The PhD in Nursing & Health Science curriculum prepares nurses and other healthcare scientists to conduct research and translate discoveries to practice.
As a PhD student at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, you will work closely with research faculty who are active in research and experts in their field. This rigorous program is reading- and writing-intensive. You should expect to take more time for thinking, writing, and preparing for classes where your active engagement in discussion of what you have prepared will be expected.
Study at the doctoral level requires a self-directed, highly organized work style, as you are gathering and critiquing information on your own dissertation research topic. Having a strong support system while in this program is key to your success.
In pursuit of Meliora, the UR School of Nursing PhD in Nursing & Health Science prepares independent scientists and academics who strive to improve health outcomes and health equity in interdisciplinary, diverse, and inclusive settings.
Program Phases
Below is an overview of what it takes to earn your PhD in Nursing & Health Science at the UR School of Nursing.
Coursework: Two Years
- Full-time coursework (designed to build skills in logical thinking, writing and oral expression) which becomes increasingly specialized over time
- Several days/week of reading and writing outside of class hours
- Four cognate courses (taken anywhere within the University of Rochester) to develop expertise in area of research focus
- Followed by successful completion of qualifying exam
Proposal Development: One to Two Semesters
- Constitution of a dissertation committee
- Participation in Dissertation Workshop in preparation for proposal defense
- Finalization and defense of the dissertation research proposal
Dissertation Research: Six to 18 Months, depending on nature of research
Once the proposal has been successfully defended and research review board approval has been secured, the student conducts the dissertation research project independently under guidance of the committee. The final dissertation is then written, revised with critique from the committee, and defended publicly with a private critique to follow.
Sample Degree Plans
Your plan of study is carefully mapped out with an advisor before you start any coursework. Below are sample degree plans for the PhD in Nursing & Health Science program, for both full-time and part-time status.
See Sample PhD Degree Plan (Part-Time)
A total of 360 hours of Research Assistant (RA) or Teaching Assistant (TA) experience is an academic requirement that must be completed prior to the proposal defense, typically over two to three years. Assistantships prepare students to conduct their dissertation research and assume roles as academic faculty, and they are planned in conjunction with your academic advisor.
The goal of completing RA hours is to gain familiarity with the full scope of clinical research activities. Students should seek exposure to as many aspects of research as possible, both to prepare for their dissertation and to acquire essential skills that may not be developed within the dissertation project.
RA experiences may include grant preparation, screening and consenting patients, data collection, intervention delivery, data entry, and data analysis. TA opportunities in both undergraduate and graduate programs are announced, and students are mentored by the course faculty.
Program Outcomes
- Critique, synthesize, and apply theory and research evidence on clinically relevant issues and problems
- Articulate the contributions of your research and your discipline
- Design, execute, and disseminate clinical research that is rigorous, ethical, theoretically congruent, and clinically and socially significant
- Demonstrate progression toward a leadership role in health science research, education, and policy
- Recognize the importance of mentoring students and facilitating professional advancement of colleagues in clinical and educational settings
- Disseminate information through scholarly presentations and publications to promote the growth of the profession