NUR 458 - Practicum in Advanced Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Role III

4 credits ( 4 clinical credits )

Pre-requisites: NUR 456 and 457


This course provides students with a forum to synthesize knowledge acquired throughout the curriculum and facilitates role and skill development for the advanced FPMH nursing practice for individuals across the lifespan and their families. Students build on prior life span competencies to include: applying family, systems, and organizational theories in facilitating team processes. Students will identify opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, referral and consultation; recognizing system issues; and identifying influences of organizational culture on quality of care. Students integrate legal and ethical considerations in clinical decision-making. Students explore the influence of public policy and develop plans for advocating for organizational and system change to promote quality outcomes within a continuum of mental health services. The seminar format will facilitate the integration of theory with precepted clinical practice. Case presentations and role-plays are utilized as integral components of seminar discussions. Students incorporate evidenced based resources in evaluating clinical performance and case presentation.


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