BSGH Lab Research Projects

Ongoing research projects/funding

1. A formative study to explore healthcare provider cultural competence and HIV health-seeking behavior among transgender women in urban slum communities in Ghana.

  • Aim 1: Assess TGW experience of stigma and health access in HIV-related services.
  • Aim 2: Conduct explanatory surveillance among healthcare providers (HCP) on HIV-related services.
  • Source of Support: University of Rochester School of Nursing
  • Total Award Amount (including Indirect Costs): $5,000
  • MPI: Shamrock/Abu-Ba’are
  • Coordinator: Zigah
  • Implementing Partners: Priorities on Rights and Sexual Health (PORSH Ghana)

2. Assessing the role of place and intersectional stigma on access to HIV testing and options for HIVST and linkage to care among West African immigrant sexual minority men - sex workers in Italy.

  • Aim 1: Assess intersectional stigma, facilitators and barriers to HIV testing, and options for testing and HIVST among West African Immigrant SMMSW.
  • Aim 2: Map HIV prevention and care services and stakeholders
  • Source of Support: NIMH/CIRA Yale Fast-Track Pilot Award
  • Timeline: 12/2022-11/2023
  • Total Award Amount: $25,000
  • Implementation Partners: CIRCOLO Pink, Verona Italy.

3. Adaptation and feasibility of Many Men Many Voices (3MV), an HIV prevention intervention to reduce intersectional stigma and increase HIVST among YSMM residing in Ghanaian slums.

  • Aim 1: Assess intersectional stigma and options for HIVST implementation among YSMM.
  • Aim 3: Adapt 3MV to LAFIYA to address intersectional stigma and HIVST among YSMM.
  • Aim 2: Test acceptability, feasibility, appropriateness, and preliminary efficacy of LAFIYA.
  • Project Number: R01TW012671
  • Source of Support: NIH/Fogarty Center
  • Total Award Amount: $619,847
  • PI: Abu-Ba’are
  • Coordinator: Dakpui
  • Implementing Partner: Health Alliance Foundation
  • Institutional Partners: University of Ghana, Yale University, George Washinton University

Completed research projects/funding

1. Formative Research to Adapt a Community-Based HIV Self-Testing Education and Promotion (STEP) Intervention for Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) living in Slum Settlements in Ghana.

  • Aim 1: Identify MSM preferences for HIV self-testing and linkage to care within the context of their lived experiences as MSM within slum/informal communities.
  • Aim 2: Adapt a community-based Self-Testing Education and Promotion (STEP) intervention to address low HIV testing among MSM in slum communities.
  • Source of Support: Yale University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS/NIMH
  • Total Award Amount: $31,699, PI, Abu-Ba’are
  • Coordinator: Zigah
  • Implementing Partner, Health Alliance Foundation, HAF, Ghana

2. Multi-level interventions for intersectional stigma reduction to improve HIV outcomes for transgender sex workers.

  • Aim 1: Assess HIV risk, experiences of intersectional stigma, and related factors that promote or hinder access to HIV and sexual health services for HRPs.
  • Aim 2: develop or adapt interventions to address intersectional stigma, risk behaviors, and other factors identified in the assessment phase that hinder access to prevention and care services.
  • Project Number: R01TW12672
  • Co-I: Gamji Rabiu Abu-Ba'are
  • Source of Support: NIH Fogarty
  • Total Award Amount (including Indirect Costs): $436,679
  • Partners: Research triangle institute (RTI) and Mekere University University, Uganda
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