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Faculty Development

Our commitment to faculty development - integral to facilitating optimal student outcomes - has greatly contributed to the iROC initiative's success. After integrating a robust support structure featuring an Education Innovation Team, as well as IT and leadership support, our faculty have reimagined their role and what it means to be a nurse educator.

The structure helps to facilitate a collaborative partnership with faculty so that each class has an instructional designer and support specialist assigned to assist with course development, alignment, and implementation of digital technologies in the classroom. The support includes 1:1 sessions with instructional design as well as support in the classroom and lab settings to assist with technology and collaborative activities.

Transformational Tuesdays and Friday Features are monthly, group educational offerings, conducted by instructional design specialists, iPad super-users, and faculty early adopters. These sessions are focused on:

  • active learning strategies
  • implementation of digital technologies
  • aligning course activities with student learning outcomes

Clinical Scholarship Fellowship Program

UR Nursing supports a culture of continuous learning. One example is the UR Nursing Clinical Scholar Fellowship Program which is an internally-funded initiative that demonstrates the school's commitment to support ongoing scholarship among clinical faculty with teaching workload who would benefit from release time to work on their clinical scholarship.

Dependent on funding availability, more than one fellowship may be awarded to top-scoring applicants each fiscal year. Fellows are selected through an application process and work directly with identified mentors throughout the funding period.

The expected outcome is dissemination of scholarly work through publication(s) in a peer-reviewed journal. Faculty members can apply annually to receive one of the two fellowships described below.

  1. Writing for Publication Fellowship: Internal funding (up to 20% FTE for 1 semester) is provided by the Dean to support a scholarly project that is ready for dissemination by a clinical faculty member. Projects may include-but are not limited to-areas such as teaching and learning, scholarly practice, or clinical/organizational innovations.
  2. Clinical Scholar Fellowship: Internal funding (up to 20% FTE for 1 year) is provided by the Dean to support a scholarly project that can be evaluated and disseminated within the timeline of funding. Projects may include - methods in: teaching and learning, scholarly practice, or clinical - organizational-settings; but need to be in alignment with the school's strategic plan.

Read more about the Clinical Scholar Fellowship: UR School of Nursing Internal Fellowship Supports Meaningful Clinical Work.

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