Drop or Add Courses

To drop or add a course, you should fill out the drop/add form available from the SON Registrar's Office.

Please note:

  • See the School of Nursing's refund schedule for information about financial implications of dropping a course. There are no refunds on Online Prerequisite Courses.
  • Courses added after the first day of classes require instructor's permission.
  • Courses dropped after the drop/add deadline will appear on the official transcript as "withdrawn failing (WE)" or "withdrawn passing (WP)."
  • Courses dropped after the withdrawal deadline will be recorded as "E."

Questions about Courses?

Contact the Registrar's Office with questions about registering for courses at (585) 273-1402 or SONRegistrar@urmc.rochester.edu. For specific questions about your degree plan or course details, please contact your program advisor or director. 

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