NUR 437 - Pediatric Primary Care I
7 credits ( 2 clinical credits )
- Masters - Family Nurse Practitioner - OLD - 4.0 credits
- Masters - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - OLD - 7.0 credits ( 5.0 didactic hours / 2.0 clinical hours )
- Prerequisite:
NUR 419: Advanced Pharmacology NUR 407: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology; NUR 412 : Advanced Pediatric Health Assessment and Care of Well Children and Adolescent
This is the first in a sequence of three clinical courses designed to prepare students for leadership roles in the advanced nursing care of children and families within a culturally diverse society. Emphasis will be placed on assessment and management strategies with children and adolescents who are well or who are experiencing minor health problems commonly encountered in primary care settings. Course content will be guided by a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives relevant to clinical practice. Students will develop physical and psychosocial assessment and intervention skills specific to the pediatric population, using a diagnostic reasoning process. Clinical practice sites will include a variety of primary care settings.