The School of Nursing aims to create a culture of wellness in which the entire school community functions optimally, finds joy, and thrives.
The School of Nursing is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a culture that promotes wellness and equity for all faculty, staff, and students. We seek to sustain a culture of wellness by supporting attitudes and behaviors that contribute to a positive environment and by providing information, activities, and services designed to enhance emotional and physical well-being.
We believe that a culture of wellness and health promotion can only be achieved if opportunities and resources are fully integrated throughout our missions of education, practice and research, and partnerships that support community health equity and social justice.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Framework for Improving Joy at Work helps to guide the wellness efforts at the School of Nursing, with specific adaptations to identify and address faculty, staff, and student needs. This aligns with The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Health Equity report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, which focuses on nurses’ well-being and provides a structure to reach our wellness strategic goals.
Susan Blaakman
Co-Leader, Wellness Taskforce and Co-Leader Strategic Planning
Natalie Thompson
Co-Leader, Wellness Taskforce
Caroline Nestro
Co-Leader, Wellness Strategic Planning
Lisa Norsen
Faculty, Wellness Taskforce
Patty Corbett-Dick
Faculty, Wellness Taskforce
Aaron Pollard
Staff, Wellness Taskforce
Afiya Farrell
Staff, Wellness Taskforce
Olivia Harrington
Staff, Wellness Taskforce