Course Technology Requirements

Minimum iPad Requirements

As part of our iROC Initiative, students in our Accelerated Bachelor's in Nursing (ABSN) and RN to BS Online programs receive an iPad device optimized with necessary course materials and advanced security features, and that meets the minimum specifications bulleted below.

For School of Nursing students not enrolled in the ABSN or RN to BS Online program who use a personal iPad device, we also recommend the following minimum specifications:

  • iOS version 18.2 or higher
  • 128 GB or more of internal storage
  • Logitech Combo Touch or comparable keyboard case
  • 10.2" screen or larger
  • iPad Model Number (found on back cover and in the Settings > General > About menu) of A2229 or higher

Minimum System Requirements

To ensure compatibility and an uninterrupted learning experience, the School of Nursing requires that students' personal computers must have the following minimum attributes:

Operating System

Windows OS: Windows 10 or higher

macOS: One of the two most recent versions of macOS. When a new major version of macOS is released, the macOS and the previous version.

For the best experience, use the most current build of any operating system specified above. Product functionality and feature availability may vary on older systems. Search Microsoft Lifecycle Policy.

Processor Windows OS: 2.5 (GHz) or faster, i5 core

macOS: Intel processor or Apple Silicon processor
Memory Windows OS: 16 GB RAM

macOS: 16 GB RAM
Hard Drive Space Windows OS: 15% of total hard drive space free

macOS: 20 GB of available disk space

Updates may require additional storage over time.
Office / Documents

There are two options for document editing:

  • Office 365 is the best choice. It is available to matriculated students with a URMC email address. Sign in and download Office 365. Office 365 is also available through a personal subscription plan.
  • Apple iWork (Mac and iOS/iPadOS) offers tools that are similar to Word (Pages), PowerPoint (Keynote), and Excel (Numbers).

Note: Please submit assignments in the format required by your instructor.  For example, if you are using Apple iWork and the instructor would like a Word Document, you should export the file as a .docx.

Internet Browser Please refer to the Supported Browsers and Operating Systems document
Other Peripherals Computer headset with earphones and microphone
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