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Jane Tuttle, PhD, APRN, BC, FNP, CPNP
  • Phone: (585) 275-8892
  • Office: HWH 4W165
  • Email: Jane Tuttle

Jane Tuttle, PhD, APRN, BC, FNP, CPNP

(Pronouns: She/her/hers)
  • Professor Emerita
  • Professor of Clinical Nursing


  • Ph.D. in Family Studies, 1992. University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT
  • M.S. in Primary Care Nursing (FNP), 1984. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY
  • B.S. in Nursing, 1979. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY
  • Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Associate/Practitioner, 1976. State University of N.Y. Buffalo. Buffalo, NY
  • A.A.S. (with distinction) in Nursing, 1974. Monroe Community College. Rochester, NY


A distinguished educator and clinician with more than 40 years of experience as a nurse practitioner, Jane Tuttle joined the School of Nursing faculty in 1993 after a stint teaching at Yale University, and took over as specialty director of the Family Nurse Practitioner program a year later.

Passionate about adolescent health issues, she was nursing discipline coordinator for the HRSA-funded Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) program from 1997-2015 and has served in the same role for the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program from 2000-2017.

President of Region 2 of The Nurse Practitioner Association, New York State, she is also a longtime member and has served in various leadership roles with the Epsilon Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. She has been honored as Nurse Practitioner of the Year by New York State and the Connecticut Nurse Practitioners Group, and inducted as a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

At the UR School of Nursing, she has been named a Faculty Hero, Outstanding Scholarly Practitioner, and a Distinguished Alumnae. She earned her bachelor's and master's degree from the UR School of Nursing, her NP certificate at the University at Buffalo, and her PhD from the University of Connecticut.

Current Focus

Jane continues to teach the family theory course for FNP students and provides other support for the school of nursing, including interviewing applicants, advising, and strategic planning. 

Professor, University of Rochester (Clinical Nursing and Pediatrics), Rochester, NY, US. 2005 - Current

Interim Nursing Disciple Coordinator, University of Rochester (HRSA funded program), Rochester, NY, US. 2000 - Current

Director of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program, University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY, US. 1999 - Current

Advanced Nurse Practitioner, University of Rochester Medical Center (Pediatric Nursing), Rochester, NY, US. 1994 - Current

Nursing Discipline Coordinator, University of Rochester (HRSA funded program), Rochester, NY, US. 1997 - 6/2012

Associate Professor, University of Rochester (Clinical Nursing and Pediatrics), Rochester, NY, US. 2001 - 2005

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, NY, US. 1994 - 2001

Assistant Professor, University of Rochester School of Nursing (Nursing), Rochester, NY, US. 1993 - 2001

Assistant Professor, Yale University (Family Nurse Practitioner Concentration), New Haven, CT, US. 1987 - 1993

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (part-time), Guilford Pediatrics (Primary care of children and adolescent), Guilford, CT, US. 1985 - 1993

Program Instructor, Yale University (Family Nurse Practitioner Program), New Haven, CT, US. 1985 - 1987

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Monroe County Department of Health (Community Health), Rochester, NY, US. 1984 - 1985

Registered Nurse (part-time), University of Rochester Medical center (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), Rochester, NY, US. 1982 - 1984

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Kaiser-Georgetown Community Health Plan, Washington, DC, US. 1980 - 1982

Pediatric Nurse Clinician, Genesee Valley Group Health Association, Rochester, NY, US. 1979 - 1980

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, City School District (Pre-school Special Education and Diagnostic Outreach Team), Rochester, NY, US. 1976 - 1978

Registered Nurse, University of Rochester Medical Center (School-aged Pediatric Inpatient Unit), Rochester, NY, US. 1974 - 1976
Nancy McIntyre Nurse Practitioner of the Year
The NPA New York State, 2008

Faculty Hero
UR SON, 2006

Nursing Educator Award
Genesee Valley Nurses Association, 2002

Outstanding Scholarly Practitioner
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2001

Mentorship Award
NAPNAP - Upstate NY Chapter, 1998

Annie Goodrich Teaching Award
Yale School of Nursing, 1991

Distinguished Alumnae
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1991

Nurse Practitioner of the Year
Connecticut Nurse Practitioner Group, 1990

Louise Wilson Haller Memorial Award
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1984

Inducted Member
Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Xi Chapter, 1983

Outstanding Nurse of the Year
Virginia Nurses Association, District 8, 1982

Mary Reding Eckl Award
University of Rochester School of Nursing, 1979
Nurse Practitioners' Independent Billing and Economic Implications for the Healthcare System
American Public Health Association, 2012
San Francisco, California

Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers: Creating Favorable Work Environments in Massachusetts and New York State
The Michigan Symposium on Effectiveness and Implementation Research, 2012
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Perceptions of Experiences of Students and Program Personnel in a Post-secondary Transition Program
conference, National Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina

Barriers to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment among Deaf Young Adults
American Heart Association, 2012

"It's Really Soul-Destroying": Adolescents' & Parents' Perceptions of Educational Transition Planning for Youth with Disabilities
Nursing Research SIG, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2008
Greensboro, North Carolina

Positive Adolescent Life Skills for High Risk Teens- Findings from a Group Intervention Study
annual meeting, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2005
Los Angeles, California

Positive Adolescent Life Skills for High-Risk Teens: Findings from a Group Intervention Study
annual meeting, Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2005
New York City, New York

Substance Abuse Workshop
KySS Institute, 2004
Rochester, New York

Teen Club Intervention for Children of Substance Abusing Parents
Research and Leadership conference, Genesee Valley Nurses' Association, 2003
Rochester, New York

Teen Club Research Update: Intervention for Children of Substance Abusing Parents
annual meeting, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2003
Seattle, Washington

Teen Club Intervention for Children of Substance Abusing Parents
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 2003
New Haven, Connecticut

Family Support, Adolescent Individuation, and Substance Abuse
meeting, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2003
Chicago, Illinois

Results of a concept study of a Teen Club intervention for children of substance abusing families
annual meeting, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2002
Boston, Massachusetts

Teen Club Nursing Intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes
Research and Leadership conference, GVNA and local honor societies, 2001

Teen Club Nursing Intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes
ViaHealth Nursing Research Forum, 2000

Teen Club Intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes
meeting, International Family Nursing, 2000
Chicago, Illinois

Teen Club Nursing Intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes
NYSNA, 1999
Lake Placid, New York

The evolving role of the Nurse Practitioner in the Rochester area
NP Special Interest Group, Genesee Valley Nurses' Association, 1999
Rochester, New York

Teen Club intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes
meeting, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 1999
Los Angeles, California

Adolescent Development and Behavior
Orientation for Residential Assistants, Eastman School of Music, 1998
Rochester, New York

A Teen Club Nursing Intervention for Inner-City Adolescent
NYSNA, 1997
Rochester, New York

Health Promotion for Adolescent
Young Families program, University of Rochester, Susan B. Anthony Center, 1997
Rochester, New York

Reducing risky behavior and improving well-being of poor, minority, inner-city adolescents: A Teen Club nursing intervention
Society for Adolescent Medicine, 1997
San Francisco, California

Link-Individual Family Empowerment: A Model for Reducing Women's Sexual Risk-Taking
Women's Health Conference, American Psychological Association, 1996
Washington, District Of Columbia

Development of a Family Theory-Based Intervention for High Risk Young Women
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 1996
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Efficacy of a Family Theory-based Group Intervention for High Risk Adolescents
National Primary Care NP Symposium, 1995
Keystone, Colorado

Adolescent Health: Reading Between the Lines
Pediatric Nursing Conference, University of Rochester Medical Center, 1995
Rochester, New York

Family Influences on Health Behavior: An Exploratory Study
Society for Adolescent Medicine, 1995
Vancouver, Canada

The Family Context of Adolescent Risk Behavior
Research Exchange, University of Rochester, 1994
Rochester, New York

Intergenerational Family Relations and Women's Sexual risk-Taking
conference: ...preventing and adapting to HIV/AIDS, NIMH, 1994
Chantilly, Virginia

Adolescent Substance Abuse: Family Context of Prevention
"Advocating for Children", Yale School of Nursing, 1992
Cromwell, Connecticut
Tantillo, M., Starr, T., & Kreipe, R. (2020). The recruitment and acceptability of a project ECHO® eating disorders clinic: a pilot study of telementoring for primary medical and behavioral health care practitioners. Eating Disorders. PMID: 30829141 DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2019.1580125

Tantillo, M., Sanftner McGraw, J., McGregor Lavine, H., Brasch, J., & Le Grange, D. (2019). A pilot study of multifamily therapy group for young adults with anorexia nervosa: Reconnecting for recovery. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 52 (8), 950-955. PMID: 31150141 DOI: 10.1002/eat.23097

Tuttle, J. (2018). Stewarding the nurse practitioner role in interdisciplinary education. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30 (7), 364-365. PMID: 29979292 DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000074

Xue, Y., Tuttle, J. (2017). Clinical productivity of primary care nurse practitioners in ambulatory settings.. Nurs Outlook, 65 (2), 162-171. PMID: 27773346 DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2016.09.005

Schneider, J., Tantillo, M., Tuttle, J., Poleshuck, E. (2015). African and Latino Adolescents' Experience with Mental Health Services. Nursing Research, 64 (2), E:50.

Hetherington, S.A., Durant-Jones, L., Johnson, K., Nolan, K., Smith, E., Taylor-Brown, S., & Tuttle, J. (2010). The Lived Experiences of Adolescents with Disabilities and Their Parents in transition Planning. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.. .

Tantillo, M., & Sanftner, J. L. (2010). Measuring Perceived Mutuality in Women With Eating Disorders: The Development of the Connection-Disconnection Scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 18 (2), 100-119. PMID: 20806652 DOI: 10.1891/1061-3749.18.2.100

Campbell-Heider, N., Tuttle, J., & Knapp, T.R (2009). The effect of positive adolescent life skills training on long term outcomes for high-risk teens. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 20, 6-15.

Tuttle, K., Campbell-Heider, N., & David, T.M. (2006). Positive adolescent life skills training for high risk teens. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 20 (3), 184-191.

Tuttle, J., Landau, J., Stanton, M.D., King, K.U., Frodi, A. (2004). Intergenerational family relations and sexual risk behavior in young women. MCN The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 29 (1), 56-61.

Tanitillo, M. (2004). The Therapist's Use of Self-Disclosure in a Relational Therapy Approach for Eating Disorders. Eating Disorders, 12 (1), 51-73. PMID: 16864304 DOI: 10.1080/10640260490267760

Melnyk, B.M., Moldenhauer, Z., Tuttle, J., Veenema, T., Jones, D., Novak, J. (2003). Improving child and adolescent mental health: An evidence-based approach. Advance for Nurse Practitioner, 11 (2), 47-52.

Campbell-Heider, N., Tuttle, J., Bidwell-Cerone, S., Richeson, G., & Collins, S. (2003). The buffering effects of connectedness: A Teen Club intervention for children of substance abusing families. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 14 (2), 175-182.

Tuttle, J., Melnyk, B., & Loveland-Cheery, C. (2002). Adolescent drug and alcohol use: Strategies for assessment, intervention, and prevention. Nursing Clinics of North America, 37 (3), 443-460.

Melnyk, B., Feinstein, N.F., Tuttle, J., Moldenhauer, Z., Herendeen, P., Veenema, T., Brown, H., Gullo, S., McMurtrie, M., Small, L. (2002). Mental health concerns, worries, and communication of children, teens and parents in the year of the nation's terrorist attack: Findings from the National KySS Survey. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 16 (5), 222-234.

Tuttle, J., Campbell-Heider, N., Bidwell-Cerone, S., Richeson, G., & Collins, S. (2001). Teen Club intervention for adolescent children of substance abusing parents: A study of five-year outcomes. Adolescent and Family Health, 2 (1), 47.

Melnyk, B.M., Moldenhauer, Z., Veenema, T., Gullo, S., McMurtrie, M., O'Leary, E., Small, L., Tuttle, J. (2001). The KySS (Keep your children/yourself Safe and Secure) Campaign: A national effort to reduce psychosocial morbidities in children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 15 (2), 31A-34A.

Landau, J., Cole, R., Tuttle, J., Clements, C.D., Stanton, M.D. (2000). Family connectedness and women's sexual risk behaviors: Implications for the prevention/intervention of STD/HIV infection. Family Process, 39 (4), 461-475.

Tuttle, J., Bidwell-Cerone, S., Campbell-Heider, N., Richeson, G., & Collins, S. (2000). Teen Club: A nursing intervention for reducing risk-taking behavior and improving well-being in African-American female adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 14 (3), 103-108.

Flanagan, C., Jones, A., & Tuttle, J. (1999). Prescribing Zyban for a teen. Advance for Nurse Practitioner, 7 (2), 18.

Tuttle, J.; J. Schulenberg, J.L. Maggs, & K. Hurrelmann (eds.) (1998). Book review: Health Risks and Developmental Transitions During Adolescence. Journal of Adolescence - invited, 21 (3), 349.

Tuttle, J. (1995). Family support, adolescent individuation, and drug and alcohol involvement. Journal of Family Nursing, 1 (3), 303-326.

Tuttle, J.; S.L. Feetham, S.B. Meister, J.M. Bell & C.L. Gilliss (eds.) (1994). Book review: The Nursing of Families. Family Systems Medicine - invited, 12, 215-217.

Tuttle, J. (1993). Adolescent substance abuse: Psychosocial factors. Journal School Nursing, 9 (3), 18, 20, 22-25.

McCool, W., Tuttle, J., & Crowley, A. (1992). An overview of contemporary families. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 4 (4), 549-558. PMID: 1288577

Tuttle, J. (1991). Menstrual disorders during adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 5 (4), 97-203.

Adams, B., McAnarney, E., Panzarine, S., & Tuttle, J. (1990). Successful contraceptive behavior among adolescent mothers: Are there predictors?. Journal of Health Care, 11 (4), 319-325.

Tuttle, J. (1988). Adolescent pregnancy: Factoring in the father. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 2 (5), 240-244.

Tuttle, J. (1987). The horse as a member of the therapeutic team. Rehabilitation Nursing, 12 (6), 334-335.
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