Distinguished Alum Speaks On ‘Improving Lives Through Research’
By Nora Williamson
Monday, September 10, 2018
Nancy Dianis ’85N (MS) delivered the 60th Annual Clare Dennison Lecture on “Improving Lives Through Research” at the University of Rochester School of Nursing on Sept. 7.

Dianis is vice president and study area director of Westat’s Clinical Trials Area, which conducts clinical trials, epidemiologic research, global health projects, international surveys in developing countries, evaluation studies, and patient outcome studies.
She currently serves as Westat’s principal investigator, project director, and project manager on many clinical trials and clinical studies of HIV and TB infection, other emerging infectious diseases, cancer, blood-transmitted diseases, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and trauma and is also principal investigator and corporate officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tuberculosis Trials Consortium.
“The goal is take information from bench to bedside for treatments that consider differences in people’s genes, environments, and lifestyles,” she said during the lecture. “It’s dynamic and cutting edge science.”
Dianis was asked to deliver the lecture after being selected for the 2018 Distinguished Alumna Award, awarded at the Dean's Diamond Circle Dinner. She graduated from the School of Nursing’s Adult Primary Nurse Practitioner program in 1985. In 1979, she served as associate clinical chief for medical nursing at Strong Memorial Hospital and clinical instructor at the School of Nursing.
Categories: Alumni