The Writing Center provides instructional design support for faculty members who teach writing-intensive courses.
We acknowledge the importance of preparing students to write for a wide variety of purposes and audiences. Five types of writing commonly used within the discipline of nursing are:
- Formal, scholarly writing: typical writing assignments found in academia (research papers, literature reviews, formal case studies, policy papers, etc.).
- Technical writing: documentation of patient assessment and care such as nursing care plans and progress notes, symptom analyses, detailed physical assessments (head to toe, nutritional, functional, community, etc.) and writing specific to nursing specializations.
- Writing to educate: material written to educate patients, staff, or student nurses. Attention to learning objectives and health literacy issues are essential in this type of communication, which can include short papers, syllabi, professional posters, brochures, and PowerPoint presentations.
- Informal, or writing to learn: assignments that help learners clarify their thinking, foster the development of higher-level thinking skills, and employ short writing tasks to explore and integrate new concepts. The focus is on idea development rather than correct style, grammar, or spelling. Common assignments include Cornell notes, analytic summaries, journals, reflection papers, annotated bibliographies, blog entries, and online discussion postings.
- Professional communication: resumes, portfolios, personal objectives, letters, emails, etc.
Faculty support is commonly provided in these areas:
- Redesigning writing assignments to engage students
- Clarifying assignment instructions
- Creating rubrics that are easy to use and align with course objectives
- Rethinking how to give students formative feedback
- Using the hierarchy of writing concerns as a way to focus your comments within the student’s cutting edge of learning
If you are interested in working with a writing support specialist, please request support through the link below. You will have the option to meet virtually or in-person.
We look forward to working with you!
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