RN First Assistant Program (RNFA)
Prepare to practice as an RNFA with the University of Rochester's RN First Assistant program.

The RN First Assistant (RNFA) program prepares CNORs to take on an expanded role and empowers APRNs to follow their surgical patients throughout the perioperative experience.
The RNFA program—based on Association of Peri-Operative Registered Nurses (AORN) guidelines—is considered an acceptable program for CRNFA or RNAS-C eligibility with the National Assistant at Surgery Certification (NASC).
Course Length
6-week online course
Plus 1.5 in-person experiential skills days at the University of Rochester Medical CenterClinical Internship
200 hours
Clinical internship with a board-certified surgeon preceptor
Application Deadline
March 15
for Summer session
Why the University of Rochester?

RNFA Curriculum
Learn the essential elements of RN First Assistant practice, including scope of practice, the nursing process as a foundation for practice, communication, and operating room safety. During the program, surgeons, RNFAs, and other specialists from the University of Rochester Medical Center will cover use of surgical instruments, tissue handling and wound healing, surgical procedures, and management of perioperative complications.
Program Overview
Julius D. Cheng, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Surgery & Pediatrics
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Donna Steo, MS, RN, CNOR, CNE-cl
Instructor of Clinical Nursing
Connect With Us
Questions about Center for Lifelong Learning courses or programs? Contact us.
EMAIL SONCLL@urmc.rochester.edu
PHONE (585) 275-0446
FAX (585) 273-1270