., & Stein K.F. (2018). Relationships between early alcohol experiences, drinker self-schema, drinking and smoking in college students. Substance Abuse. PMID: 29474127 DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2018.1443314

Kueppers, J., Stein, K. F., Groth, S., & Fernandez, I. D. (2018). Maternal and child dietary intake: The role of maternal healthy-eater self-schema. Appetite. PMID: 29382553 PMCID: PMC5937934 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.01.014

Lee, C.K.., Corte, C., & Stein, K.F. (2018). Drinker Identity: Key Risk Factor for Adolescent Alcohol Use. Journal of School Health. PMID: 29399840 DOI: 10.1111/josh.12603

Domenico, L. H., Strobbe, S., Stein, K. F., Giordani, B. J., Hagerty, B. M., & Pressler, S. J. (2017). Identifying the Structure and Effect of Drinking-Related Self-Schemas. Western Journal of Nursing Research. PMID: 27411976 PMCID: PMC5849431 DOI: 10.1177/0193945916658613

Domenico, L. H., Strobbe, S., Stein, K. F., Giordani, B. J., Hagerty, B. M., & Pressler, S. J. (2017). Fighting for the Profession: The Recent History of Legislative and Public Policy Efforts at the Academy. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.03.028

Holmes, D.R. Reddy, V.Y., Buchbinder, M., Stein, K., Elletson. M., Bergmann, M.W., Schmidt, B., & Jacqueline Saw, J. (2017). The Assessment of the Watchman device in Patients Unsuitable for Oral Anticoagulation (ASAP-TOO) trials. Am Heart J. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2017.03.007

Lee, C.K. Stein, K.F., & Corte, C. (2017). Effects of Drinker Self-Schema on Drinking- and Smoking-Related Information Processing and Behaviors. Substance Abuse. PMID: 28723267 DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1356794

Lee, C. K., Stein, K. F., Corte, C., & Steffen, A. (2017). Self-schema as a non-drinker: A protective resource against heavy drinking in Mexican-American college women. Health Promotion International.

Stein, K. (2017). Advancing Health through Sustained Collaboration: How the History of Corporate Relations Extended the Academy's Reach.. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. PMID: 28958292 DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.08.020

Stein, K.F, Jacobson, L., Simmons, L.A., & Hayman, L.L. (2017). Methodological Challenges in Studies with Stigmatized Populations of Women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Stein, K., & Rops, M. (2016). The Commission on Dietetic Registration: Ahead of the Trends for a Competent 21st Century Workforce. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.08.016

Connelly, K., Stein, K.F., Chaudry, B., & Trabold, N. (2016). Development of a ecological momentary assessment mobile app for a low-literacy, Mexican American population to collect disordered eating behaviors.. JMIR Public Health and Surveilance. DOI: 10.2196/publichealth.5511

Kueppers, J., Stein, K.F., Groth, S., & Fernandez, D. (2016). Maternal and Child Dietary Intake: The Role of Maternal Healthy-Eater Self-Schema. Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.01.014

Stein, K. (2015). A few days in autumn: The founding of the academy of nutrition and dietetics. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. PMID: 26025250 DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.04.004

Stein, K. (2015). What we ate: Repasts of the Academy's past.. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. PMID: 25636222 DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.11.019

Lee, C.K., Corte, C., Stein, K.F., Finnegan, L., McCreary, L.L., & Park, C.G. (2015). Expected problem drinker possible self: Predictor of alcohol problems and tobacco use in adolescents. Substance Abuse. DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2014.988323

Stein, K.F. (2015). Can these results be trusted: The peer review process and its role in quality assurance. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC NURSES ASSOCIATION. DOI: 10.1177/1078390314538397

Stein, K.F. (2015). Advancing health through sustained collaboration: How the history of corporate relations extended the Academy's reach. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.10.024

Beeber, L., & Stein, K.F. (2015). Federal funding to address the health needs of persons with mental disorders: Why is this population a special case?. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 21. PMID: 26828069 DOI: 10.1177/1078390315612473

Stein, K.F. (2015). The Man in the Red Hoodie: Thoughts on a Provoking Letter to the Editor. J Am Psychiatric Nurses Assoc.. DOI: 10.1177/1078390315569176

Stein, K.F., Riley, B.B., Hoyland-Delmonico, L., & Lee, C.K. (2015). Measurement of body dissatisfaction in college-enrolled Mexican American Women: A Rasch-based examination of the validity and reliability of the EDI-III. Eating Behaviors. PMID: 26164669 PMCID: PMC5460913 DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2015.06.001

Stein, K.F. (2015). Thomson Reuters Indexing of JAPNA: An Important Milestone for Our Journal. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390315600159

Stein, K.F. (2015). Building on the Hallmarks: The Second Decade of JAPNA. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC NURSES ASSOCIATION. DOI: 10.1177/1078390315621891

Stein, K. (2015). Coming together in conference: A photographic journey through academy annual meetings in the 20th century.. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.02.001

Lee, C.K., Corte, C., Stein, K.F., Park, C.G., Finnegan, L., & McCreary, L.L (2015). Prospective effects of possible selves on alcohol consumption in adolescents. Nursing & Health. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21641

Lee, C.K., Stein, K,F., & Corte, C. (2015). Differential effects of problem drinker possible self and problem drinker self-schema in adolescents. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Stein, K.F. (2015). Consumer empowerment and the essential care environment ingredients. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. PMID: 25979875 DOI: 10.1177/1078390315583036

Lee, C., Corte, C., Stein, K.F., Park, C.G., Finnegan, L., & McCreary, L.L. (2014). Prospective Effects of Possible Selves on Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents. Research Nurse Health doi: 10.1002/nur.2164. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21641

Stein, K.F. (2014). Self-management in persons with major mental disorders: A common but complex treatment goal. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 20 (6), 367-368.

Stein, K.F., Keller, C. & Corte, C (2014). Creando Posibilidades: A Cognitive Model of Risk Behaviors in Mexican American Women. Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders, 3, 2-9. PMID: 29911123 PMCID: PMC6003709 DOI: 10.4172/2324-9323.1000144

Stein, K.F. (2014). Why use publication guidelines in JAPNA?. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 20 (5), 178. PMID: 25422844 DOI: 10.1177/1078390314552648

Stein, K.F. (2014). Implementation of evidence-based practice in psychiatric and mental care: Can we move it to the specifics?. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390314529523

Stein, K.F. (2014). Research: An essential (but perhaps underutilized) component to effective psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390313520134

Stein, K. (2014). The Academy's military roots visualized.. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. PMID: 25458751 DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.10.009

Stein, K.F. (2013). An unanticipated journey: Barriers to effective gun control in the United States. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. PMID: 23513598 DOI: 10.1177/1078390313476852

Stein, K.F. (2013). Evidence-based decision making in psychiatric and mental health nursing. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 19 (3), 61. PMID: 23785720 DOI: 10.1177/1078390313486617

Stein, K.F., Keller, C. & Fishstrom, A. (2013). An unexplored ethical issue in clinical research: Disclosure of individual finding in the Creando Posibilidades (Creating Possibilities) Study. Research in Nursing & Health. DOI: 10.1002/nur.21533

Battaglia, C. & Stein, K.F. (2013). A clinical translation of the research article entitled, "Building a tobacco cessation telehealth care management program. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390313485907

Lehto, R. & Stein, K.F. (2013). The impact of John Henryism on self-reported health behaviors in African American men. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. DOI: 10.1177/1043659613481673

Stein, K.F., Corte, C., Chen, D., Nuliyalu, U. & Wing, J. (2013). A randomized clinical trial of an identity intervention programe for women with eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review. DOI: 10.1002/erv.2195

Stein, K.F., Keller, C., & Fishstorm, A. (2013). A randomized clinical trial of the identity intervention program for women with an eating disorder. European Eating Disorders Review.

Flannery, M., Mc Andrews, L. & Stein, K.F (2013). Symptoms reporting by telephone for individuals with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. DOI: 10.1188/13.ONF.464-471

Stein, K.F., Chen, D., Corte, C., Keller, C., & Trabold, N. (2013). Disordered eating behaviors in young adult Mexican American Women: Prevalence and associations with health risks. Eating Behaviors. DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2013.08.001

Flannery, M., McAndrews, L., & Stein, & K.F. (2013). Telephone calls by individuals with cancer.. Oncology Nursing Forum. PMID: 23989020 DOI: 10.1188/13.ONF.464-471

Stein, K.F. (2012). Fit: The question of publishable manuscripts. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 18 (5), 265. PMID: 23227563 DOI: 10.1177/1078390312463434

Stein, K.F. (2012). A Pressing Question: Is There a Place for Psychotherapy in PMHNP Practice?. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390312469183

Stein, K.F., Wing, J., Lewis, A., & Raghunathan, T. (2011). An eating disorder randomized clinical trial and attrition: Profiles and determinants of dropout. Eating Disorders. DOI: 10.1002/eat.20800

Stein, K.F. (2010). A Springtime Wish for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390310373391

Stein, K.F. (2010). Psychiatric Nursing outside the box: The role of APNA in mental health needs world wide. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390310365877

Stein, K.F., Corte, C., & Ronis, D. (2010). Personal identities and disordered eating behaviors in Mexican American women. Eating Disorders. DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2010.02.001

Stein, K.F. (2010). Psychiatric nursing outside of the box: The role of APNA in mental health needs worldwide. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 16, 77.

Corte, C., Rongmuang, D., & Stein, K.F. (2010). Nursing knowledge about alcohol use and alcohol problems in women: A review of the literature. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390310378042

Song, L., Lehto, R.H., & Stein, K.F. (2010). Factors influencing the prostate cancer screening behavior in African American men. Oncology Nursing Forum. DOI: 10.1177/0193945910361332

Lehto, R., Song, L.X. & Stein, K.F. (2010). Factors influencing prostate cancer screening in African American men. Western Journal of Nursing Research. PMID: 20696846 PMCID: PMC7439604 DOI: 10.1177/0193945910361332

Stein, K.F. (2010). A Milestone in JAPNA's Development: The Dialogue and Discourse Has Begun. Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390309356469

Noureddine, S., & Stein, K.F. (2009). Healthy eater self-schema and dietary intake. Western Journal of Nursing Research. PMID: 19050230 DOI: 10.1177/0193945908327157

Stein, K.F. (2009). Evidence-based psychiatric and mental health nursing: Responsibilities and their distribution. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. DOI: 10.1177/1078390309339158

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