Student Organizations

The University of Rochester School of Nursing supports various student organizations.

Street Outreach

Bridge the gap between the health care system and people experiencing homelessness in Rochester.

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Rochester Black Nurses Association

Advocate and implement strategies to ensure access to quality care for persons of color.

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Sigma Theta Tau

Improving the health of people worldwide through increasing the scientific base of nursing practice.

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Student Awards & Recognitions

The School of Nursing honors students with various awards, scholarships, and grants throughout the school year, including:

Commencement Awards

Doctoral Student Awards

Sigma Theta Tau Awards


Graduation & Pinning Ceremonies

The University of Rochester Commencement occurs each May to celebrate graduates. The School of Nursing also hosts Pinning Ceremonies every August and December to celebrate the graduation of accelerated nursing students.


Three UR Nursing graduates taking a selfie.

Connect With Us

Have questions? Feedback? Connect with your faculty advisor or program director, or contact the Student Affairs Office.

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